Valius Venckunas, Author at 精东影业 Aviation news Fri, 08 Dec 2023 10:19:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /images/cropped-logo-sm-32x32.png Valius Venckunas, Author at 精东影业 32 32 Top 10 supersonic business jets to look out for in the future /articles/29316-top-10-supersonic-business-jets Wed, 05 Jul 2023 12:53:27 +0000 The return of supersonic travel is an appealing thought. It has been 76 years since Chuck Yeager broke…

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The return of supersonic travel is an appealing thought. It has been 76 years since Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier in level flight for the first time, and over 50 years since Concorde made supersonic travel a reality for the paying public. However, no modern airliners can fly faster than sound.听

But maybe it’s time to try again?  

With all the wonders of modern materials, digital engineering, and the bottomless pockets of celebrity billionaires, surely it’s possible to bring supersonic commercial aircraft back to the skies. Perhaps skilled engineers could build a supersonic jet that is almost as cheap and quiet as regular subsonic airplanes. And if the affordable part doesn’t work out, maybe business aviation could step in.

Are supersonic planes coming back?

Are supersonic planes coming back? It certainly seems so. Dozens of projects to build commercial supersonic aircraft have been initiated, and some prominent airlines have already announced plans to .  

However, as of 2023, no new supersonic airliner has taken to the skies. Nonetheless, several firms are currently in the process of testing the technologies that could be used in these planes. 

The primary challenge in bringing back supersonic travel lies in reducing the disruptive effect of the sonic boom. When an aircraft flies faster than the speed of sound, it generates a strong sound wave that can shatter windows and cause injuries.

This is why the Concorde, the only supersonic airliner to see extensive use, was limited to flying over oceans. Many countries have codified these restrictions into law, allowing supersonic flight only for military jets when absolutely necessary. Overcoming this challenge and finding a solution to minimize the sonic boom is crucial for the revival of supersonic commercial air travel. 

British Airways Concorde G-BOAB coming into land with landing gear fully extended
John Selway / Shutterstock

Is supersonic flight illegal?

In many countries, including the United States (US), commercial supersonic flight remains banned. However, attempts are underway to change this. In 2020, the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) established a special corridor over Kansas for testing civilian supersonic aircraft. If these tests prove successful, and the new aircraft do not produce destructive supersonic booms, the ban may eventually be lifted.听

Thus, a lot hinges on the efforts to develop these ‘quiet’ supersonic jets. With private companies and government agencies such as NASA heavily involved, it seems that just one successful demonstration could be enough to prove the viability of the concept. 

As such, it feels as though barely a day goes by without the announcement of another supersonic business jet project. While some disappear after a couple of press releases, others manage to raise significant funds. Their sheer number makes it challenging to keep track of them all. 

Here at 精东影业, we’ve taken an in-depth look at the existing proposals and consolidated them into an easily digestible list, making it simple to monitor their progress over the coming year. Proposals are ranked by their level of realism and proximity to completion. Regrettably, we’ve had to exclude projects that have either stalled or been discontinued 鈥 for example, the S and Boeing 2707

Research aircraft, such as the Lockheed Martin X-59 QueSST, are also omitted as they do not carry passengers.

Nasa Quiet Supersonic Technology Low-Boom Flight Demonstrator
Lockheed Martin Corporation / Wikimedia

With one notable exception, hypersonic proposals 鈥 those promising to fly faster than Mach 5, or five times the speed of sound 鈥 have been excluded. While projects by Hermeus, and HyperMach are certainly exciting, they are too complex to be deemed realistic in the short term. Hypersonic commercial flight represents the next step, but this is only achievable once supersonic transports have proven their worth. 

Hermeus Quarterhorse prototype
Hermeus / Wikimedia

So, without further ado, let’s explore the 10 most promising supersonic business jet projects to look out for in the future, starting with the least promising ones.

Honorable mention: Aerion SBJ, AS2 and AS3

First, it’s essential to mention an influential player that has recently fallen out of the race. 

For quite some time, it appeared that Aerion 鈥 a venture by Texan billionaire Robert Bass 鈥 was at the forefront of the supersonic race. The company secured prominent financiers and engineers, and its natural laminar flow design, promising to greatly increase the aircraft’s efficiency, was very promising. 

In 2004, the Aerion SBJ was unveiled, boasting a capability of carrying up to 12 passengers at Mach 1.6 鈥 nearly twice the speed of conventional airliners. By 2014, it was replaced by an updated model called the Aerion AS2, equipped with several futuristic design features, allowing it to produce almost no sonic boom while cruising at Mach 1.2. Then, in March 2021, the company revealed the Aerion AS3, a near-hypersonic version capable of cruising at Mach 4, or four times the speed of sound. 

However, behind the scenes, trouble was brewing. Aerion had initially partnered with Airbus on the development. By 2017, Airbus had severed ties with the company, but Aerion received support from Lockheed Martin and General Electric. Yet, both of these companies also withdrew from the project in 2019. Boeing stepped in to partner with Aerion, coincidentally, at the same time the American aerospace giant was grappling with the 737 MAX debacle

By the beginning of 2021, Aerion had accumulated more than 300 orders, completed wind tunnel testing for some models, and even started building a factory in Florida. But in May 2021, the company collapsed, reportedly due to a lack of funding. Thus, the dream of the sleek red fuselage of the AS2 gliding above the clouds, faster and smoother than any aircraft before it, was shattered, never to see the light of day. 

Abdulrahman B04 / Wikimedia

Now that we’ve addressed the story of Aerion, let’s turn our attention back to the supersonic projects that currently hold more promise. 

Top 10 supersonic business jets

10. SAI Quiet SuperSonic Transport (QSST)

The X-59 QueSST technology demonstrator, a collaboration between Lockheed Martin and NASA, is scheduled to conduct its . It is a poster child of the supersonic race, and is intended to test the possibility of reducing sonic boom 鈥 the very thing that limited the operations of first generation supersonic airliners.

Not many people know that the roots of the X-59 date back to a particular business jet 鈥 the QSST, in development by Supersonic Aerospace International (SAI). The company, created by Michael Paulson, the son of Gulfstream founder Allen Paulson, Lockheed Martin精东影业 Skunk Works division to develop a 12-seat, Mach 1.8 aircraft which would produce virtually no sonic boom in cruise flight.

But the development was plagued by problems. By 2010 the company had , only to reemerge in 2013 with a new project 鈥 a larger and sleeker supersonic jet. However, new publicity did not help to generate more funds, and the project stalled. On the strength of Lockheed Martin精东影业 work for SAI, NASA selected it to build the X-59.

But what happened to SAI and its plans? Nobody knows. The company精东影业 website still the last update from 2014, and Michael Paulson, Allen精东影业 son, has disappeared from public view. Yet, a lot of money and time was poured into the development. Could SAI emerge again?

SAI Quiet SuperSonic Transport (QSST)
Supersonic Aerospace International

9. EON nxt-01

was founded by South African billionaire and tech entrepreneur, Priven Reddy. In August 2021 he鈥痑nnounced the launch of his own aerospace startup 鈥 L.E.A.P., short for Leading Edge Aviation Propulsion (not to be confused with鈥痶he LEAP, a successful turbofan engine by CFM international). 

Since then L.E.A.P. has been quietly鈥痳enamed Eon but has retained its ambitious plans. The first product from the company 鈥 the nxt-1 鈥 is supposed to use quiet sonic boom technology, have the speed of Mach 1.9, and fly at an altitude of 60,000 feet (18,000 meters). 

The company also promises to operate with net-zero carbon emissions, develop a bladeless engine for the improved version of the jet, and conduct the first service by 2029. The aircraft will have between 65 and 88 seats, which would make it viable for airlines. Nevertheless, just as with any aircraft, it can have a bizjet variant. If built, it most likely will.

It also promises to feature the same low-boom technology from the X-59 QueSST demonstrator, which would mean that the nxt-01 could fly above land without shattering windows and eardrums with its sonic boom. 

Eon精东影业 promises are attractive. Yet, the company does not have any experience in aerospace manufacturing and has not demonstrated any achievements besides a host of beautiful 3D renders of its upcoming product. Can it fulfill its promises? Let精东影业 hope so. 

EON nxt-01
Eon Aerospace

8. Unnamed Russian supersonic jet

Russia had countless projects to build small supersonic commercial aircraft throughout the years. It all started with鈥the proposal鈥痶o convert the MiG-25 supersonic interceptor for passenger service in the early 1960s and never stopped. 

There was the鈥Tupolev Tu-144, and several initiatives in the 1990s, and several more in the 2000s. But the real kick-start was given in 2018 when Russian President Vladimir Putin floated the idea of adapting the Tu-160 strategic bomber for passenger service. As bizarre as that idea was, it prompted 搁耻蝉蝉颈补精东影业 United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) to react and produce some viable concepts for a small supersonic jet. 

The latest news is that drone company 颈蝉鈥going to manufacture鈥痑n unmanned technology demonstrator for the project, but neither deadlines nor specifications are clear. It is only鈥痥nown that several variants are being studied 鈥 among them an eight-seat business jet and a 30-seat airliner, both capable of flying at Mach 1.8, having a range of up to 8,000 kilometers, and featuring an indigenous version of the low-boom design. 

While it has been鈥announced鈥痶hat the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is interested in collaborating with Russia on the project, its future is unclear. In April 2021, the head of state conglomerate Rostec鈥called鈥痶he project 鈥渆conomically unfeasible鈥. Rostec actually owns UAC, so, if the parent company does not see much point in pursuing the project, it might follow the fate of dozens of previous supersonic transports proposed in Russia. 

Kronshtadt supersonic jet supersonic jet

7. Unnamed Chinese hypersonic jet

This is the one and only exception to the rule of excluding hypersonic projects in 精东影业精东影业 list. 

Recently, China has proposed a lot of strange and science fiction-inspired aircraft concepts. Among them is the idea of building a six-seat hypersonic commercial aircraft by 2035. While the development is very secretive, the goal is clear, and it has a deadline 鈥 the latter being a feature that most other hypersonic proposals lack.

颁丑颈苍补精东影业 progress with hypersonics actually lends credibility to this idea, and since the development is being conducted by government-funded research institutions, it does not have to abide by the ever-present laws of commerce. This means that China might build it despite no promise of profits.

chinese hypersonic jet
Science China Press

6. Unnamed Virgin Galactic supersonic aircraft

Richard Branson精东影业 Virgin Galactic announced its entry into the market in August 2020. The aircraft will carry 19 people at an altitude of 60,000 feet (18,000 meters) and at the speed of Mach 3, the company said.

On their own, those numbers look impressive 鈥 most other supersonic bizjet projects barely scratch Mach 2, and are somewhat smaller. But it is difficult to tell how seriously the company takes this project as no further information has been revealed 鈥 no deadlines, no costs, nothing. Is Virgin Galactic精东影业 project just a way to attract attention?

On the other hand, the company has demonstrated that it can impress – when its Unity flew Branson to the edge of space. Maybe, one day, the supersonic jet project will take off too.

5. Lockheed Martin Quiet Supersonic Technology Airliner (QSTA)

Lockheed Martin is the first entry on our list which seems to have a decent chance of coming to fruition.

The company worked on the X-59 QueSST for the better part of the past decade, gaining knowledge and know-how on quiet supersonic flight technology. After partnerships with SAI and Aerion failed one after another, Lockheed Martin decided to do the job itself.

Its was unveiled in 2019 鈥 a 40-seat Mach 1.8 project with a V-tail and a range of 5,200 nautical miles (9,600 kilometers). By 2023, Lockheed Martin hopes to achieve significant milestones by testing the X-59, and begin designing the QSTA in earnest.听

The aircraft is going to be a bit bigger than a regular business jet. Nevertheless, if successful, it will probably have a bizjet variant, especially if Lockheed Martin manages to be one of the first companies to build a commercial supersonic aircraft with low-boom features.

Lockheed Martin Quiet Supersonic Technology Airliner (QSTA)
Lockheed Martin Corporation / Wikimedia

4. Unnamed Japanese supersonic jet

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has been mulling the idea of a supersonic commercial jet for quite some time, and even tested a small-scale prototype in 2005. 

In June 2021, JAXA organized a body called the Japan Supersonic Research (JSR) council, which includes Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Heavy industries and Subaru 鈥 all that would consume at least 13% less fuel and have a 50% smaller sonic boom than the Concorde.

No further information was revealed but, judging by the companies involved, it seems like a solid project.

Japan aerospace 2016 JAXA Smail supersonic airliner
Strak Jegan / Wikimedia

3. Exosonic Supersonic Jet

is simple: it wants to make a 70-seat Mach 1.8 passenger plane which, in terms of individual tickets, would be as cheap as a regular business class ticket today.鈥

This does seem like a bit of a stretch given that other supersonic transport proposals involve either smaller speeds, smaller capacities, or avoiding talking about the price. But, in September 2020, Exosonic鈥was awarded鈥痑 contract by the US Air Force Presidential and Executive Airlift Directorate 鈥 the agency that runs the United States Presidential and Executive Airlift fleet.听

On top of that, in October 2021 Exosonic secured鈥another big contract鈥痜or supersonic drones, which suggests that the US government takes the company seriously.听

Exosonic aims to achieve certification for its aircraft by the year 2029. 

 2. Spike S-512

is a bit of a mystery. On the one hand, it is one of the most successful and prominent supersonic transport projects of this new generation. It was established in 2014, tested a subscale prototype by 2017, and has been staying in the zeitgeist with constant updates.听

On the other hand, little is known about the company and its projects beyond several 3D renders and an ever-receding deadline. Initially, it promised to operate the jet by 2018; as of late-2023, no tangible results have been published even though deliveries were promised to start in 2023 鈥 even the demonstrator flights have been kept secret with no pictures or results revealed.听

Nevertheless, it does seem to hold a lot of promise. Spike精东影业 business jet is expected to be a low-boom, Mach 1.6 capable aircraft configurable to carry between 12 and 18 passengers. One of its main features is the windowless cabin, with screens all over the walls. The idea could certainly make the engineering of the plane easier, but it is yet to be successfully implemented or tested.

1. Boom Overture

Together with Spike and Aerion, Boom Technology is one of the most talked-about companies, and one of the leading voices in supersonic flight research. The concept for the Overture airliner was revealed in 2016 and has undergone significant changes since then as the firm researched the market. 

Boom精东影业 concept is much simpler than those of its competitors: its top speed is only Mach 1.7, and the aircraft does not have any ultra-modern features such as a windowless cabin or even a low-boom design. While this means that the Overture would only be allowed to fly over oceans, it could make up for that with a cheaper price and shorter development time.听

The company is very close to the demonstrator’s test flight,鈥received鈥痑 contract from the US Air Force, and accepted several dozen orders from major airlines. It expects to test a full-scale prototype of the Overture by 2026 and begin mass-producing the jet by the end of the 2020s.听

Presenting itself as a successor to the Concorde project 鈥 even down to hiring people who worked on the legendary jet 鈥 Boom Technology is aiming high. And while the aircraft itself seems unremarkable when compared with other entries on this list, it also appears to be the most realistic and has the highest probability of being built.

There is, however, one more hurdle standing in the way of realizing these supersonic projects: their potential impact on the climate. 

Are supersonic planes environmentally friendly?

Environmental regulations in many countries have increased dramatically since the first generation of supersonic jets, and the public精东影业 awareness of how important it is to reduce emissions has risen. On top of that, the output of emissions is directly tied to the consumption of fuel. More efficient aircraft which pollute less are also a lot cheaper to fly 鈥 an equation which determined the incredible rise in鈥痚fficiency (and鈥size) in the last generation of aircraft engines.听

Not inherently, but they have the potential to be. The aviation industry has made significant strides in reducing its environmental footprint in recent years, and many companies assert they can hold their supersonic innovations to the same standards.听

Almost every company mentioned in this list highlights the efficiency and minimal environmental impact of their forthcoming jets in their promotional materials, expressing their intent to greatly improve upon Concorde’s less-than-impressive emissions record.听

So, can companies promising to accelerate aviation also deliver on their promise to make it more eco-friendly? Time will certainly be the judge. 

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Plane embarrassment: when militaries use the wrong jet for publicity /articles/plane-embarrassment-when-militaries-use-the-wrong-jet-for-publicity Tue, 11 Apr 2023 03:00:00 +0000 /?p=71496 Aircraft recognition is a skill most people will never need in their lives. However, in some cases, this…

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Aircraft recognition is a skill most people will never need in their lives. However, in some cases, this skill becomes extremely important and means the difference between winning the hearts and minds of the populace or a horrible embarrassment. 

Time and time again, graphic designers who work for the military have made mistakes and errors that have unintentionally celebrated potential adversaries. Let精东影业 take a look at some of the most interesting examples. 

Russian jets for the US Air Force 

For some reason, Russian-made fourth-generation fighter jets 鈥 the MiG-29, the Sukhoi Su-27, and their numerous derivatives 鈥 are misused the most often.  

One of the most notorious cases of misuse came in 2020 when the re-election campaign for US President Donald Trump posted this picture across its media. 

Above the call to support US troops, the silhouettes of several soldiers are visibly brandishing Russian-made equipment including the Kalashnikov pattern assault rifle. In the sky above are three MiG-29 fighter jets. 

The designers of the poster used a stock image without realizing that it depicts Russian soldiers and jets. A scandal ensued, and even the creator of the original image about how well the incident fit the political landscape of 2020. 

However, it精东影业 not just political marketeers who confuse aircraft. Designers working for the military are sometimes just as susceptible. 

In 2021, the United States Southern Command congratulated the US Air Force on its birthday by placing a poster across social media. But the poster contained iconic silhouettes of three Soviet- or Russian-made Sukhoi Su-27 fighter jets.  

by in

Truth be told, the USAF operated Su-27s on numerous occasions in order to evaluate the aircraft used by potential adversaries. However, those cases were likely not the reason that the Southern Command featured the jet in its poster. Soon after, the tweet was deleted. 

Chinese Raptors 

The US is not the only country where such mishaps happen. China is another country that is regarded as glorifying its military in posters. One poster in 2017 featured an interesting arrangement. 

It showed a pair of Chengdu J-10 jets seemingly taking off from an aircraft carrier 鈥 a feat this model of aircraft is not capable of. Along with them, a MiG-35 was taking off, too. Not only is this aircraft not carrier-borne, but it also has never been exported from Russia (and has never reached mass production). Two US-made assault ships sailing in the background complete the picture.  

Soon after publication, the Chinese defense ministry for the mistake and the picture was scrubbed from its website. 

Another case where the Chinese officials did not apologize happened in 2021. 

A billboard was erected promoting the People精东影业 Liberation Army Air Force which featured three USAF fighter jets: two F-15s and one F-22. Furthermore, a pilot with an Italian flag on his sleeve gave a thumbs-up, seemingly while soaring above the clouds with an open canopy. The pilot is in fact European Space Agency astronaut . 

It seems that the designers tried to cover the Italian flag with the Chinese one. But for some reason the flag was misplaced, appearing on the pilot精东影业 chest instead. 

by in

Russian subtilities  

The tendency for Russian designers to feature seemingly random black-and-white photos (some including , for example) in posters commemorating WWII has . However, some of them are more extreme.  In one such example, a cockpit of a German Junkers Ju-88 bomber was portrayed, along with the inscription 鈥淭hey fought for the motherland!鈥 

In more cases than one, Russians have displayed an American jet as their own. In 2018, a poster of a nationalist political party 鈥楻odina鈥 (at the time led by Dmitry Rogozin) displayed an F-15 fighter jet in desert camouflage along with the inscription 鈥淭he motherland is always right.鈥 

And in 2022 another billboard, eliciting support for 搁耻蝉蝉颈补精东影业 invasion of Ukraine, featured the F/A-18. 

However, the most embarrassing mishap happened a few months later. Following the death of a Russian pilot, a commemorative plaque was installed in the school of the pilot精东影业 hometown. The plaque featured a Su-27 fighter jet 鈥 likely similar to the one the pilot used to fly. However, the jet bore the marks of the Ukrainian Air Force. 

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Florida man uses ChatGPT to land an airplane, saves family /articles/florida-man-uses-chatgpt-to-land-an-airplane-saves-family Sat, 01 Apr 2023 06:00:00 +0000 /?p=71258 A Florida man used a popular chatbot app to land an airplane after both pilots became incapacitated, local…

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A Florida man used a popular chatbot app to land an airplane after both pilots became incapacitated, local media has reported.  

According to witness statements, the feat is 鈥渘othing short of a miracle鈥 and has made them 鈥渞eally think about the future of AI鈥. 

What happened? 

Global View News Florida first broke the story. According to the report, the incident took place onboard a Floridian Skyways Boeing 737, flying from San Juan Airport (SJU) to Tampa International Airport (TPA), on April 1, 2023.听

While approaching TPA, the pilot notified flight control that he felt dizzy and that the first officer had passed out. Shortly after, the crew squawked emergency code 7700 and stopped responding to flight control. 

According to tracking data, the aircraft experienced a significant drop in altitude, followed by a quick recovery and stabilization at a height of just 300 feet (91 meters) above the Gulf of Mexico. 

According to GVN Florida, John Williams, 45, was traveling back from a vacation in Puerto Rico with his wife, and two children, entered the cockpit, and took control of the plummeting aircraft with the help of the ChatGPT app on his phone.  

鈥淚 whipped out the app and yelled, 鈥榯ell me how to fly a plane鈥,鈥 Williams is quoted as saying in the report.  

鈥淭he app starts explaining what knob to turn and what lever to pull and whatnot, and there you go, I鈥檓 flying the damn plane!鈥 Williams added.  

It is currently unclear how Williams was able to enter the cockpit during the uncontrolled dive. According to the report, the passenger had been on his way to the lavatory when he had 鈥渇elt something fishy was going on鈥 and decided to enter the cockpit. 

Pilot cabin doors are typically locked during flights.  

Miraculous landing 

精东影业 was able to contact Daisy [the name has been changed to retain anonymity 鈥 精东影业], who was on the flight and witnessed the event. 

“The landing was really smooth,” she said. “It seemed far smoother than any other low-cost airline landing I’ve witnessed.” 

In the aftermath of the incident, Floridian Skyways shared a tweet by Passengers for Smoother Landings, a non-governmental organization, which describes itself as 鈥渁 grassroots movement which has never received a single cent from corporate backers.鈥 

鈥淗ow the hell do airlines still allow human pilots to fly the planes? Dangerous and irresponsible. Put AI in charge of flying NOW!鈥 the tweet said. 

The tweet has been shared by a number of other low-cost airlines around the world. 

Technology with great potential 

Previous statements by Floridian Skyways show that the company has already tried outsourcing some work to artificial intelligence (AI). On March 20, 2023, the airline published a press release claiming that it had begun to experiment with AI assistants designed to help cabin crew distribute and manage catering on some of its routes. 

鈥淲e can鈥檛 wait for our passengers and crews to taste all the delicious treats our attendants are going to prepare with the help of our new algorithms,鈥 the airline said in the statement.  

精东影业 contacted Floridian Skyways for a comment. 

While we take the aviation industry seriously, we also believe in the importance of having a sense of humor. On April Fools’ Day, we thought it would be fun to share a lighthearted article that is not meant to be taken seriously. Please keep in mind that the information in this article is purely fictional and not based on any factual events. We hope it brings a smile to your face and provides a brief escape from the seriousness of everyday news and announcements in the industry.

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Loyal wingmen: the cyberpunk future of aerial warfare /articles/25825-loyal-wingmen-the-cyberpunk-future-of-aerial-warfare Thu, 30 Mar 2023 03:00:00 +0000 A swarm of small, fast, cockpit-less fighter jets are flying in a tight circle around an F-35 Lightning…

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A swarm of small, fast, cockpit-less fighter jets are flying in a tight circle around an F-35 Lightning II, reacting to its every move, waiting for a command. They will scout ahead, attack or sacrifice themselves if needed, relying on their outstanding reaction time and precision to execute maneuvers that human pilots could never achieve. This is the way many nations envision the air combat of the future.

But why?

There are several problems with the current generation of combat aircraft. The first is that they are incredibly expensive. One F-35 costs between $77 million and $102 million. Taking inflation into account, that is almost 200 times more than what the state-of-the-art P-51 Mustang cost in 1945. Even 鈥榗heaper鈥 stealth fighters like the J-20 or the Su-57 are estimated to have a price tag of at least $50 million, not including massive operating costs. 

The second problem is the increasing cost of human (and especially a pilot精东影业) life. Economically speaking, a life often has an actual, although somewhat vague and fluctuating, dollar rate attached to it. The rate indicates how much a nation is willing to pay to avoid the death of one of its citizens. Not only is that cost steadily rising, but the political consequences of losing a soldier are becoming increasingly acute for many governments. An even bigger problem is the cost of pilot training that is creeping into the tens of millions for the newest stealth fighters requiring exceptional skills to operate.鈥 

The answer to both problems is obvious: drones. As many conflicts show, drones are excellent in situations where reconnaissance or ground attack is needed, mostly due to long endurance capabilities. Their pilots can also take greater risks. That is why, for example, the United States鈥痗ontinues to lose its unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) while鈥痯erforming missions in hostile environments without batting an eye.鈥 

But there is a difference between long-endurance missions in uncontested environments and peer-to-peer combat. Coordinated ground attack and support, and especially air to air combat, poses several challenges for the current generation of drones. 

One of those challenges is ethical, as many national and international restrictions require a human to make the decision to kill. Another one is the risk of electronic attacks, connection issues, and other communication interference. Lastly, most current drones, even the stealth ones, are not exactly built for pitched combat. Pretty much anything that flies can carry air-to-air missiles but attaching a鈥疭idewinder to an MQ-9 Reaper鈥痙oes not turn a slow, clunky drone into a fighter. 

Nevertheless, combat drones can not only cut costs and save pilot lives, but they also have all the prerequisites to be better than humans at fighting. They have a faster reaction time than any human and can execute complex procedures with unrivalled precision. Complicated tasks, such as air combat, rely on both of those skills. Psychology also plays a part. Pilots can be scared, intimidated, or become sloppy after not practicing for several months, while computers do not have that issue. Add to that the ability to endure G-forces that would crush a human into a pancake, and it comes as no surprise that artificial intelligence (AI) will鈥. 

So, the ideal here is to have combat-capable drones controlled by an advanced AI with a pilot somewhere nearby overseeing and directing their actions to avoid mistakes in judgement and any legal issues. UAVs must function alongside manned fighters, acting as one system, utilizing the computer精东影业 reaction time and precision, but relying on humans for judgement.鈥 

That is exactly the premise of a concept nicknamed 鈥渓oyal wingman鈥, one of the trending buzzwords in the world of military aviation. 

Teaming up systems

The first steps towards the concept were made in 2014, when the Dassault nEUROn stealth drone performed a much-publicized formation flight with a Rafale fighter and a Falcon 7X business jet. Although the flight was human-controlled, one of the aims of the nEUROn program, launched in early 2000s, was to test algorithms necessary for autonomous combat performance and the place of human factor in the mission loop. That is to develop a framework for actions of AI-controlled drones in a combat environment.鈥 

The task is difficult. If the concept of 鈥渓oyal wingman鈥 is to be fully realized, we are talking not only about cooperation between numerous drones and their ability to take initiatives, perform attacks, and react to threats, but also to rely on one pilot to approve decisions and control in critical situations. An algorithm for multiple machines performing as a team with a human need to be developed. 

In 2018, Airbus announced that it had successfully tested a manned-unmanned teaming technology, where five target drones performed as a team while being controlled by an airborne mission group commander. A special human-machine interface, teaming and swarming algorithms, and mission management systems were demonstrated, resulting in a ballet of jet-powered drones in the air over the Baltic Sea. It was a demonstration of a 鈥渟ystem of systems鈥 (another buzzword), meaning the ability of different systems to pool their strengths to reach a performance exceeding the sum of its parts.鈥 

Although the mission of the 鈥渓oyal wingman鈥 software is clear, there are several approaches to hardware. The most obvious is to develop unmanned versions of actual combat jets, something several 5++ generation and 6th generation fighter projects are expected to have. 搁耻蝉蝉颈补精东影业 apparently discontinued MiG-41 program, and the United States Navy精东影业 F/A-XX program among others, were intended to develop unmanned jets for especially dangerous missions. While this would solve the pilot problem, it still fails to mitigate the rising aircraft costs. 

Another approach is the idea of having a swarm of purpose-built disposable drones. Airbus鈥 test was part of the development of the Future Combat Air System, a joint European 6th-generation fighter project intended to capitalize on the nEUROn精东影业 research. From the ground up, it was designed as a team composed of a new manned fighter jet and several 鈥渞emote carriers鈥, small and medium parasite UAVs. Their exact functions and capabilities may vary, with the smaller ones apparently being intended for Intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance (ISTAR), as well as shielding manned aircraft from enemy fire.听

Some such aircraft could also perform narrowly focused attack missions, carrying air-to-air missiles to extend their range. This concept is currently being explored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in its LongShot program, which aims to develop small disposable drones carried by fighters and bombers. Launched at a long range, such drones would have the purpose of closing the distance to the enemy before launching missiles, acting as a booster stage for carious guided weapons. 

Yet another way would be to combine the capabilities of various approaches by having cheaper, smaller versions of fighter jets, or rather small cheap drones with a capability to carry weapons. This kind of 鈥渓oyal wingmen鈥 is by far the most developed, or at least the most publicized at the present time.鈥 

Flight of the Valkyrie-ish

The poster child for the mixed approach is the XQ-58 Valkyrie. Often described as an 鈥渦nmanned fighter jet鈥, it is a technology demonstrator developed by US aerospace industry newcomer Kratos Defence & Security Solutions and had been undergoing continuous testing since 2019. According to the manufacturer, the aircraft can reach high-subsonic speeds, has decent maneuverability and stealth characteristics, and can carry up to 250 kilograms of ordinance in internal weapon bays. The final production version is predicted to cost between $2 and $3 million, on par with some anti-air missiles. The company also offers even cheaper non-stealthy UTAP-22 Mako 鈥渓oyal wingman鈥 based on their aerial target drone. 

XQ-58A Valkyrie
XQ-58 Valkyrie鈥(U.S. Department of Defense / Wikipedia)

In 2020, Kratos received a contract for the United States Air Force精东影业 Skyborg program, intended to further develop the 鈥渓oyal wingman鈥 concept. The program has an emphasis on AI systems that could both control drones and act as co-pilots on manned aircraft. Initially the program saw 13 companies offering hardware and software solutions to be used in upcoming loyal wingmen. In early 2021 three were selected for further work.  

One of the selectees is Kratos and its XQ-58 Valkyrie. Since then, small batches of the drone were purchased by both the US Air Force and the US Navy, and have continued to be tested. 

General Atomics was also selected, and its proposal is curious. Instead of developing a low-cost clean-sheet design, the company offered a modified MQ-20 Avenger drone. General Atomics鈥 promotional material portrayed the aircraft as carrying air-to-air missiles and performing air defense tasks. Since becoming a part of Skyborg, the Avenger has been used to test new software for autonomous flight and likely represents a heavier, long-range loyal wingman. 

The third company chosen for the program was Boeing. In mid-2020 it presented its own take on the concept by unveiling the Airpower Teaming System, intended as a drone with fighter-like capabilities, developed by Boeing Australia for the Royal Australian Air Force. Boeing began to intensively test the concept, which it named the MQ-28A Ghost Bat, a year later, with both the Australian and the US service in mind.听 听听

At some point between 2021 and 2022 Boeing appeared to have dropped out of the Skyborg program and focused on independently developing the project. Nevertheless, Skyborg continued with three airframes: the MA-20 Avenger, the MQ-58 Valkyrie, and the UTAP-22 Mako. The Skyborg Autonomy Control System, an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm used to control the aircraft, was developed, and flown on a range of aircraft. Finally, the X-62A VISTA (Variable Stability In-Flight Simulator Test Aircraft), a modified F-16 fighter jet, was attached to the program and performed a series of flights becoming the first fully autonomous fighter jet. 

The USAF is not the only entity working on the idea of dedicated loyal wingmen. Airbus has been continuously updating its concept of loyal wingmen to accompany the FCAS, unveiling new designs and revamping old ones. The UK-led Tempest project was envisioned with a similar concept in mind. Initially a drone named 鈥淢osquito鈥 was developed, only to be replaced by several cheaper projects designed to accompany Eurofighter Typhoons, F-35s and Tempests.鈥 

When the Russian Sukhoi S-70 Okhotnik was first unveiled, its capability to function in鈥conjunction with a Su-57 fighter jet鈥痺as heavily emphasized. So far, its role extends only to reconnaissance and ground attack, as nothing has been said of Okhotnik精东影业 air-to-air potential.鈥 

In August 2020, Russian company Kronshtadt, manufacturer of the鈥Orion drone, revealed a mockup of the Grom, a Valkyrie-like loyal wingman, referred to as an unmanned stealth attack aircraft. According to the company, it could protect Russian Su-35 and Su-57鈥痜ighter jets from anti-aircraft fire and carry ground attack and reconnaissance missions on its own. However, neither production deadlines nor information regarding its flight characteristics or AI systems have been disclosed, and no information regarding the project has since been revealed.鈥 

Japan is another nation currently exploring the concept, announcing the development of Combat Support Unmanned Aircraft (CSUAs). These are medium- and large-sized combat drones made for, respectively, scouting, and air-to-air combat. The Japanese military appears to have been putting more emphasis on autonomous operations of CSUAs and, although little information about the project has been revealed, it is expected to result in a prototype by 2025 and full operational capability by 2035. 

China is even more secretive. There is no doubt it is working on its own 鈥渓oyal wingmen鈥, but the only breadcrumbs offered are from several articles from the state newspaper Global Times, where Chinese next-generation fighter jets are described as being able to command drones. The size and capabilities of those drones are likely to remain unknown.  

One goal, different approaches 

So far there is no concrete system defining what does or does not count as a loyal wingman. It is more of a catch-all term, like 鈥榝ighter jets鈥. A host of different aircraft with wildly varying capabilities, modes or operation and doctrines of use are being defined by the term, although manufacturers and air forces more-or-less agree on what it should mean. 

Companies and militaries rarely use the term 鈥渓oyal wingmen鈥 though, opting instead for less catchy and more precise definitions. In US nomenclature such drones are mostly called Collaborative Combat Aircraft (CCAs), emphasizing the aspect of manned-unmanned teaming. Airbus and other members of the FCAS program use the term 鈥渞emote carriers鈥 instead. Most manufacturers, including Kratos, Boeing, and General Atomics, opt to refer to their projects simply as a novel type of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). 

This does not necessarily indicate different approaches but shows that the concept has not yet been finalized. Air forces will not adopt their first loyal wingmen for several years, and their role could still change. 

 However, the difference in approach when it comes to designing loyal wingmen remains. Some programs work to develop small disposable drones capable of carrying little more than a few kilograms of payload, more reminiscent of missiles that could extend the range of a fighter精东影业 radar. Others work on large, heavy aircraft with ground attack capability, essentially remotely piloted bombers that could be commanded from a fighter jet. Yet others opt to adapt existing drones, big and small, to collaborate with manned aircraft. 

These approaches might diverge or merge in the future, as the loyal wingmen concept continues to develop. However, it is already clear that one aspect is going to remain: the manned-unmanned teaming; the core concept that would allow manufacturers to fully exploit the advantages of AI, while also avoiding its shortcomings. The merger between man and machine is going to be central to the future of military aviation, and the sooner air forces adopt this approach, the greater advantages they will have.  

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How was the F-22 Raptor overshadowed by the F-35 Lightning II? /articles/how-did-the-f-35-overshadow-the-f-22 Thu, 23 Mar 2023 09:28:17 +0000 /?p=71011 In early 2023 the venerable Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor seemed to be given a new lease of life…

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In early 2023 the venerable Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor seemed to be given a new lease of life after shooting down a Chinese spy balloon, scoring the first kill of its career and briefly becoming the star of the headlines. 

The Raptor has been touted as one of the most modern and capable fighters in the world. The jet has it all: incredible maneuverability and raw power for close-in dogfights, as well as stealth, sensors and weapons for long-range engagements. 

The F-22 defined an entire generation of combat aircraft. Every new stealth fighter has been invariably compared to the Raptor, and even now discussions about what does 鈥 and does not 鈥 constitute a fifth-generation fighter jet begin with a comparison to the F-22.听

With all this fame, it is sometimes easy to forget how old the Raptor is. The jet精东影业 star hour came nearly three decades after its first flight in 1997, and 17 years after it was introduced into service in 2005. Its production has also been over for more than a decade, and the number of Raptors in active service is steadily dwindling. 

To understand that let精东影业 compare the Raptor to the F-35 Lightning II, the only completely new United States-made fighter jet to come out after the F-22. 

In late 2021 Lockheed Martin set a goal to build and deliver 196 F-35s within one year, more than the total number of F-22s ever manufactured. Due to production problems Lockheed精东影业 plans failed, but the company still delivered more than 160 F-35s in 2022, which exceeds the total number of F-22s in active service today. 

How did that happen? How was the F-22 鈥 with all of its praised capabilities 鈥 sidelined in favor of the newer jet? And what is its role today? 

Bad time for a good jet 

(U.S. Air Force photo)

The F-22 was conceived at the end of the Cold War as a replacement for the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle. At the time the F-15 was mostly an air superiority fighter, designed to combat air threats. It was several years later before the F-15E Strike Eagle, a version with a greatly expanded ground attack capability, gained prominence. 

Being a replacement for the F-15, the F-22 was also an air superiority fighter, with ground attack capability as an afterthought. Its prototype, the YF-22, took to the skies in 1990, just as the Soviet Union began to crumble, bringing an end to the Cold War. 

By the early 2000s the United States military was completely focused on the war against terrorism, a campaign where high-performance stealth fighters weren鈥檛 needed. So, the number of F-22s on order was drastically cut, from more than 700 to fewer than 200.  

The initial cost of an F-22 was estimated to be $59 million per aircraft. Nearly half of its total program cost went to research and development, creating advanced features that had not been previously seen on an aircraft. However, the cuts in production meant that such an expensive development resulted in very few aircraft. There were also some cost overruns, and the F-22 ended up costing more than $360 million per aircraft. 

The US government still recognized the strategic edge such an advanced aircraft gave its armed forces. So, in 2016, the government issued a ban on selling the F-22 to foreign buyers, meaning that the tremendously expensive development could not be offset by foreign sales. 

A rising star 

The F-22 was always meant to be accompanied by a lighter, cheaper fighter, just like the F-15 was supplemented by the F-16. This is how the F-35 appeared: a single-engine stealth fighter filling the strike gap left by the F-22. 

Initially intended to be significantly cheaper than the Raptor, the F-35 also failed to avoid budget overruns. It was also plagued by production problems, and its program ended up costing several times more than was initially planned. 

However, despite the rising costs, the US did not stop ordering new F-35s. For one, the government had outlined a big role for the new jet, which was intended to replace a host of old aircraft, including the F-16, the F/A-18, the AV-8 Harrier and the A-10. 

International tensions had also begun to rise. The bulk of F-35 orders were made between 2016 and 2018, when the country精东影业 geopolitical rivalry with Chia and Russia became more acute, and the US needed urgent rearmament to keep up. 

The F-35 experienced far more favorable circumstances than the F-22. The F-35精东影业 program development was also more international, with ample foreign orders being included in the program. As problems with the jet began to be ironed out and costs fell, new orders began to flow in.  

And so, the F-35 became the most produced fifth-generation fighter jet. In 2023 Lockheed Martin began the assembly of the 1,000th F-35 airframe, while the number of combat-capable F-22s continues to get smaller and smaller. 

A duo that was not meant to be 

After shooting down the Chinese spy balloon the Raptor was showered with praise and attention. This shows the jet is still well-liked by the public. And with a good reason.  

While the F-35 is definitely a more advanced aircraft, the F-22 still maintains an edge in certain key areas. Its maneuverability, in addition to providing impressive airshow performance, makes the Raptor an unrivalled dogfighter, and an important asset for air defense. 

However, the jet精东影业 days are already numbered. has it that a significant part of the F-22 fleet is being cannibalized to sustain the rest. Production of new F-22s is not only unlikely, but practically impossible because most of its manufacturing facilities were repurposed to produce F-35s. Finally, a replacement is already on its way. The Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) program, which aims to develop a sixth-generation fighter, is bound to produce a new air superiority jet for the US by the 2030s. 

Recent plans show that the United States Air Force plans to operate large numbers of F-35s alongside NGAD fighters, but there is no place for the F-22.  

While the F-22 and the F-35 were originally intended to work as a pair, the duo was doomed by the circumstances that befell the older of the two aircraft. The F-22 appeared at a time when there had been no real need for such an advanced jet. And when the circumstances changed, it was already too late because it had already been overshadowed by the F-35. 

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Turkey精东影业 TF-X caught performing taxi tests before unveiling /articles/turkeys-tf-x-caught-performing-taxi-tests-before-unveiling Fri, 17 Mar 2023 13:18:21 +0000 /?p=70776 The prototype of the Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) TF-X fifth-generation fighter jet has been photographed performing taxi tests.…

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The prototype of the Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) TF-X fifth-generation fighter jet has been photographed performing taxi tests.

It is the first time the jet has been caught on camera since the end of its assembly, ahead of the official unveiling, which is expected on March 18, 2023.

The pictures of the aircraft were first shared by a local defense news website

The website also noted that during the test the aircraft moved under its own power, marking a successful integration of its General Electric F110 engines.

TAI started assembly of the TF-X, also known as the National Combat Aircraft (MMU), some time in mid-2022.

In early 2023, a number of images from an assembly line showed the aircraft nearing completion.

Development of the TF-X began in 2010 before experiencing assorted interruptions and delays. However, the process accelerated significantly in 2019 after Turkey was excluded from the F-35 program.

According to TAI, the TF-X will be a fifth-generation fighter jet with stealthy design, an active electronically scanned array (AESA), supercruise and other advanced features.

It is set to replace Turkish Air Force精东影业 aging McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II jets and compliment the fourth-generation general Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcons.

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B-21 Raider maiden flight delayed 鈥榖y a few months鈥 /articles/b-21-raider-maiden-flight-delayed-by-a-few-months Fri, 17 Mar 2023 12:11:20 +0000 /?p=70767 The first flight of the Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider strategic bomber will now happen several months later than…

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The first flight of the Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider strategic bomber will now happen several months later than anticipated, the US Air Force has said. 

The schedule, used by USAF to manage the development of the aircraft, slipped 鈥渂y a few months,鈥 according to the service. 

鈥淚t精东影业 still within the baseline [schedule] that we originally had for the program,鈥 USAF Secretary Frank Kendall claimed at the McAleese & Associates conference on March 15, 2023, as by Defense News. 

The USAF still intends to conduct the maiden flight of the B-21 by the end of 2023 and is within the baseline for cost, schedule and performance, Defense News added, referring to USAF.听

Long-awaited capabilities

The B-21 was unveiled in December 2022. It is set to become the main strategic bomber for the USAF, replacing the B-2 Spirit and the B-1 Lancer. 

For some time, the USAF has been stressing the importance of the capabilities provided by the B-21, particularly in the standoff which continues in Southeast Asia. 

Eight prototypes are currently in various stages of manufacturing and testing, and the recently-published USAF budget proposal shows a dramatic increase in funding of the program for 2024. 

Various officials have hinted at plans for between 100 and 150 bombers to be purchased. With an estimated price of over $700 million per plane, the program is expected to become the second-largest procurement effort in the US history, after the acquisition of the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II fighter jet. 

However, unlike the F-35, the development of the B-21 has gone relatively smoothly. According to the USAF, the program stayed under budget, with Northrop Grumman never exceeding the $25.1 billion allocated for the development. 

However, the program has also seen significant delays. Originally the maiden flight of the aircraft was scheduled for 2021, before being delayed to 2022 and then 2023. 

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Slovakian government approves sending MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine /articles/slovakian-government-approves-sending-mig-29-fighter-jets-to-ukraine Fri, 17 Mar 2023 10:08:02 +0000 /?p=70756 Slovakian government approved sending its retired miG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine.  The decision follows months of deliberation and…

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Slovakian government approved sending its retired miG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine. 

The decision follows months of deliberation and discussions. It makes Slovakia the second country of the 鈥淢iG-29 coalition鈥 to finalize the transfer. 

Slovakian Prime Minister Eduard Heger the news at a press conference on March 17, 2023, local media reports. 

The package will also include anti-aircraft missiles of an unspecified model, the reports add. 

Slovakia精东影业 decision comes a day after the Polish President Andrzej Duda announced that the first polish MiG-29s will be transferred to Ukraine within days.

Slovakia retired its fleet of 11 MiG-29s in 2022 and planned to replace them with newly-ordered Lockheed Martin F-16s since 2018. 

However, the order was delayed to late 2023. In the meantime, an agreement was reached for Poland and Czechia to protect Slovakian airspace until the new aircraft arrive. 

Slovakia has been saying it is ready to deliver the aircraft to Ukraine since mid-2022, however, the discussions regarding the particularities of the transfer have been ongoing ever since. 

In December 2023 the Slovakian Minister of Foreign Affairs Rastislav Kacher said the country is finally ready to transfer the aircraft. 

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First in the MiG-29 coalition: Poland to hand Ukraine fighter jets in 鈥榳eeks鈥 /articles/first-in-the-mig-29-coalition-poland-to-hand-ukraine-fighter-jets-in-weeks Thu, 16 Mar 2023 15:51:15 +0000 /?p=70737 Poland could transfer MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine in 鈥渇our to six weeks,鈥 the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz…

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Poland could transfer MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine in 鈥渇our to six weeks,鈥 the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said. 

The announcement is yet another twist in the saga of Polish MiGs being delivered to Ukraine. The proposal has been ongoing since the start of 搁耻蝉蝉颈补精东影业 full-scale invasion of Ukraine, with Poland trying to organize the transfer and coordinate it with other NATO countries. 

Poland had previously urged 鈥渁 coalition鈥 of countries to send jets to Ukraine, a call which has not been widely answered. 

The only other nation to announce that it was preparing to transfer its MiG-29s to Ukraine was Slovakia which, in December 2022, said that the aircraft would be sent 鈥渟oon鈥. 

Poland currently has more than 20 MiG-29 jets that date back to the 1980s and have been thoroughly modernized. The type is one of the main combat aircraft in the Ukrainian Air Force, which means that Ukrainian personnel will not need to be retrained to use them. 

Bulgaria also announced its intention to send its stocks of Soviet-era Sukhoi Su-25 ground attack aircraft to Ukraine, with some reports claiming that the jets have already been transferred. 

Ukraine also said that some aircraft parts have been received from the Western allies, likely helping Ukraine to keep the existing fleet of combat jets airborne. 

At least several countries, including the Netherlands, Denmark and the United States have also expressed an intention to send F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, although when and how such a transfer could occur is currently unclear. 

So far Ukrainian pilots are known to train in the US, the United Kingdom and France, with the former two countries also voicing their intent to give a number of fighter jets to Ukraine.

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Goodbye, ISS: NASA requests funds for deorbiting module /articles/goodbye-iss-nasa-requests-funds-for-deorbiting-module Tue, 14 Mar 2023 14:43:57 +0000 /?p=70579 NASA plans to spend around $1 billion on a deorbiting tug to bring down the International Space Station…

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NASA plans to spend around $1 billion on a deorbiting tug to bring down the International Space Station (ISS) when it reaches its service life. 

The proposal sees the custom-built spacecraft being used instead of the previous plan to use an existing Russian-made module.  

NASA has issued a request for $180 million to carry out the task in its 2024 , seeking to initiate the development of the tug.听

鈥淭he International Space Station will need to be safely deorbited at the end of its operational life as the United States transitions to lower-cost commercial space stations. Rather than relying on Russian systems that may not be able to accomplish this task, the Budget provides $180 million to initiate development of a new space tug that may also be useful for other space transportation missions,鈥 the proposal read. 

Total development costs for the tug would come in at around $1 billion, Kathy Lueders, NASA associate administrator for space operations, said during a media call following the publication of the proposal, Space News .听

In August 2022 United States President Joe Biden signed an act extending the country精东影业 participation in the ISS program until 2030. 

However, Russia, which owns approximately one quarter of the station, said it plans to exit the project in 2024. 

Recently, a number of issues occurred on the ISS, particularly on its Russian segment, which were said to have been caused by the station精东影业 ageing.  

The ISS, which opened in 2000, was originally intended to have a 15-year lifespan and has undergone a number of life extension programs. 

However, the life of the most expensive project in human history appears to be nearing its end. Several smaller space stations, built by governments and commercial corporations, are slated to take its place.听

Although proposals were put forward to boost the ISS into a higher 鈥減arking orbit鈥 where it could stay almost indefinitely, the most likely scenario is that the station would be deorbited, causing it to fall down and burn up in the atmosphere.听听

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