Comments on: Leonardo’s AW609 tiltrotor completes ship trials with Italian Navy /articles/leonardo-aw609-tiltrotor-completes-ship-trials-with-italian-navy Aviation news Sat, 29 Jun 2024 13:33:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: László KRUPPA /articles/leonardo-aw609-tiltrotor-completes-ship-trials-with-italian-navy#comment-5133 Sat, 29 Jun 2024 13:33:53 +0000 /?p=98140#comment-5133 “Do tiltrotors have a future?” – easy to guess such expressions of doubt are all rooted in the history of issues of the famous Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey. Many engineers know that most of these issues of the V22 can directly or indirectly be traced back to the same, single rotor blade issue.

The topic has been broadly discussed, e.g. at the forums of the Vertical Flight Society. The problem can be 100% eliminated by an upgrade of the rotor blades.

Yes, tiltrotors are important for the whole of aviation. Not just for the military. The issues belong to a certain phase of development that is unavoidable for any other new-concept aircraft. (You could bet if Bell stopped production of the V22, then – in no time – a brand new player would appear picking up the ball at the very same point where Bell would have dropped it.)

Presently, the best thing the world can do to save lives is not cancelling the tiltrotor projects. Rather speed up the rotor blade upgrade instead.

By: Phil /articles/leonardo-aw609-tiltrotor-completes-ship-trials-with-italian-navy#comment-5127 Sat, 29 Jun 2024 11:01:20 +0000 /?p=98140#comment-5127 This thing has been in development for I am suggesting 30 years? Numbers don’t add up. Too expensive with lousy payload.
