
Japan Airlines becomes Liverpool FC精东影业 first airline partner in five years聽

A350-900 Japan Airlines
viper-zero / Shutterstock.com

Japan Airlines (JAL) has become Liverpool Football Club精东影业 first official airline partner in five years after the two entities announced a multi-year deal.  

Through its new partnership with Liverpool FC, Japan Airlines will become part of one of football精东影业 greatest ever teams, renowned for its rich, vibrant history and incredible worldwide fanbase.聽聽

At the same time Liverpool FC will become interconnected with one of Japan精东影业 premier airlines with worldwide reach, particularly in the Asian market.  

Ben Latty, Chief Commercial Officer at Liverpool FC, said he is 鈥渄elighted鈥 to welcome Japan Airlines onboard and partner with a brand that shares the club精东影业 鈥渨inning mentality鈥. 

鈥淭his partnership aligns our global ambitions, combining the passion and heritage of one of the world精东影业 most storied football clubs, with the exceptional service and reach of Japan精东影业 premier airline. The partnership will create opportunities for fans to engage with the club through unique activations and experiences,鈥 Latty said.  

He added: 鈥淧artnering with Japan Airlines is another major step forward in our club精东影业 strategy to expand our international presence and engage more deeply with our diverse and dedicated global fanbase.鈥澛

Liverpool FC精东影业 previous official airline partnership with Malaysia Airlines ended in 2019 but the club appeared in no rush to replace the carrier until now.  

Liverpool is an attractive club to a variety of companies due to it having the Premier League精东影业 most engaged online fan base and being the most watched European team globally across domestic and league cup fixtures.  

鈥淭his partnership is significant for us because it will allow us to deepen connections with our customers and develop new relationships with Liverpool FC fans around the world. We feel incredibly fortunate to be embarking on this exciting journey with the Liverpool FC and the LFC Foundation,鈥 said Junko Sakihara, Deputy Senior Vice President of Customer Experience at Japan Airlines.  

Under the partnership Japan Airlines will work closely with the on key community initiatives across global markets.聽聽

The first initiative will start in July, with the airline supporting a youth football clinic with Liverpool FC精东影业 international pre-season match in Philadelphia.聽

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