demand - 精东影业 Aviation news Wed, 25 Jan 2023 13:55:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /images/cropped-logo-sm-32x32.png demand - 精东影业 32 32 44,500 new jets worth $2.9 trillion to be delivered by 2041, analysts say /articles/44500-new-jets-worth-2-9-trillion-to-be-delivered-by-2041-analysts-say Wed, 25 Jan 2023 13:54:51 +0000 /?p=67641 Around 44,500 new planes, worth $2.9 trillion, will be needed to meet the expected rise in passenger traffic…

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Around 44,500 new planes, worth $2.9 trillion, will be needed to meet the expected rise in passenger traffic over the next two decades, according to the latest Cirium Fleet Forecast published by Ascend by Cirium, the consultancy arm of aviation analytics firm Cirium.

The forecast, which was released on January 24, 2023, stated that around 88% of the current commercial passenger aircraft fleet will be removed from active service by 2041.

鈥淐lose to 88% of the current passenger fleet is forecast to be retired from passenger service during the next 20 years. Freighters have longer useful economic lives, so approximately 70% of the current fleet will be retired by 2041,鈥 analysts noted.

鈥淭here will be some 19,000 retirements from the end-2021 passenger fleet, plus a further 2,500 aircraft that leaves the passenger fleet via cargo conversion,鈥 they added.

This means that in order to meet the annual 3.6% growth in demand for air travel, the industry will need tens of thousands of planes to replace less efficient older-generation jets.

Single-aisle aircraft should account for 70% of overall passenger jet deliveries by 2041, experts added.

Narrowbody planes are expected to account for 70% of passenger aircraft deliveries until 2041. Meanwhile, the market demand for widebody airliners will be significantly lower.

鈥淭he single-aisle fleet will grow faster by 3.7% annually, against 3.2% for twin-aisles as the recovery of long-haul traffic continues to lag,鈥 analysts explained.

鈥淭he regional aircraft fleet will rise more modestly, by 1.1% a year, with the turboprop fleet set to grow at a faster rate within the regional sector,鈥 added.

In the meantime, more than 3,650 cargo jets are predicted to be delivered over the next two decades. These will include around 1,060 newly built freighters, worth 130 billion, as well as around 2,480 passenger-to-freighter conversions.

According to Rob Morris, the head of Ascend by Cirium, the long-term outlook looks promising. The global industry 鈥渞emains on course鈥 to return to 鈥渢raditional growth paths鈥 by 2025.

鈥淭he aviation industry精东影业 recovery from the Covid-19 crisis in early 2020, has progressed significantly if unevenly across regions. Global aviation activity is predicted to reach 2019 levels in October. [鈥 This comes despite Russia精东影业 invasion of Ukraine, travel restrictions in China, and rising energy costs all emerging as influential factors during 2022,鈥 the outlook continued.

Asia-Pacific to take leading position in aircraft delivery share

Experts have also predicted that Asia-Pacific, driven by China, will remain the key growth region for new plane deliveries. Airlines in the region are expected to account for 22% of all deliveries in 2041. North American and European air carriers should take 21% and 17% of estimated deliveries, respectively.

In comparison, airlines operating in the Middle East are expected to take around 7% of deliveries 鈥渁ccounting for 14% in value terms due to the rich mix of higher value twin-aisle deliveries,鈥 the outlook noted.

However, Russia鈥榮 capacity and passenger traffic are assumed to decline in the near term.

鈥淐ombined with the complete cessation of Ukrainian civil aviation activity, Russia/CIS traffic is then forecast to stabilize at 70% of 2019 levels in 2024,鈥 analysts concluded.

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Middle East fleet to more than double by 2041 to meet increased demand: Boeing /articles/32194-boeing-forecast-middle-eastern-carriers-more-than-double-2041 Tue, 20 Sep 2022 10:50:41 +0000 Boeing has released its 2022 commercial market outlook report, where the manufacturer states that the Middle Eastern region精东影业…

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Boeing has released its t, where the manufacturer states that the Middle Eastern region精东影业 aircraft fleet is projected to more than double by 2041.

The report provided a 20-year forecast of the region精东影业 passenger traffic and commercial fleet demand. 

The American aircraft manufacturer reported that air travel and tourism continues to drive economic growth in the Middle East. Due to this, Boeing said that the Middle Eastern fleet is forecasted to expand to 3,400 airplanes to serve fast-growing passenger traffic as well as cargo demand.

鈥淭he Middle East region, a popular connection point for international travelers and trade, is also growing as a starting point and destination for business and leisure passengers,鈥 Randy Heisey, Boeing managing director of commercial marketing for the Middle East and Africa, and Russia and Central Asia Regions said in a

Heisey added: 鈥淭he region will continue to require a versatile fleet that meets the demands of airline and air-cargo business models.鈥

Middle Eastern airlines will require 2,980 new airplanes valued at $765 billion to serve passengers and trade, the planemaker added. More than two-thirds of these deliveries will enable growth, while one-third will replace older airplanes with more fuel-efficient models such as the Boeing 737 MAX, 787 Dreamliner and 777X.

It is evident that Middle Eastern carriers are continuing to experience growth and expansion. Emirates, for one, have invested more than $2 Billion to enhance its in-flight passenger experience. This includes a large-scale fleet retrofit project with plans to upgrade the interior cabins of 120 Airbus A380 and Boeing 777 aircraft. 

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia has invested more than $30 Billion to create a new international airline  intended to rival the big Middle Eastern carriers like Emirates, Etihad, and Qatar Airways. 

According to Boeing, Middle Eastern carriers have successfully managed through pandemic challenges by adjusting their business models and increasing usage of freighters to maximize revenue. 

The full commercial market outlook report can be viewed .

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Air New Zealand staff asked to volunteer time to fill gaps in workforce /articles/31591-air-new-zealand-asks-staff-to-voluntarily-fill-schedule-gaps Thu, 14 Jul 2022 12:57:41 +0000 Air New Zealand has asked staff to take extra hours and volunteer time to fill gaps in the…

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Air New Zealand has asked staff to take extra hours and volunteer time to fill gaps in the airline精东影业 workforce during the busy holiday period in July. The airline said it was experiencing its busiest winter holiday season in three years and cited a higher than usual employee sickness rate as a cause of the shortages. 

In a letter addressed to staff, which was seen by local newspaper he New Zealand Herald on July 14, 2022, Air New Zealand said that it is 鈥渓ooking for some wonderful willing volunteers鈥 who can help the struggling carrier 鈥渟pread some magic with our customers during the school holiday period at Auckland (AKL), Wellington (WLG) and Christchurch (CHC) airports鈥. 

“Like our flights, your wonderful skills are in demand,鈥 the airline said, adding that it requires additional help from now until July 25, 2022. 

Air New Zealand has already warned passengers in advance about potential operational pressure and delays caused by extra operational pressure due to staff shortages. This is not the first time the airline has implemented a volunteer-based system in order to deal with rising passenger demand for air travel during busy holiday periods.  

The carrier could face more pressure when the country finally resumes all international air travel and fully reopens its borders by July 31, 2022. The country精东影业 stringent COVID-19 travel restrictions will be removed for both air and marine travel, meaning that cruise ships will also be cleared to return to local ports. 


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Ryanair CEO says bookings looking strong for strong summer /articles/31110-summer-bookings-looking-strong-for-ryanair Wed, 25 May 2022 13:01:32 +0000 Ryanair is expecting a strong summer 2022, predicting load factors will to around 95% for the upcoming three…

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Ryanair is expecting a strong summer 2022, predicting load factors will to around 95% for the upcoming three months. 

Speaking to on May 25, 2022, Ryanair’s chief executive officer (CEO) Michael O鈥橪eary said the Irish low-cost carrier has already recorded strong booking levels, which 鈥渉ave continued to strengthen over the last number of weeks鈥.  

According to the CEO, the strongest demand is for flights to leisure destinations such as Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain.  

O鈥橪eary predicted load factors 鈥 how full planes are – would reach 95% between June and August of 2022, reflecting pent-up demand for air travel after a two-year pandemic-related hiatus. The CEO expects passenger demand in the current summer season to almost reach pre-pandemic levels. 

鈥淲e鈥檙e probably heading for an economic downturn or a recession, but 60% or 80% (of the population) have been working from home over the last 2 years and they have huge, accumulated savings,鈥 Reuters cited O鈥橪eary as saying. 

In an attempt to capture market share as travel demand recovers, Ryanair has sped up the delivery of new Boeing 737 MAX aircraft. Ryanair said it planned to operate over 70 new Boeing 737-8200 MAX aircraft, which it dubs the 鈥淕amechanger鈥, in summer 2022. It had initially planned to have 65 of the aircraft in its fleet this summer. 


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Healthy load factors means Etihad expects first quarter profit for first time /articles/30698-etihad-first-quarter-profit-first-time Thu, 07 Apr 2022 10:45:56 +0000 Etihad is expecting to make a first quarter profit for the first time in 18 years, its chief…

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Etihad is expecting to make a first quarter profit for the first time in 18 years, its chief executive has announced.  

鈥淟oad factors for March were greater than March 2019,鈥 Etihad Group CEO Tony Douglas said at the CAPA Airline Leader Summit on April 7, 2022. 鈥淚t精东影业 the first time we鈥檝e had a stellar first quarter in the history of the business.鈥 

The first quarter of a calendar year is usually the weakest in terms of demand and profit for airlines.  

Douglas said that load factors in its premium cabins were actually higher than before the pandemic. However, it精东影业 not people traveling on business accounts, but those wanting to pay extra for a bit more space following the pandemic.   

鈥淭he latent demand for travel is greater now than at any time,鈥 Douglas declared. 鈥淲e鈥檝e seen it go off like a fire hydrant as travel restrictions eased, especially in the premium cabin.鈥 

Abu Dhabi-based Etihad has been undergoing a big restructuring program under Douglas after a previous strategy to expand quickly by taking stakes in other airlines resulted in big losses.  

Douglas admitted that that strategy was the wrong one.  

鈥淭he trap we were sucked into in the past was that big is beautiful, when it wasn鈥檛 necessarily.鈥 

As a result, Etihad was already engaged in 鈥渙pen heart surgery鈥 on its balance sheet when the pandemic struck, Douglas said. 鈥淲e perhaps learned the hard way you have to go back to basics.鈥  

Douglas said that Etihad精东影业 will concentrate on keeping things more simple. The fleet will focus on a 鈥渢wo-horse stable鈥 of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the Airbus A350-1000, he said, describing these two aircraft as 鈥渨inners鈥. Narrow-body flights will be done more in partnership, he said, highlighting the carrier精东影业 partnership with Air Arabia.   



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SIA expects to see rising demand, activates 80% of aircraft fleet /articles/29439-sia-expects-demand-boost-activates-majority-of-fleet Fri, 12 Nov 2021 14:14:55 +0000 Singapore Airlines (SIA1) (SINGY) gears up for the increase in demand for air travel. The flag carrier of…

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Singapore Airlines (SIA1) (SINGY) gears up for the increase in demand for air travel. The flag carrier of Singapore chief executive officer Goh Choon Phong confirmed to media that the airline has activated almost 80% of its aircraft fleet and recovered a major part of the workforce it had pre-pandemic.

Speaking to media on November 12, 2021, the head of the airline confirmed that currently, the company employs 92% of the flight crew and 86% of the cabin crew it used to have before the global demand slump. In the meantime, the carrier also reactivated 79% of the fleet. 

The decision was made based on expectations that since Singapore has relaxed air travel restrictions for passengers traveling from and to ten countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, and South Korea, exempting vaccinated travelers from compulsory quarantine, the airline may see a significant boost.

鈥淎t the level we are operating now, which is 37% of pre-COVID capacity, going up to 43% in December, we are quite comfortable with this return rate,鈥 the CEO explained.

While China, which is considered as a major market for Singapore Airlines (SIA1) (SINGY)鈥榮 services, will not likely to open its borders shortly, Malaysia, another important international route for an air carrier, is set to increase the frequency of flights between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur on November 29, 2021. 

Singapore started re-opening its borders on September 8, 2021, when it launched vaccinated travel lanes (VTL) between Brunei and Germany. Since then, travel lanes to major destinations, including Australia, France, South Korea, the US, and the UK, have been added.

Gosh added: “A China [a major market for Singapore Airlines (SIA1) (SINGY) – ed. note] opening is not likely to happen at the moment, but we are ready to capitalize on any other opportunities that come our way.鈥

Following the report on the half-year financial results released on November 11, 2021, for the six months to September 30, 2021, the carrier has already noticed signs of a gradual recovery as it managed to reduce its net loss. As for the first half of 2021, Singapore Airlines (SIA1) (SINGY) reported a net loss of SGD837 million ($618 million), smaller than the loss of SGD3.47 billion ($2.5 billion) one year ago, as revenue rose 73%. 

Meanwhile, its cargo revenue reached a record high of SGD1.9 billion ($1.4 billion), driven by ongoing capacity crunch in both ocean and air freight, as well as supply chain disruption.


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SAS increases US flights as travel demand returns /articles/29406-sas-increases-us-flights Wed, 10 Nov 2021 08:39:34 +0000 Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) announced it is to increase the number of flights to the United States, citing…

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Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) announced it is to increase the number of flights to the United States, citing a boom in air travel demand for the winter holiday period.  

During Christmas and New Year, SAS is offering up to 100 flights per week from Scandinavian countries to the United States. SAS will increase weekly operations to Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Washington DC and Miami.

The increase in flight frequencies to the US was a 鈥渄irect result of the US opening to more visitors鈥 from Europe, the carrier announced in a statement on November 10, 2021.

Karl Sandlund, Chief Commercial Officer at SAS, said: 鈥淚t is very gratifying that we can increase the number of flights and offer our customers the chance to finally be able to travel again and experience the other side of the Atlantic, and meet with friends and family.鈥

On November 8, 2021, the United States opened its borders to fully-vaccinated passengers traveling from Europe, after more than 600 days of tight restrictions. 


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