
Pakistan International Airlines to resume flights to UK in February

Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has scheduled passenger flights to the United Kingdom. Ìý

According to the official PIA , Pakistan¾«¶«Ó°Òµ national flag carrier will resume passenger flights from Jinnah International Airport (KHI) in Karachi and Allama Iqbal International Airport (LHE) in Lahore to London from February 10, 2022. Ìý

From February 12, 2022, the airline will also expand its flight schedule with air connectivity services from Islamabad (ISB). A one-way ticket between Karachi (KHI) and London (LHR)Ìýwill cost travelersÌýup toÌý€39 (PKR77,750). Flights from Lahore (LHE) will be offeredÌýat the same price.Ìý

The move comesÌýjustÌýweeks after the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) withdrew restrictions barring PIA from flying to the UK. The ICAOÌýconfirmed that the carrier had resolved a safety concernÌýfollowing aÌý2020 scandal,Ìýwhich revealed a large number of Pakistani pilots held dubious commercial pilot licenses.Ìý

Earlier in January 2022, in a letter to Khan Murtaza, the director-general of Pakistan CAA, the authority revealed theÌýconclusions of its 10-day safety audit, which wasÌýconducted in December 2021. TheÌýICAO confirmed that its validation committeeÌýhadÌýreviewed the action taken by Pakistan to address the Significant Safety Concern (SCC) and determined that Pakistan¾«¶«Ó°Òµ CAA hadÌýsuccessfully resolved the issued SCC.  Ìý

Having passed the ICAO safety audit, Pakistan CAA has raised new hopes for state-registered airlines regaining permission for flight operations to the United States, the United Kingdom, and European countries. The move offersÌýPIA aÌýchance to return to its key international markets.Ìý


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