Comments on: Emirates entices pilots with improved benefits, higher salaries and better perks /articles/emirates-entices-pilots-with-improved-benefits-higher-salaries-and-better-perks Aviation news Sat, 11 May 2024 11:04:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: jumbojetpilot /articles/emirates-entices-pilots-with-improved-benefits-higher-salaries-and-better-perks#comment-2323 Sat, 11 May 2024 11:04:15 +0000 /?p=95407#comment-2323 After seeing Emirates, Qatari, and Etihad very subjectively decide who was being furloughed and who wasn’t when Covid hit, playing games of favorites and completely abandoning those who didn’t make the “favorites” list, many of whom were hired by my airline and whom I flew with on multiple occasions, none of whom will be returning, all I can say is “no thanks”! ItӰҵ not advantageous for a pilot to burn their bridges down in our industry. However, itӰҵ also not advantageous for airlines to do this and word gets around very quickly.
