
Archer Aviation reveals three Midnight eVTOL aircraft are on the assembly line聽聽聽

Archer Aviation Midnight eVTOL
Archer Aviation

Archer Aviation has announced that three of its 鈥楳idnight鈥 electric vehicle takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft are currently being constructed at the facility in San Jose, California. 

All three eVTOLs will conform to the intended type design for (FAA) certification and will take part in piloted testing later this year.聽聽

The first Midnight aircraft is expected to begin final assembly in the coming weeks, while all three will be used to in 鈥榝or-credit鈥 flight testing with the FAA as the company progresses towards commercialization. 

Before 鈥榝or-credit鈥 testing can take place, Archer will use the aircraft to complete its piloted test campaign.聽

鈥淭he key to achieving FAA certification is flying a conforming aircraft. I believe we are positioned to be the first in the sector to do so,鈥 Archer Founder and CEO Adam Goldstein, said. 鈥淔rom day one, Archer精东影业 strategy has been to build an aircraft that is certifiable and manufacturable at scale. This focus is what has allowed us to move quicker and more efficiently than any other company in the industry over the last few years.鈥 

In a statement issued on January 30, 2024, Archer confirmed it had successfully completed Phase 1 of its flight test campaign.    

Phase 2 of its flight-testing program will include wing-borne transition flights.   

If Phase 2 is successfully completed, Archer will then move to Phase 3, which will involve simulated commercial operations between two points under near-real conditions.   

Following all three stages being completed Archer will move onto 鈥榝or-credit鈥 flight testing with the FAA.聽

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