
UK MoD plans to buy more A400M, F-35 aircraft

Richard Whitcombe / Shutterstock.com

The UK Ministry of Defence is planning to buy more A400M military airlifters and F-35 combat aircraft, according to a new plan on defense equipment spending.  

The , published on February 21, 2022, is an annual document that sets out how the MoD plans to manage funding to deliver equipment programs. This latest edition covers the period April 2021 to March 2031.    

The A400M, also known as the Atlas C1, entered service with the Royal Air Force in 2014. It has ordered 22 of the aircraft. The UK has 48 F-35s on order, set to be delivered by 2025. 

The Defence Equipment Plan says that a further tranche of F-35 fighters and more A400M aircraft are among planned investments, although cautions that it depends how affordable the program is.  

It states: 鈥淚n later years of the plan, planned equipment investments worth 拢2.3 billion, including a second tranche of F35 and further A400M aircraft, have not yet been delegated to TLBs and doing so will be dependent on the affordability of the programme as a whole.鈥  

There are six TLBs, or Top Level Budget holders: the Navy, Army, Air, UK Strategic Command, the Defence Nuclear Organisation, and Strategic Programmes. 

A from the National Audit Office states that the additional A400M aircraft are among the largest new investments for the 2021-2031 equipment plans and that they will be purchased from 2028-2029, with a budget of 拢750 million ($1 billion). The F-35s will be purchased from 2027-2028, with a budget of 拢1.4 billion ($1.9 billion) 

nao equipment plan

National Audit Office

Overall, the UK MoD plans to spend 拢238 billion on equipment procurement and support over the ten years from 2021/22, compared to 拢190 billion planned in 2021精东影业 update  

As per April 2021, the MoD estimated that its spending plans would cost 拢234 billion over ten years, meaning the new budget gives a buffer of 拢4.3 billion headroom. 鈥淭his compares with a shortfall of 拢7.3 billion reported last year,鈥 the MoD noted in the spending plan.   


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