Vilma Vaitiekunaite, Author at 精东影业 Aviation news Tue, 18 Jun 2024 13:36:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /images/cropped-logo-sm-32x32.png Vilma Vaitiekunaite, Author at 精东影业 32 32 From the pitch to the skies: the impact of major football events on travel /articles/from-the-pitch-to-the-skies-the-impact-of-major-football-events-on-travel /articles/from-the-pitch-to-the-skies-the-impact-of-major-football-events-on-travel#respond Tue, 18 Jun 2024 13:36:46 +0000 /?p=97702 Football’s influence transcends the field, impacting economies, communities, and industries globally. Major events like the FIFA World Cup…

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Football’s influence transcends the field, impacting economies, communities, and industries globally. Major events like the FIFA World Cup and the UEFA European Championship drive substantial economic boosts, increased aviation activity, and profound social impacts.

Football tournaments significantly stimulate local economies. For instance, the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar attracted millions of fans and generated substantial revenue for local businesses. The UEFA European Championship in Germany is expected to have a similar impact, driving economic growth through increased spending on accommodation, food, and local attractions. The economic benefits extend beyond the immediate influx of fans, as host cities often experience lasting tourism and infrastructure improvements.

Major football events lead to spikes in air travel. During the World Cup 2022, Qatar saw an unprecedented number of flights, significantly boosting the aviation sector. For example, Qatar精东影业 main airports handled a peak of 13,782 flights, with Dubai World Central 鈥 Al Maktoum International Airport playing a pivotal role in managing the influx. Top departure countries included the UAE, Saudi Arabia, India, USA, and the UK.

Similarly, Euro 2024 in Germany is projected to see a considerable increase in air travel. According to OAG data, over 70,000 flights with 12.4 million scheduled seats are expected to Germany during the tournament. Key airports like Frankfurt and Munich will be hubs of activity, facilitating the movement of fans and teams.

Local economies thrive during football tournaments. Restaurants, hotels, and retail outlets see increased patronage, contributing to the overall economic boost. Cities like Berlin, hosting the Euro 2024 final, will experience heightened economic activity. The aviation industry also benefits, with significant traffic increases at major airports. For example, Frankfurt and Munich are expected to handle the majority of the travel demand, underscoring the integral role of aviation in supporting these events.

Football brings people together, fostering a sense of community and shared enthusiasm. Events like the World Cup and Euro 2024 offer opportunities for cultural exchange and mutual respect among fans. The social impact is immense, promoting inclusivity and unity. The excitement surrounding these events creates a vibrant atmosphere that transcends geographical and cultural boundaries.

Euro 2024 promises to be a landmark event with significant travel and economic implications. The tournament is expected to generate substantial travel activity, particularly from countries with large fan bases. Spain, for instance, is projected to be the busiest country market with 1.6 million seats expected. Sustainable travel will also be a focus, with increased reliance on train travel within Germany. The integration of digital technology for bookings and personalized travel experiences will further enhance the tournament’s impact.

Football is more than a sport; it is a powerful economic driver and a unifying force for communities worldwide. The data from the FIFA World Cup 2022 and the predictions for Euro 2024 highlight the significant economic, social, and aviation impacts of these events. As we look forward to Euro 2024, we anticipate not only thrilling matches but also substantial benefits for host cities and beyond.


FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar: 13,782 flights, with top departure countries being the UAE, Saudi Arabia, India, USA, and the UK.

Euro 2024 in Germany: Over 70,000 flights with 12.4 million scheduled seats expected. Major airports like Frankfurt and Munich to handle the bulk of the travel demand.

Economic Impact: Significant boosts to local businesses, lasting tourism, and infrastructure improvements.

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December 2023 business aviation overview: a month of records /articles/december-2023-business-aviation-overview-a-month-of-records Fri, 29 Dec 2023 08:51:39 +0000 /?p=88589 As we reflect on December 2023, the business aviation sector presents a fascinating mix of trends. The US…

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As we reflect on December 2023, the business aviation sector presents a fascinating mix of trends. The US large jet market remains robust, contrasting with weaker performances in Asia and the Middle East, and a notable slump in Europe. 

Globally, business aviation, including turboprops, has set a new record this December. Despite a slight dip compared to last year, the sector is still significantly ahead of 2019. This growth is primarily driven by an increase in turboprop flying, with business jet activity also showing a positive trend. 

Regional Insights: 

Europe: Business jet activity experienced a 6% decline compared to last year, with Germany, France, and Austria notably below their 2019 levels. However, fractional and private flight departments in these countries are flying more than at any point in the last four years. 

North America: The region saw a 1% increase in bizjet departures compared to last year, with a remarkable 23% growth over the past four years. Florida and Texas led this growth, with Puerto Rico showing a significant 68% increase compared to four years ago. 

Asia: The business jet sector finished 5% below last year but remained 42% ahead of November 2019. The majority of flights were international, with domestic flights trending significantly higher than in 2019. 

Middle East: Business jet activity fell 13% from last year but was 44% higher than in 2019. Saudi Arabia experienced an increase in flights, while Israel and the UAE saw declines. 

The overall market shows a flattening trend compared to last year, with Europe’s demand weakening towards 2019 levels. The Middle East experienced a 15% drop year-over-year, although the COP conference spiked bizjet arrivals. The US market continues to show relative strength, especially among the largest operators. 

In the latest weeks of December, global business jet activity has seen a slight decline compared to 2022 but remains ahead of 2019. North America has witnessed growth, with Florida being the busiest state. Europe’s business jet activity, however, has fallen behind last year’s figures, with the UK, Germany, and France showing declines. 

December 2023 in business aviation has been a month of contrasts. While the US large jet market shows resilience, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East present varied levels of activity. These trends highlight the dynamic nature of the business aviation sector and its responsiveness to global economic and regional factors. 

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Embraer Phenom 300 leads as busiest aircraft in European business aviation /articles/embraer-phenom-300-leads-as-busiest-aircraft-in-european-business-aviation Fri, 01 Dec 2023 11:51:13 +0000 /?p=86491 As we delve into the dynamics of business aviation this week, a fascinating picture of resilience and growth…

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As we delve into the dynamics of business aviation this week, a fascinating picture of resilience and growth emerges. The industry, navigating through the complexities of a post-pandemic world, shows a promising uptick in activity. This overview provides a comprehensive analysis of the current trends in business jet traffic, comparing the latest data with previous years. We highlight the busiest aircraft, examine regional variances, and offer insights into how the industry is faring this November, especially in light of the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States. 

Overall, global business jet and turboprop sectors are 2% ahead of November 2022 and 16% ahead compared to four years ago. Specifically focusing on business jets, activity this month is 1% ahead of last year and 19% ahead of four years ago. For Week 47, business jet flights globally were up by 6% compared to the same period last year. However, year-to-date global business jet activity is trailing last year by 4%, although it’s 19% ahead of 2019. 

Busiest Aircraft: The Embraer Phenom 300 emerges as the busiest aircraft type within European fractional fleets, with activity surpassing any November in the last four years. 

Regional Highlights: 

Europe: Business jet flights in Europe are 7% fewer than November last year and slightly below November 2019. The busiest fractional bizjet operator airport pair is Paris Le-Bourget to Farnborough. 

North America: Business jet activity is 3% above last year and 19% ahead of four years ago. Washington Dulles shows significant growth in bizjet activity, being the busiest for fractional operators. 

United States: During the Thanksgiving holiday, business jet activity dropped 18% compared to the previous week. Light Jets and Super Midsize were the busiest aircraft types. The busiest airport pair was West Palm Beach to Teterboro.聽

Asia: Business jet activity is 4% below last year but 45% ahead of 2019. The majority of flights are under 90 minutes, which are 13% below last November. 

Middle East: Activity has fallen 13% compared to last November but is 40% ahead of four years ago. Corporate Flight Department fleets are flying less than any November in the last four years. 

In summary, the business aviation sector is exhibiting robust growth and resilience, with global activity slightly ahead of last year and significantly surpassing figures from four years ago. The Embraer Phenom 300’s prominence in Europe, the surge in North American business jet activity, and the fluctuating trends in Asia and the Middle East paint a diverse and dynamic picture of the industry. As we move towards the end of the year, these trends not only reflect the current state of business aviation but also hint at the evolving preferences and operational patterns within the sector. With an eye on the future, the industry continues to adapt and thrive, signaling a positive outlook for business aviation globally. 

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Dynamic shifts in global business aviation: a 3-week snapshot /articles/dynamic-shifts-in-global-business-aviation-a-3-week-snapshot Fri, 24 Nov 2023 07:06:06 +0000 /?p=85824 In the last three weeks, global business aviation has shown a mixed bag of trends. While the overall…

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In the last three weeks, global business aviation has shown a mixed bag of trends. While the overall activity is still commendable, surpassing 2019 by approximately 20%, there has been a slight year-over-year decline. The US remains the linchpin of global activity, overshadowing softer markets in Europe and the Middle East.

North American Highlights

North America, led by the US, has consistently outperformed its last year’s figures, with a notable 22% increase over 2019. The region has seen a surge in demand for large cabin and super midsize aircraft. For instance, Teterboro Airport, a key hub for business aviation, reported a 6% increase in super midsize jet activity compared to last year. Fractional operators in Las Vegas showed an impressive 85% increase in flights over November 2022, highlighting the region’s growth.

European Dynamics

Europe’s business aviation sector, in contrast, is experiencing a downturn, with activity 13% lower than last year and slightly trailing behind 2019. Major airports like Le Bourget and Geneva have seen significant declines in flight numbers. The Cessna Citation Excel, typically a popular choice, reported 20% fewer sectors than last year. However, the Citation Latitude showed resilience, flying more short-haul flights than any previous November in the last four years.

Asia’s business aviation sector is holding steady, with a 6% increase in activity compared to last year and a remarkable 50% leap from 2019. In the Middle East, despite a 6% year-over-year decline, the sector is 47% ahead of 2019. Al Maktoum International Airport in Dubai is a standout, surpassing its last year’s activity by 4%.

Aircraft and Airline Spotlight

The super midsize and ultra long-range jets are the stars in North America, with the Gulfstream G650 and Bombardier Global 6000 leading the pack.

In Europe, despite overall declines, the Cessna Citation Latitude and the Bombardier Challenger 350 showed an uptick in flights.

Fractional ownership and charter services, particularly in North America, are gaining momentum, with operators like NetJets and Flexjet reporting increased activity.

Key Insights

The US continues to be the backbone of global business aviation, with significant growth in specific jet categories and regions.

Europe faces challenges, with major airports and popular aircraft types experiencing a dip in activity.

Asia maintains a steady growth trajectory, outperforming its 2019 figures.

The Middle East shows resilience, with certain hubs like Dubai maintaining robust activity.

This overview provides a snapshot of the current state of business aviation, reflecting the industry’s resilience and adaptability in the face of regional variations and shifting market demands. As the year draws to a close, these insights offer a glimpse into the potential future landscape of business aviation.

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Iceland’s volcano awakening: air travel implications 鈥 2010 all over again? /articles/icelands-volcano-awakening-air-travel-implications-2010-all-over-again Wed, 22 Nov 2023 07:43:58 +0000 /?p=85533 As anticipation builds in Iceland, authorities are keeping a vigilant eye on the possibility of an imminent volcanic…

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As anticipation builds in Iceland, authorities are keeping a vigilant eye on the possibility of an imminent volcanic eruption. The Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO) has issued a warning, highlighting that magma may have risen very close to the Earth’s surface. The situation is reminiscent of the lead-up to a previous eruption in 2021, leaving both locals and experts in suspense.

Krist铆n J贸nsd贸ttir, head of department at the Icelandic Meteorological Office, suggests that people will need to remain in suspense for the next few days to witness how events unfold. The stakes are high, as authorities fear they might have as little as 30 minutes’ notice before a volcanic eruption takes place.

The latest signs of an impending eruption include the detection of magmatic gas in a borehole in Svartsengi, signaling a possible eruption of the Fagradalsfjall volcano in the coming days. The town of Grindavik faces the most significant risk in this scenario, and nearly 4,000 residents were evacuated over the weekend in anticipation of potential danger.

This situation inevitably raises concerns about air travel, given Iceland’s crucial position between Europe and North America. In response, Iceland’s aviation alert has been elevated to orange, indicating an increased risk of a volcanic eruption.

Historically, volcanic eruptions have been a significant hazard to air travel due to the release of ash into the atmosphere. Volcanic ash can pose severe threats to aircraft, including engine failure, damage to flight control systems, and reduced visibility. The eruption of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in April 2010 serves as a haunting reminder of these risks, as it led to more than 100,000 flight cancellations over an eight-day period.

The Eyjafjallajokull eruption, in particular, had a substantial economic impact, resulting in estimated losses of approximately $3 billion. This catastrophe disrupted air travel between Europe and North America, affecting 7 million passengers and dealing a severe blow to the global economy. Airlines alone suffered losses of about $1.7 billion in revenue.

However, the situation surrounding the potential eruption of the Fagradalsfjall volcano is notably different from that of Eyjafjallajokull in 2010. In the previous eruption, a glacier atop the volcano caused rapid cooling of the lava, resulting in the creation of tiny, ash-carrying particles propelled into the atmosphere by steam. These particles were then carried toward Europe by the wind.

In contrast, the current scenario presents a different set of circumstances, reducing the likelihood of a similar air travel crisis. Over the past three years, three eruptions have occurred on the Reykjanes Peninsula, without any significant impact on air travel. Additionally, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has enhanced its preparedness for major volcanic ash events, ready to collaborate with other aviation entities to assess the impact on aviation and provide recommendations accordingly.

Despite the rising tension surrounding the impending eruption, authorities have not issued a “no-go” travel warning for Iceland. Airlines and travel companies continue to operate normally, with travelers who cancel their bookings not necessarily entitled to refunds, as long as the Foreign Office guidance remains advisory. It’s essential for travelers to review their insurance policies for coverage related to natural disasters like volcanic eruptions.

While the potential eruption of the Fagradalsfjall volcano does raise concerns for air travel, experts believe that lessons learned from the Eyjafjallajokull eruption in 2010 and the differences in circumstances surrounding this volcano eruption could lead to a less severe impact on aviation.

As the situation develops and authorities closely monitor volcanic activity, travelers, airlines, and aviation agencies will be keeping a watchful eye on the skies over Iceland and Europe. The story of Iceland’s imminent volcanic eruption continues to unfold, with its ultimate impact on air travel still uncertain.

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Paul Travis appointed as Senior Charter Broker at Skyllence /articles/paul-travis-appointed-as-senior-charter-broker-at-skyllence Fri, 18 Aug 2023 09:54:56 +0000 /?p=80371 Skyllence, a leading international air charter broker, is delighted to announce the appointment of Paul Travis as Senior…

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Skyllence, a leading international air charter broker, is delighted to announce the appointment of Paul Travis as Senior Charter Broker. In his role Paul will be responsible for delivering a phenomenal travel experience and ensuring the highest standards of travel for existing clients and newcomers alike not only within the music and entertainment business but also with a focus on high-net-worth individuals, corporations, and flight departments.

As our senior air charter broker, Paul brings in 10+ years of experience in aviation within North America and overall, 40+ years of experience within aviation in airline and business jet operations as nominated person ground operations. Not only is his expertise strongly operationally based, but Paul also has a deep understanding of the music and entertainment business having successfully arranged flights for many prominent artists and groups. He brings expert knowledge to the table, holding a special responsibility for developing music and entertainment as well as developing the business in many other areas.

Paul, who is delighted to have this role, expressed that 鈥淚 am grateful to develop the Music and Entertainment division where our goal is to become the top choice provider to this industry and the many other facets of our business in general. It is our intention to be the Air Charter provider of choice, efficient, effective experts. Our company takes considerable pride in its culture and extremely high ethical standards, as well as processes that ensure our client精东影业 requirements are managed in an exceptional manner.鈥

Skyllence specializes in the planning and provision of corporate, private, and group air charter flights worldwide. As part of the Avia Solutions Group family 鈥 the world’s largest ACMI provider, owning a fleet of 173 aircraft 鈥 Skyllence has the resources and expertise to offer comprehensive aviation services. With representation in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, Skyllence has established itself as a trusted partner for clients across business, sports, music, and culture. With resources like these behind us, we鈥檙e able to deploy solutions in critical situations with as little as five hours鈥 notice. Collaborating with us also grants clients access to the comprehensive ground infrastructure that the Avia Solutions Group operates alongside partners, ensuring private, stress-free airport terminals and an end-to-end experience of the highest quality.

VIPs, sports teams, celebrities, and high net-worth individuals have all experienced the quality of the travel solutions provided by Skyllence. Our corporate and group travel options cater to a diverse range of organizations, demonstrating our adaptability and commitment to meeting our clients’ needs.

鈥淔or clients seeking an efficient, professional, and expert air charter provider who also have a particularly good record in the music and entertainment business, Skyllence can be THE choice. We provide a superior service鈥 added Paul.

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The future of offshore helicopter services market /articles/the-future-of-offshore-helicopter-services-market Tue, 25 Jul 2023 11:49:58 +0000 /?p=78727 The offshore helicopter services market is a dynamic sector, integral for transporting personnel and cargo to offshore installations,…

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The offshore helicopter services market is a dynamic sector, integral for transporting personnel and cargo to offshore installations, including oil and gas platforms, wind farms, and other offshore structures. As offshore exploration and production activities continue to expand, the need for efficient and reliable transportation services is more critical than ever.

One of the key factors influencing the market’s growth is the boom in offshore wind energy installations. As countries worldwide strive to achieve their renewable energy targets, the demand for offshore wind energy is skyrocketing. This trend is expected to have a substantial impact on the offshore helicopter services market, driving the demand for transportation to and from offshore wind farms.

Advancements in helicopter technology are also contributing to the market’s growth. Modern helicopters are more efficient, reliable, and comfortable, enhancing the overall service quality. These advancements are expected to continue, further propelling the market’s growth.

The market is also being influenced by the growing need for emergency medical services offshore. As offshore installations become more remote and inaccessible, the demand for emergency medical transportation is increasing.

In 2021, the offshore helicopter services market was valued at USD 2.8 billion. Today, current forecasts suggest that the market could be worth up to USD 4.47 billion by 2030. This significant growth is driven by the increasing demand in the oil and gas industry, the boom in offshore wind energy, advancements in helicopter technology, and the growing need for emergency medical services offshore.

These trends are not only impacting the offshore helicopter services market but are also expected to influence the broader helicopter charter services market. As the offshore industry continues to evolve, the demand for efficient and reliable helicopter services is set to rise, offering numerous opportunities for market players.

At Skyllence, we’re ready to meet this growing demand. We offer a range of helicopter charter services, providing efficient, reliable, and comfortable transportation to offshore installations. Whether you’re in the oil and gas industry, the wind energy sector, or need emergency medical transportation, Skyllence has you covered. Book your charter with Skyllence today and experience the future of offshore helicopter services.

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Kestutis Abarius appointed as Head of Sports Charter Sales at Skyllence /articles/kestutis-abarius-appointed-as-head-of-sports-charter-sales-at-skyllence Fri, 07 Jul 2023 07:53:02 +0000 /?p=77597 Skyllence, a leading international air charter broker, is delighted to announce the appointment of Kestutis Abarius as Head…

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Skyllence, a leading international air charter broker, is delighted to announce the appointment of Kestutis Abarius as Head of Sports Charter Sales. In his new role, Kestutis will be responsible for delivering exceptional sports travel services and ensuring the highest standards of sports travel for existing clients and newcomers alike.

With a strong background in the aviation industry and a deep understanding of the unique requirements of sports teams and organizations, Kestutis brings valuable expertise and a fresh perspective to our sports travel services. His extensive experience and dedication to providing tailored air charter solutions paired with his keen personal interest and broad understanding of sport make him the ideal choice to lead our sports charter sales division.

Kestutis expressed his enthusiasm for his new role, saying, 鈥淚 am honored to take on the role of Head of Sports Charter Sales and lead the Sports Charter Sales division. Our goal is to become the go-to sports charter provider for clients in need of reliable, professional, and highly dedicated air charter brokers. We are committed to delivering solutions of the highest quality and exceeding the expectations of sports teams and organizations. We accomplish this by meeting strict departure deadlines, enabling apron access, and ensuring that our team members provide personal on-site supervision, as well as offering a range of other unique services.鈥

Skyllence specializes in the planning and provision of corporate, private, and group air charter flights worldwide. As part of the Avia Solutions Group family 鈥 the world’s largest ACMI provider, owning a fleet of 173 aircraft 鈥 Skyllence has the resources and expertise to offer comprehensive aviation services. With representation in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, Skyllence has established itself as a trusted partner for clients across business, sports, music, and culture. With resources like these behind us, we鈥檙e able to deploy solutions in critical situations with as little as 5 hours鈥 notice. Working with us also grants sports clients access to the comprehensive ground infrastructure that the Avia Solutions Group operates alongside partners, ensuring private, stress-free airport terminals and an end-to-end experience of the highest quality.

VIPs, sports teams, celebrities, and high net-worth individuals have all experienced the quality of the travel solutions provided by Skyllence. Our corporate and group travel options cater to a diverse range of organizations, demonstrating our adaptability and commitment to meeting our clients’ needs.

鈥淔or clients seeking reliable, professional, and highly dedicated air charter brokers who also happen to be die-hard sports fans, Skyllence is the go-to solution in the sports travel industry. We combine trusted expertise with a fresh impetus to deliver sports charter services of the highest quality,鈥 added Kestutis Abarius. To book your private or group charter with Skyllence, please contact us at

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Skyllence: Increasing summer travel may bring the risk of flight shame language /articles/increasing-summer-travel-may-bring-with-it-the-risk-of-high-flight-shame-language Tue, 27 Jun 2023 13:19:00 +0000 /?p=77070 In the wake of what many anticipate to be a busy travel season this summer, flight-shaming language is…

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In the wake of what many anticipate to be a busy travel season this summer, flight-shaming language is expected to heighten in volume. After the slump in travel during the pandemic period, air travel is slowly adjusting to pre-pandemic levels. Air travel is expected to attain the 2-3% growth witnessed in 2019 after making a 70% recovery in 2022. There is also a new leaf of optimism among travelers who are keen on having a break from their busy schedules, with experts predicting favorable weather patterns for the upcoming summer.

In retrospect, all this exciting news risks being dampened if there is an increase in flight-shaming language targeting HNWIs and VIPs. While air travel trends improve for the summer, it精东影业 inevitable for the conversations around climate change to peak, drawing more attention to the insatiable state of aviation.

The new European Carbon Market Directive (CMD) came into effect just recently in 2022, with the intention to reduce emissions by 42% by 2030 from 2005 levels. The new directive will make it mandatory for airlines flying into EU airports above a certain size (globally) to purchase permits for their CO2 emissions. Such developments, coupled with the overheating concerns of third-party carbon advisors and eco-activists, raise serious concerns for HNWIs and VIPs, who have become easy targets for flight shaming.

Interesting, though, is the fact that the airline industry only accounts for a mere 3% of all carbon emissions. Subsequent breakdown will show that private jet travel by HNWIs and VIPs bears a much lesser carbon imprint vis a vis commercial air travel, which accounts for the huge volume of the 3% carbon emissions. Distinctive industries, such as the personal automobile industry are far more notorious for carbon emissions than air travel yet receive comparatively less travel shaming.

Availability bias is a concept better positioned to explain this phenomenon where, despite contributing to a lesser carbon imprint, air travel has become an easy target for travel shaming. The masses have been pulled into a frenzy and bombarded with information to depict air travel, and more so, private jet travel, as so wasteful and unnecessary that it contributes to a massive carbon footprint. The fact that air travel accounts for only 3% of all carbon emissions in 2019 and is growing only by 3% this year, means the masses have been purposely misinformed by the agenda-driven sources that paint private jet travel as environmentally and socially immoral.

The unwarranted criticism of air travel has become rather influential owing to its unprecedented entry into the political arena, where key policy frameworks are enforced to introduce taxes that have conveniently been labeled, eco-tax but which have little to no impact on the very environmental project they claim to represent. Other examples are regulations forcing airlines to buy costly carbon allowances, which can be far more expensive than the carbon emitted by flying. However, such inflated costs, coupled with the airline industry’s rooted efforts to reduce its carbon footprint through conservation and technology manufacturing efforts, have failed to keep up with the emotional shunning some people are engaging in.

The flight-shaming analogy also goes so far as to ignore efforts by private travel entities to make private air travel not only sustainable but worthwhile in the long run. Private jet-traveling entities are ahead of their counterparts in commercial air travel in adopting new technologies and strategies that are less polluting but still maintain the desired speed and convenience. Private jets are poised to trailblaze the adoption of hybrid electric engines, which are essentially more efficient and cost-effective in general operations above and beyond the old-generation engines.

Worth noting is the sheer interest by Private jet providers in partnering with multilaterals across the globe in a bid to establish fully pledged networks of refueling stations in various destinations, providing seamless service and cost-effectiveness. More importantly, it’s a partnership that, as it gets rolled up in more destinations over the summer and in 2024, promises to rise above the criticism that private jet travel is inconsiderate and wasteful. A limited number of private jets boasts the inclusion of onboard refueling equipment, and it is predicted that by 2030, this will not only become a common practice among private jet operators but one that raises the mark up. Yet, that has not barred private jet entities from committing to begin the process of demonstrating to skeptics and the rest of the industry their willingness to revolutionize the perception that private jet travel can and will be sustainable not only now but in the foreseeable future.

However, as the relentless fight against climate change continues across Europe, the United States, Asia, and elsewhere, one cannot help but wonder: is there a genuine plan in place to target those responsible for producing massive carbon footprints and stop masking behind easy targets for the instant gratification it attracts? Only time will tell. The upcoming summer is all but guaranteed to experience a surge in travel, and HNWIs and VIPs will continue to serve as easy targets for flight-shaming criticism. Everyone will be watching to see if the climate change agenda really does play out into being more targeted and better informed than it has been in the past or if it can be used to enforce unwarranted laws and regulations.

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Finishing touches: the importance of loving an aircraft /articles/28469-finishing-touches-the-importance-of-loving-an-aircraft Tue, 27 Jul 2021 20:34:13 +0000 Aircraft interior and exterior completions specialists, RAS Group 鈥 a part of the global base and line maintenance…

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Aircraft interior and exterior completions specialists, RAS Group 鈥 a part of the global base and line maintenance service, JET MS, who is, in turn, an integral part of the Avia Solutions Group 鈥 share advice on the values and cost benefits of well-maintained aircraft interiors and exteriors with commercial and business jet owners.

First impressions matter

For private and business jet owners, who spend extensive amounts of time onboard their aircraft, rarely using commercial airlines, a pristine exterior finish, along with a stylishly finished interior are equally as important as the plane精东影业 airworthiness.

The aircraft精东影业 aesthetics often portray its owner精东影业 values and attention to detail in all aspects of their personal and business life. The exterior aesthetics, accompanied by luxuriously crafted interiors are rarely left to chance, and their constant maintenance and ability to perform are catered for by dedicated specialists and craftspeople who fully understand their value and importance.

The art of interior elegance

There is now greater demand for bespoke aircraft interiors, including expertly crafted trimmings, hand-selected leathers, and other elegant upholstery materials. As the range of business aircraft owners steadily expands, premier interior and exterior maintenance and refurbishment specialists are pushing the boundaries in design and practicality and adapting to the unique needs of the aircraft owners.

According to Roger Patron, RAS Business Development Manager, 鈥淩egardless of how often private jet owners are in the air, their time onboard the aircraft should always be a uniquely special experience. From the moment their car drops them at the aircraft精东影业 steps the effect should be visually spectacular and enhanced even further by the high-class and quality of the aircraft精东影业 sumptuous interior. Every owner is different in their preferences; taste, style, industry, and travelling companions, for those reasons, every private aircraft精东影业 interior精东影业 design and ambiance should fully resonate with and match the owner精东影业 expectations, time after time. Our goal is to create the perfect marriage of style, quality, functionality, and timeless elegance.鈥

Think again, it精东影业 more than just paint

On the outside, exterior paint finishes, while looking impressive, serve another far more important function that contributes to the aircraft精东影业 ability to perform at its best, while being both cost-effective and more environmentally sustainable.

RAS, as experts in exterior paint finishes, have attested to the benefits of PERMAGARD, one of the most effective, durable, and sustainable aviation paint preservation systems available. The product精东影业 reactive polymer and UV filtering technology protect the aircraft精东影业 paint finish against fading and oxidation in both extremely high and low temperatures. This high gloss, low friction permanent coating, greatly enhances the paint精东影业 aesthetic brilliance, while also reducing the amount of cleaning and time on the ground.

Its application also advantageously reduces drag for private and business aviation, allowing lower power cruise settings which lead to greater fuel cost savings. In addition, the finish can be maintained without using destructive chemicals which may damage aviation paints. Also, as it is non-toxic, its use is an environmentally friendly and sustainable solution to aircraft exterior cleaning.

Valuable assets and objects of beauty

Private and business jets are not merely functional, they are objects of beauty, and assets to be valued and cared for using products and processes of the highest quality commensurate with their elegance.

From visually impressive high-gloss exterior paint finishes 鈥 which also help reduce costs 鈥 to hand-crafted interiors befitting of the most luxurious of aspirations, a private jet is an object to be treated with great care and value and whose maintenance and outfitting should only be undertaken by quality-assured professionals with a proven track record.

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