
Boeing discovers new 787 Dreamliner production flaw


On September 8, 2020, Boeing said it has discovered a new manufacturing flaw in its 787, mere days after Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) began investigating the Dreamliner精东影业 production issues.

The manufacturer reported a new problem with the 787精东影业 horizontal stabilizer, the wingtip at the end of the aircraft. According to Boeing, the parts were clamped together with greater force than it was initially designed. 

While the problem may not raise immediate concern, there may emerge issues of premature wear and tear.

The news came two days after the FAA began an investigation over Boeing 787精东影业 fuselage. The authority focused on two problems of the fuselage that raised concerns about the aircraft meeting correct load requirements.

According to , a person briefed on the new issue said it might require an inspection of as many as 900 aircraft.

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