Comments on: NTSB to hear sworn testimonies at public hearing into 737-9 door plug blowout /articles/ntsb-investigative-hearing-boeing-alaska-airlines Aviation news Wed, 13 Mar 2024 17:55:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joe M. /articles/ntsb-investigative-hearing-boeing-alaska-airlines#comment-401 Wed, 13 Mar 2024 17:55:06 +0000 /?p=92873#comment-401 I’m sorry, I’m all for aviation safety and have been in the industry my entire adult life but a sworn testimony hearing by the NTSB is going to be nothing but a ‘Dog and Pony’ show. There is nothing they are going to find out that they don’t already have data on and that hasn’t already been reported on extensively.
