
Aviator provides services for the first Flyr flight

Aviator Airport Alliance

Earlier this year Aviator Airport Alliance, a full-range provider of aviation services at 15 airports across the Nordics and a family member of Avia Solutions Group, signed a partnership agreement with a new Norwegian airline Flyr for ground handling services. Now the airline has had its first flight and Aviator was there to provide them with top quality ground handling services after the landing.

The brand new modern airline Flyr has had its first passenger flight on 30 June, from Oslo to Troms酶. After the landing at the Troms酶 Airport, Aviator has provided the airlines with deice, passenger- and ramp-handling services.

Jo Alex Tanem, CEO of Aviator Airport Alliance, who was onboard the first Flyr flight, had this to say about the historic moment for the new airline and Aviator: 鈥淲e are incredibly proud to be Flyr精东影业 partner and are delighted that we were able to assist them in their very first flight. The first flight to Troms酶 was very well taken care of by our skilled co-workers, and from there on, this will be an exciting journey with Flyr at all our airports.鈥

Bj酶rn Erik Barman-Jenssen, Chief Ground Operations Officer at Flyr, had this to say about the flight and partnership: 鈥淲e are delighted that our first flight was a success. We are incredibly thankful for Aviator for their professional work at Troms酶 airport. I look forward to working with Aviator to further develop this partnership and create a new norm for a friendly airport experience.鈥

Under the partnership, Aviator Airport Alliance will provide Flyr with full passenger- and ramp-handling services, including de-icing, at all Norwegian airports where Aviator operates and Flyr has chosen as a destination: Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger, Troms酶 and Bod酶.

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