aircraft incident - 精东影业 Aviation news Mon, 24 Jun 2024 13:08:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /images/cropped-logo-sm-32x32.png aircraft incident - 精东影业 32 32 Virgin Atlantic B787精东影业 windscreen cracks at 40,000 feet forcing flight to return /articles/virgin-atlantic-b787s-windscreen-cracks-at-40000-feet-forcing-flight-to-return /articles/virgin-atlantic-b787s-windscreen-cracks-at-40000-feet-forcing-flight-to-return#respond Mon, 24 Jun 2024 13:05:42 +0000 /?p=97967 A Virgin Atlantic B787-9’s windscreen cracked at 40,000 feet while flying from Heathrow to San Francisco, forcing the…

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A Virgin Atlantic B787-9’s windscreen cracked at 40,000 feet while flying from Heathrow to San Francisco, forcing the plane to return to London.

Flight VS41 was bound for San Francisco International Airport (SFO) and was three hours into the 11-hour journey on May 27, 2024, when the crack was observed by flight crew.

A spokesperson for Virgin Atlantic confirmed the incident to the media, stating that there had been damage to the 鈥渙uter layer of the cockpit windscreen,鈥 and explained that the outer layer was a non-structural, wear-resistant layer.

The crack appeared when the plane was flying between Iceland and Greenland.

While it is not clear what caused the crack, the high altitude at which it occurred indicates that it could not have been a bird strike. 

Reports indicate that outside temperatures were at -58 degrees Celsius when the incident occurred.

The flight was able to return and land at LHR safely, and passengers were provided with overnight accommodation before being placed on another flight to San Francisco the following day.

This is the second incident in a month where the windshield of a B787 aircraft has cracked mid-flight.

On June 16, 2024, a KLM 787 Dreamliner bound for Amsterdam was forced to return to Tokyo after cracks appeared in the captain精东影业 windshield at 25,000 feet.

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Singapore Airlines offers up to $25,000 to passengers injured during turbulence /articles/singapore-airlines-offers-up-to-25000-to-passengers-injured-during-turbulence /articles/singapore-airlines-offers-up-to-25000-to-passengers-injured-during-turbulence#respond Tue, 11 Jun 2024 13:39:36 +0000 /?p=97348 Singapore Airlines has officially laid out its offers of compensation to passengers who sustained injuries on flight SQ321…

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Singapore Airlines has officially laid out its offers of compensation to passengers who sustained injuries on flight SQ321 when it hit extreme turbulence.

The incident resulted in the death of one passenger and multiple others were injured.

In a Facebook post dated June 11, 2024, the airline apologized for the 鈥渢raumatic experience鈥 endured by passengers on SQ321 on May 20, 2024.

The carrier also confirmed it had sent out compensation offers to passengers on June 10, 2024.

What compensation is Singapore Airlines offering to passengers?

For passengers who sustained minor injuries from the incident, the airline said it is offering $10,000 each. 

For more serious injuries, the airline said it had invited passengers to discuss a compensation offer that would meet each specific circumstance. 

For passengers who have been medically assessed to have obtained serious injuries requiring long-term medical care and are requesting financial assistance, Singapore Airline said it had offered an advance payment of US$25,000 to address their immediate needs. That amount will be part of the final compensation. 

Additional compensation

In addition to the categorized offers, Singapore Airlines will provide a full refund of the air fare to all passengers who flew on SQ321 on May 20, 2024, including those who did not suffer any injuries. 

All passengers will also receive delay compensation in accordance with the relevant European Union or United Kingdom regulations.

The airline said it has also provided all passengers with SGD1,000 ($740) to meet their immediate expenses upon departure from Bangkok, where the flight performed an emergency landing after the turbulent episode. 

The Singaporean flag carrier had also been covering the medical expenses of the injured passengers and arranged for their family members and loved ones to fly to Bangkok where requested.

The airline said it remains committed to supporting the affected passengers. 

One death, dozens of injuries

The flight encountered a dramatic drop of almost 6,000 feet when it encountered an air pocket over the Irrawaddy Basin in Myanmar. 

The turbulence resulted in the death of one passenger, 73-year old Geoff Kitchen, a retired British grandfather from Thornbury, near Bristol in southwest England.

Among the dozens of passengers hurt, one of the most seriously injured is 52-year old Kerry Jordan, from Adelaide Australia. Jordan suffered a break in her spine at the C7-T1 segment, which joins the neck with the upper back. She also suffered a brain bleed, fractures of the C1 and C2 vertebrae at the top of the spine, and fractured ribs.

The injuries have left Kerry, a dance teacher, paralyzed from the chest down. 

Positive feedback 

After posting its compensation offers on its Facebook page, the airline was met with mostly positive feedback from social media users.

One comment said that while the traumatic experience cannot be compensated with any monetary value, the 鈥済ood effort鈥 and immediate action of the airline should be commended.

Many comments also praised the airline精东影业 transparent and regular communication and timely updates via Facebook and other social media pages since the incident occurred.听

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Malawi Vice President and nine others killed in military plane crash /articles/missing-military-aircraft-carrying-malawi-vice-president-cannot-be-found /articles/missing-military-aircraft-carrying-malawi-vice-president-cannot-be-found#respond Tue, 11 Jun 2024 09:26:00 +0000 /?p=97318 An aircraft carrying the Vice President of Malawi, Saulos Chilima, and nine other individuals is reported to be…

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June 11, 2024, 16:44 (UTC +3)

The wreckage of the military plane carrying Malawi’s Vice President, Saulos Chilima, has been found with no survivors, President Lazarus Chakwera has confirmed.

The aircraft went missing on June 10, 2024 when it failed to land at Mzuzu International Airport (ZZU).

鈥淭he search and rescue operation I ordered to find the missing plane that carried our vice president and nine others has been completed. The plane has been found. And I am deeply saddened and sorry to inform you that it has turned out to be a terrible tragedy,鈥 Chakwera said in a broadcasted announcement.

“Death is a reminder that we do not have control of so many things that affect our lives,” Chakwera added.

An aircraft carrying the Vice President of Malawi, Saulos Chilima, and nine other individuals is reported to be missing, a statement from the country精东影业 President’s office has said.

The Dornier 228-202K aircraft, with registration, MAF-T03, also carried former first lady of Malawi Shanil Dzimbiri, left the country精东影业 capital city of Lilongwe, at 09:17 local time on June 10, 2024. It was expected to land 45 minutes later at Mzuzu International Airport (ZZU), about 370 kilometers (230 miles) to the north.

Due to bad weather and poor visibility, air traffic control at ZZU airport advised the aircraft not to attempt to land and turn around.

However, a short time later air traffic control lost contact with the aircraft and it disappeared from radar. 

鈥淚 know this is a heartbreaking situation. I know we are all frightened and concerned. I too am concerned,鈥 Malawi President Lazarus Chakwera said in an address on broadcast TV.

鈥淏ut I want to assure you that I am sparing no available resources to find that plane. And I am holding on to every fiber of hope that we will find survivors,鈥 Chakwera said.

A statement from Chakwera精东影业 office said a search and rescue operation had been launched immediately by several agencies including the Malawi Defense Force, the Police Service, and the Department of Civil Aviation.

Chakwera said the group was traveling to attend the burial of former cabinet minister Ralph Kasambara. Three of those aboard were the military crew flying the plane.

Chilima was first sworn in as Vice President of the Republic of Malawi on May 30, 2014. He was sworn in for his second term for the same position in June 2022. 

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NTSB finds interruptions and multitasking to be cause of near-collision at JFK /articles/ntsb-finds-interruptions-and-multitasking-to-be-cause-of-near-collision-at-jfk /articles/ntsb-finds-interruptions-and-multitasking-to-be-cause-of-near-collision-at-jfk#respond Fri, 07 Jun 2024 12:32:44 +0000 /?p=97212 The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has found that interruptions and multitasking led to distractions that resulted in…

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The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has found that interruptions and multitasking led to distractions that resulted in a near-collision incident between a Delta Air Lines and American Airlines aircraft at John F. Kennedy Airport (JFK) in New York earlier last year.

In a preliminary report released on June 4, 2024, the board detailed how those factors caused the three-member flight crew of a B777 airliner to mistakenly cross a runway occupied by another airplane taking off from the airport.

According to the report, air traffic controllers cleared a Delta Air Lines B-737, with 159 passengers and crew, for takeoff on Runway 4L at JFK in the evening of January 13, 2023.

Twenty seconds after the Delta 737 began its takeoff roll, an American Airlines B777 bound for London Heathrow Airport (LHR), carrying 149 passengers and crew, crossed the same runway without clearance.

Fortunately, as the Delta 737 accelerated down the runway, its Airport Surface Detection Equipment 鈥 Model X (ASDE-X) issued aural and visual alerts in the air traffic control tower, warning of a potential collision.

Five seconds after the alerts, the controller canceled the takeoff clearance for the Delta airplane, which quickly decelerated from its top speed of 121 mph as the AA 777 was crossing in front of it.

Investigators said that technology designed to prevent runway incursions alerted the air traffic controller of the danger of a collision. According to the NTSB, it recommended the idea of such a technology in 1991, which eventually led to the development of ASDE-X.

NTSB investigators cited numerous factors that contributed to the American Airlines captain精东影业 mistake in continuing along the wrong taxiway and crossing the occupied runway without a clearance. These included interruptions and incidents of multitasking that were happening on the flight deck during critical moments of ground navigation. 

Meanwhile, the other two flight crewmembers failed to catch the captain精东影业 error because they were both engaged in tasks that diverted their visual attention from outside the airplane, the NTSB noted.

The investigation also found that the ground controller who provided the taxi instructions to the American B777 did not notice that the aircraft turned onto the wrong taxiway, because he was performing a 鈥渓esser priority task that involved looking down鈥.

The NTSB made the following safety recommendations to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to address the risks identified in the investigation:

  • Encourage flight crews to verbalize the number of the runway they are about to cross, unless an automated system already provides an advisory.
  • Encourage air carriers to use their safety management systems to identify flight crew surface navigation errors and develop effective mitigation strategies.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the activation logic for runway status light systems and update the logic as necessary to improve its effectiveness.
  • Collaborate with aircraft and avionics manufacturers to develop a system that would alert flight crews of traffic on a runway or taxiway and traffic on approach to land, and require that both newly manufactured and existing transport category airplanes have such a system installed.
  • Update a long-standing recommendation to require all airplanes be fitted with a cockpit voice recorder capable of recording the last 25 hours of audio.
  • Additionally, the NTSB once again called on the FAA to require all airplanes be fitted with a cockpit voice recorder capable of recording the last 25 hours of audio, instead of the current standard of two hours.
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B737 engine severely damaged by bird strike in Kyrgyzstan /articles/b737-engine-severely-damaged-by-bird-strike-in-kyrgyzstan /articles/b737-engine-severely-damaged-by-bird-strike-in-kyrgyzstan#respond Sun, 05 May 2024 14:46:25 +0000 /?p=95427 An Avia Traffic Company Kyrgyzstan Boeing 737 aircraft suffered engine damage after a collision with a bird while…

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An Avia Traffic Company Kyrgyzstan Boeing 737 aircraft suffered engine damage after a collision with a bird while climbing out of Bishkek (FRU) in Kyrgyzstan.

The incident occurred on May 4, 2024, when the Avia Traffic Company Kyrgyzstan Boeing 737-300 aircraft, registered as EX-37020, was performing domestic flight K9-117 between Bishkek (FRU) and Osh (OSS) on behalf of Tez Jet Airlines.

Based on data from , the aircraft departed from FRU airport at 11:47 a.m. (UTC) with an expected arrival at the destination airport approximately 45 minutes later.

However, as the aircraft climbed and reached an altitude of 5000 feet, the flight crew reported a bird strike on the right-hand engine, along with a burning odor in the cabin.

The aircraft immediately returned for a safe landing and touched down in Bishkek around 20 minutes after departure.

The bird strike caused substantial damage to the engine, resulting in severe damage to all its fan blades. According to the flight record, on May 5, the plane was still on the ground.

Fortunately, no injuries or further incidents were reported.

The Avia Air Traffic Company along with all other airlines based in Kyrgyzstan is on the for failing to meet EU regulatory oversight standards.

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Southwest B737 makes emergency landing after engine cover rips off during flight /articles/southwest-b737-makes-emergency-landing-after-engine-cover-rips-off-during-flight /articles/southwest-b737-makes-emergency-landing-after-engine-cover-rips-off-during-flight#comments Mon, 08 Apr 2024 10:50:35 +0000 /?p=94141 A Southwest Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing after one of the Boeing 737-800 aircraft精东影业…

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A Southwest Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing after one of the Boeing 737-800 aircraft精东影业 engine covers detached during takeoff.

Flight SW 3695 was headed to William P Hobby Airport (HOU) in Houston from Denver International Airport (DEN) on April 7, 2024 when the incident took place. The flight departed at 07:39 local time.

According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), an engine cowling fell off and struck the wing flap during takeoff. The flight rose to about 3,140 meters (10,300 feet), before returning safely back to Denver Airport. 

Footage taken by passengers onboard and posted on X (formerly Twitter) showed what appeared to be part of the plane hanging off and flapping in the breeze, before eventually ripping off the aircraft.

The aircraft, carrying 135 passengers and five crew members, was then towed back to the gate.

In a statement sent to US media, Southwest said a crew member reported that the engine cowling fell off during takeoff and struck the wing flap. 

“Southwest Airlines Flight 3695 returned safely to Denver International airport around 08:15  local time on Sunday, April 7, 2024,鈥 the airline said, adding that the FAA will investigate the incident. 

The airline also said that passengers were rebooked on other flights, and maintenance teams are currently inspecting the aircraft.

鈥淲e apologize for the inconvenience of their delay, but place our highest priority on ultimate safety for our customers and employees,鈥 the statement continued.

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Virgin Atlantic Dreamliner collides with British Airways A350 on ground: video听 /articles/virgin-atlantic-dreamliner-collides-with-british-airways-a350-on-ground-video /articles/virgin-atlantic-dreamliner-collides-with-british-airways-a350-on-ground-video#respond Sun, 07 Apr 2024 09:52:47 +0000 /?p=94111 A Virgin Atlantic Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner and a British Airways Airbus A350-1000 aircraft suffered a ground collision at…

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A Virgin Atlantic Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner and a British Airways Airbus A350-1000 aircraft suffered a ground collision at London Heathrow Airport, the largest and busiest airport in London, UK.

The incident occurred on April 6, 2024, as the Virgin Atlantic Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner, registered , was being towed from the gate to another location within Terminal 3 of London Heathrow Airport (LHR). The Dreamliner’s left-hand wing tip hit the right-hand horizontal stabilizer of the parked British Airways Airbus A350-1000, registered as , which was scheduled to perform a passenger flight to Accra Kotoka International Airport (ACC) in Ghana.

Emergency services promptly responded to the scene, and a witness captured footage of the unfolding situation at the airport.

Following the incident, engineering teams from Virgin Atlantic and British Airways conducted maintenance checks on the aircraft involved, revealing minor damages to both planes.

To minimize disruption to its flight schedule, British Airways arranged for another A350-1000, registered as , to operate the scheduled flight to Ghana. However, it departed from London with a delay of 6 hours and 30 minutes. Meanwhile, Virgin Atlantic assured that although G-VDIA was removed from service, its flight schedule for April 6 remained unaffected.

Fortunately, no injuries were reported because of the collision. The Metropolitan Police and Air Accidents Investigation Branch launched a comprehensive investigation into the incident.

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United Airlines CEO acknowledges safety incident rise in message to passengers /articles/united-airlines-ceo-scott-kirby-safety-incidents /articles/united-airlines-ceo-scott-kirby-safety-incidents#respond Mon, 18 Mar 2024 14:24:19 +0000 /?p=93204 Following a spate of highly publicized United Airlines safety incidents the carrier’s CEO has messaged customers to acknowledge…

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Following a spate of highly publicized United Airlines safety incidents the carrier’s CEO has messaged customers to acknowledge the rise. 

In the message to United Airlines customers on March 18, 2024, CEO Scott Kirby said that the incidents 鈥渉ave our attention and have sharpened our focus鈥. 

Among the most high-profile safety incidents in recent weeks was a Boeing 777-200 that lost a tire shortly after takeoff from San Francisco International Airport (SFO) on March 7, 2024, and a Boeing 737 MAX 8 that veered off the runway at Houston-George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) on March 8, 2024.听

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) also published a preliminary report into an incident involving 鈥渟tuck鈥 rudders on a United Boeing 737 MAX 8.听 听

The 737-8 landed at Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) on February 6, 2024, when the captain reported that during the landing rollout, the rudder pedals failed to move in response to the 鈥渘ormal鈥 application.   

鈥淯nfortunately, in the past few weeks, our airline has experienced a number of incidents that are reminders of the importance of safety. While they are all unrelated, I want you to know that these incidents have our attention and have sharpened our focus,鈥 Kirby wrote in the message to customers.  

The CEO said that the airline is reviewing each incident to understand what happened and using any insights to 鈥渋nform鈥 safety training.听听

Additionally, the airline is already planning an extra in-house day of training for all its pilots starting in May 2024, and a centralized training curriculum for all new maintenance technicians.  

鈥淲e empower our team to speak up and raise their hand if they see something wrong. You can be confident that every time a United plane pulls away from the gate, everyone on our team is working together to keep you safe on your trip,鈥 Kirby wrote.听听

He concluded the message by writing: 鈥淚鈥檓 confident we鈥檒l learn the right lessons from these incidents and continue to run an operation that puts safety first and makes our employees and customers proud.鈥澨

Other United Airlines incidents in 2024:听听

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United B777 loses tire shortly after takeoff, tire crashed into cars: video /articles/united-b777-loses-tire-shortly-after-takeoff-tire-crashed-into-cars-video /articles/united-b777-loses-tire-shortly-after-takeoff-tire-crashed-into-cars-video#respond Fri, 08 Mar 2024 11:37:07 +0000 /?p=92680 A United Airlines Boeing 777-200 aircraft bound for Kansai International Airport (KIX) in Osaka had to divert to…

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A United Airlines Boeing 777-200 aircraft bound for Kansai International Airport (KIX) in Osaka had to divert to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) after one of its tires slipped off after takeoff.

Flight UA 35 departed San Francisco International Airport (SFO) at 10:53 local time on March 7, 2024.听

Shortly after the flight took off, however, one of the aircraft精东影业 six tires fell off, damaging cars in a parking lot as it plummeted to the ground. 

Footage captured the moment the 256-pound (116 kilograms) tire slipped off the B777-200精东影业 landing gears. 

Subsequent video clips showed the damage that the fallen tire caused on vehicles in a parking lot next to the airport runway.

The airliner immediately diverted and made an emergency landing back at LAX airport, where it was able to safely land at 13:17 local time.

All 235 passengers, ten cabin crew and four pilots were safe. 

Ground personnel from LAX were seen on a video clip inspecting the aircraft shortly after landing.

United Airlines arranged another B777-200 aircraft to take the passengers onward to KIX airport. The flight is currently enroute to Japan where it is expected to arrive past midnight on March 9, 2024.

An airline spokesperson told The New York Post that the tire landed in an employee parking lot at SFO airport and caused damage to several vehicles. The spokesperson also said that the aircraft is designed to land safely even when tires are either missing or damaged.

This is the second United flight incident to occur in less than a week. On March 4, 2024, a United Airlines Boeing 737-924精东影业 left engine burst into flames en route to Fort Myers. The incident forced the pilot to initiate an emergency landing in Houston精东影业 George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH).

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Small aircraft collides with parked plane at Orlando Sanford Intl Airport /articles/small-aircraft-collides-with-parked-plane-at-orlando-sanford-intl-airport /articles/small-aircraft-collides-with-parked-plane-at-orlando-sanford-intl-airport#respond Wed, 28 Feb 2024 13:14:40 +0000 /?p=91990 Two single-engine aircraft were involved in a collision when one of the planes hit a parked, empty plane…

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Two single-engine aircraft were involved in a collision when one of the planes hit a parked, empty plane while landing at Orlando Sanford International Airport (SFB).

The incident occurred on the evening of February 27, 2024 at around 18:00 local time.

According to an update from the Orlando Sanford International Airport, one aircraft landed short and collided with a parked aircraft that was unoccupied.

鈥淥ne of the aircraft landed short and came into contact with an unoccupied, parked single-engine aircraft,鈥 the airport authority said on social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter).

The airport authority also disclosed that three people were involved, though no-one was seriously injured.

In its statement on accidents and incidents, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said that the aircraft that was landing was a single-engine Cirrus SR20. 

The FAA has announced that it will investigate the incident alongside the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB).

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