
Russia will deliver just half of its planned SSJ100s in 2022: report

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Russia精东影业 United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) will deliver just 10 of a planned 19 Sukhoi Superjet 100 regional jets in 2022,  

This will include two previously decommissioned aircraft that have been refurbished, Izvestiya added, referring to a source within the industry. 

When asked for a comment, Russia精东影业 Ministry of Industry and Trade confirmed that 鈥渁round ten aircraft鈥 will be delivered in 2022.  

In March 2022, Russian Minister of Industry and Trade, Denis Manturov that UAC has enough foreign-made parts to deliver 19 new Superjet 100 aircraft, as well as finish several older inoperable jets.  

In June 2022, Manturov announced an ambitious plan to deliver more than 1000 domestically made airplanes to the country精东影业 airlines by 2030, which translates to more than 100 airplanes per year.  

However, the plan experienced trouble from the get-go, with UAC announcing in early September that it would be delaying the first delivery of the Irkut MC-21 narrow-body airliner to 2025, resulting in its longest delay to the program to date. 

Similarly, the SSJ New, an updated variant of the Superjet 100 where foreign made parts have been replaced by domestically made ones, has also been delayed despite government pledges to speed up development of both aircraft as well as to provide additional funding for the program. 

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