
Iran’s Mahan Air sustains cyberattack, data leaked

Amin Nouabahr / Wikipedia

Mahan Air, Iran精东影业 second largest airline, has sustained a serious cyberattack. 

The incident occurred on November 21, 2021. The airline精东影业 website was down for some time, and customers received messages from the hackers, Iranian media . 

Mahan Air acknowledged the attacks, and stated that the problems have been dealt with and subsequent flights will continue according to the schedule. 

Taking to Twitter, the airline said: 鈥淭his is considered a normal occurrence. Mahan Cybersecurity Team has always acted intelligently and in a timely manner, and has thwarted these attacks.鈥 

A group called Hooshyarane Vatan claimed responsibility for the attack. On its social media channels, the group said that it obtained sensitive documents linking Mahan Air to illegal military operations.  

Mahan Air has been linked with IRGC and Quds Force in the past. In 2011, the US Department of Treasury has  Mahan Air as supporter of terrorism, on the account that the airline 鈥provides transportation, funds transfers and personnel travel services to the IRGC-QF”. 

Numerous countries have banned the airline from their airspace, including the US, Saudi Arabia, Germany, and Italy. 

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