
China精东影业 Chang鈥檈-6 spacecraft performs world精东影业 third lunar landing in 2024

China精东影业 Chang鈥檈-6 performs world精东影业 3rd lunar landing in 2024

Axel Monse / Shutterstock

China achieved a major milestone in a robotic lunar exploration mission by the China National Space Administration with the successful landing of its uncrewed Chang鈥檈-6 lunar lander on the far side of the moon. The mission marks the first time samples will be collected from Moon精东影业 rarely explored area.

On June 2, 2024, the China National Space Administration announced that its Chang鈥檈-6 lunar lander, equipped with advanced instruments and its own launch system, touched down in the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the moon精东影业 space-facing side at around 6:23 a.m. Beijing time.

According to the China National Space Administration statement, the Chang鈥檈-6 lander is poised to collect two kilograms (approximately 4.4 pounds) of lunar material over two days and return it to Earth. Then, the samples will be loaded onto a rocket booster attached to the lander, which will then launch back into space, tag up with another spacecraft in lunar orbit, and return to Earth. If successful, the lunar lander is expected to land in China精东影业 Inner Mongolia region around June 25, 2024.

鈥淐ompared with the Chang鈥檈-5 mission, which achieved the return of samples from the moon in 2020, the Chang鈥檈-6 mission has made a breakthrough in the design and control technology of the lunar retrograde orbit, and will complete key technical nodes such as intelligent rapid sampling on the lunar back and take-off and ascent on the lunar back with the support of the Queqiao-2 relay satellite,鈥 was written in the

The mission will provide China with a pristine record of the moon精东影业 4.5 billion-year history and yield new clues on the solar system精东影业 formation. It will also allow for an unprecedented comparison between the dark, unexplored region with the moon精东影业 better-understood Earth-facing side.

The Chang鈥檈-6 probe was launched on May 3 aboard China精东影业 Long March 5 rocket from the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center on Hainan Island, the southernmost province of China. It reached the lunar vicinity approximately a week later and has since been adjusting its orbit in preparation for the landing.

The mission aligns with China精东影业 broader lunar strategy, which envisions landing its first astronauts on the moon by around 2030.

The Chang鈥檈-6 mission marks the world精东影业 third lunar landing in 2024.

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