
E-2 Hawkeye early warning aircraft overruns runway in Taiwan

BV3CM / Wikimedia Commons

A Taiwan精东影业 Air Force (ROCAF) E-2K Hawkeye early warning aircraft (AEW) overran the runway of Pingtung Air Base on November 25, 2022. 

鈥淭he Air Force Command stated today that an E-2K aircraft at the Pingtung Base performed a routine training mission in the morning and landed at 11:08,鈥 Taiwan精东影业 Military News Agency reported. 鈥淭he aircraft deviated from the Pingbei runway.鈥 

The Hawkeye came to rest on the soft ground by the runway. All crew members were reported safe. An investigation was opened to identify the causes of the incident. 

Located on the southwestern coast of Taiwan, Pingtung Air Base is a former joint-use airport that was entirely taken over by the ROCAF in 2011. It currently houses the 6th Tactical Mixed Wing.  

Since 2000, the wing includes the 20th Electronic Warfare Group, which operates two E-2K aircraft, a Taiwanese variant of the Northrop Grumman E-2C Hawkeye Airborne Early Warning Aircraft. 


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