Fighter Jets - 精东影业 Aviation news Fri, 24 May 2024 08:06:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /images/cropped-logo-sm-32x32.png Fighter Jets - 精东影业 32 32 Ex-US fighter pilot loses extradition battle over training Chinese military聽 /articles/daniel-duggan-us-pilot-australia-extraditiondaniel-duggan-us-pilot-australia-extradition /articles/daniel-duggan-us-pilot-australia-extraditiondaniel-duggan-us-pilot-australia-extradition#comments Fri, 24 May 2024 08:06:45 +0000 /?p=96443 A former United States (US) fighter pilot has been told by an Australian magistrate judge that he is…

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A former United States (US) fighter pilot has been told by an Australian magistrate judge that he is eligible for extradition to the US over claims that he helped to train members of the Chinese military.听听

Daniel Duggan appeared in Downing Centre Local Court, Sydney, on May 25, 2024, where Magistrate Daniel Reiss concluded that the former marine pilot met the conditions of a US extradition order.听

Duggan精东影业 fate now rests in the hands of the Australian Attorney General Mark Dreyfus, who must give the final approval for the extradition before it can take place.  

Duggan, who will be forced to wait in custody for this decision, has up to 15 days to launch an appeal against the judgement.  

According to , the 55-year-old was detained in Australia and accused of breaching arms trafficking and money laundering laws by training Chinese pilots in South Africa between 2009 and 2012.听听

Duggan was arrested in New South Wales 19 months ago, after returning from China to join his family in Australia and has been detained since, according to .听听

The US indictment alleges that Duggan taught Chinese fighter pilots to land aircraft on carriers. 

Duggan denies all claims made against him and the allegations that he trained Chinese pilots have not yet been tested in a court of law.  

Duggan精东影业 supporters and family members insist that he is the victim of geopolitics, at a time when relations between China and the US are particularly strained.  

鈥淭his was no place to battle. There was no opening in the local court for my husband to run his case. Today was simply about ticking boxes, and it is time to move to the next stage. Now, we respectfully ask the Attorney-General to take another look at this case and bring my husband home,鈥 Saffrine Duggan said outside the court. 聽

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Top 10 most widely operated fighter jets in 2024 /articles/top-10-most-widely-operated-fighter-jets Mon, 22 Jan 2024 14:10:06 +0000 /?p=66319 Some fighter jets have gone down in history for being the fastest, the most expensive, or the most…

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Some fighter jets have gone down in history for being the fastest, the most expensive, or the most advanced. However, the numbers in service matter as well.听

But which fighter jets are proving to be the most popular choice for the world精东影业 air forces in 2024? 精东影业 investigates. 

Of course, several caveats must be included as we collect the data. We may never know exact numbers for sure. Some of the aircraft may be non-operational, lost in combat or used for spare parts. However, these figures are the closest we can get to the truth. 

While data from the has been used to compile this list, 精东影业 has also incorporated additional information from the International Institute for and other sources such as Lockheed Martin and Boeing.听

10. Northrop F-5: over 400

One of the oldest jets on this list, the F-5 was developed back in the 1950s and has seen numerous conflicts since then. Of the , just over 400 are still considered operational, most of which are serving with the Brazilian, Iranian, South Korean, and Taiwanese air forces among others. 

There is a high chance that the actual number of operational F-5s is a great deal lower, as most of these aircraft are exceedingly old. 

Northrop F-5
Foad Ashtari / Wikipedia

9. Eurofighter Typhoon: over 530聽

Created as a joint European fighter jet, the Eurofighter Typhoon is not only operated by European air forces (Spanish, German, Italian, Austrian, and the United Kingdom精东影业 Royal Air Force) but by many Middle Eastern countries as well. It has been exported to Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait.  

Furthermore, the jet is still in production with , and countries are continuing to place orders for it. So, its numbers are likely to rise for years to come. 

Eurofighter Typhoon
Ministerio de Defensa Espana

8. Chengdu J-10: over 550

A fourth-generation jet designed by China in the 1990s, the J-10 quickly became one the most popular types of aircraft in China精东影业 People精东影业 Liberation Army. While very few J-10s have ever been exported (Pakistan is the only other country to ), quite a large number have been manufactured over 600. 

Chengdu J-10

7. Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II: over 660

The only fifth-generation fighter jet on this list, the F-35 was intended to replace earlier jets like the F-16, the F/A-18, and the Harrier in various branches of the US military. Many other countries, such as the United Kingdom, Israel, Australia, Germany, and others, have also ordered the jet, and it has been a huge export success. 

Although groundbreaking in many ways, initially the F-35 had a number of problems, and its development grossly exceeded its budget. However, with problems now ironed out, Lockheed Martin of the aircraft, .  

Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II
U.S. Air Force photo

6. MiG-29 family: over 800聽

The Soviet answer to the F-16, the MiG-29 Fulcrum was a comparatively light and cheap fighter jet intended to supplement the heavier Su-27. It was exported across the globe and remains operational in many countries with past ties to the USSR. The number reported is over 1,600 of these jets made.

In the 2000s Russia developed an upgraded version of the jet, the MiG-35. However, it wasn鈥檛 successful, and just over a . Meanwhile, the worldwide fleet of old MiG-29s continues to decline, as many Fulcrums are being retired, while others are being destroyed during international conflicts such as the Syrian civil war and 搁耻蝉蝉颈补精东影业 invasion of Ukraine. 

MiG-29 / Wikipedia

5. McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet: over 830聽

Developed as a light carrier-borne fighter and attack jet for the United States Navy (USN), the F/A-18, also known simply as the F-18, was also exported to Australia, Canada, Spain, and other countries to be used as a regular fighter jet.  

In the 1990s a heavily upgraded version, the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, was developed and is still in production. Meanwhile, the USN had begun to , replacing them with the new variants as those came in. So, although , more than half remain operational. 

McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet
U.S. Navy photo

4. McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle: over 940聽

Not just one of the most popular, the F-15 is considered the most successful fighter jet ever built. It scored more than 100 victories in air combat while never actually being shot down by other aircraft. 

Besides the US, large numbers of F-15s are operated by Israel, Japan, Qatar, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Singapore. In total, 1,198 units of the F-15 were built. The jet is still being produced as the Boeing F-15EX in . 

McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle
U.S. Air Force photo

3. MiG-21 family: over 1,100聽

It is hard to believe that the MiG-21 is not only one of the oldest fighter jets still in service but also, one of the most popular. The USSR , including some made in India and Czechoslovakia. Production concluded in 1985. On paper, more than 300 original MiG-21s are still operated across the globe, as well as more than 800 of its Chinese copies, designated as the Chengdu J-7, and a similar number of the Chengdu F-7, export versions of the J-7.听

However, it is important to keep in mind that these numbers are very likely to be wrong. Many of the aircraft are extremely old and likely not in good shape, so the MiG-21 should probably rank a few places lower. But there is no possibility of knowing this for sure because militaries don鈥檛 tend to be open about their real capabilities. 

Jason Wells/

2. Sukhoi Su-27 family: over 1,240

The Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker, developed in the Soviet Union as an answer to the F-15, was extremely popular and successful. It spawned a huge family, with Sukhoi continuing to produce upgraded versions such as the Su-30, the Su-34, and the Su-35, while China developed several home-grown copies such as the Shenyang J-11 and the J-16. 

Out of the 1,600 aircraft made only over 1,240 original Su-27s remain operational today and this number is dwindling. However, the Flanker精东影业 derivatives keep being produced in large numbers and exported all over the world. As a result, this jet will likely remain in the skies for decades to come.  

Sukhoi Su-27
Drop of Light /

1. General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon: over 2,100 

Initially developed as a cheaper and lighter counterpart to the F-15, the F-16 grew to become one of the most popular and the most recognizable fighter jets in the world, with more than . The type remains in production to this day. 

As the old F-16s continue to be retired, new and upgraded versions enter production. Additionally, more and more countries keep ordering the aircraft. According to its current manufacturer Lockheed Martin, F-16 production lines are overstrained, the company can鈥檛 keep up with the orders, and have been forced to delay some long-awaited deliveries

Used by more than 25 countries and continuing to sell like hotcakes, the F-16 is certainly the most widely operated fighter jet in the world and will most likely remain in this position for the foreseeable future. 

What about the others such as the JF-17, the Su-25, and the F-4?聽

There are lists that include other types of jet as the most widely operated. 

The McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II is included in some of these compilations, but that is very likely to be wrong and outdated. While more than 5,000 F-4s have been built, making it the most-produced Western supersonic fighter jet, almost all have already been retired and around 150 remain in operation.听

The Sukhoi Su-25 Frogfoot is not a fighter jet, it is a dedicated ground attack aircraft and therefore does not have a place on this list. Furthermore, with only around 400 Su-25s operational worldwide, there is even doubt that the jet could make it onto a list such as this 鈥 there might be more F-5s than Su-25s in the world. 

Some have recently claimed that the CAC/PAC JF-17 Thunder, a joint Chinese-Pakistani fighter jet, is on its way to becoming the most widely operated in the world. However, only around 150 JF-17s have been made so far. The jet is currently in operation with just three countries, although several other nations are considering ordering it in the future.听听

If compared with any aircraft on this list, the JF-17 is certainly not very widely operated. And since there is absolutely no evidence that China and Pakistan will suddenly start to manufacture the JF-17s in its thousands, the prospect that Thunder will top this list is not very bright.  

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US and UK weigh up possible air strikes on Houthi rebels targeting cargo ships聽 /articles/united-states-uk-houthi-rebels-red-sea-israel Tue, 02 Jan 2024 10:21:31 +0000 /?p=88671 The United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) are understood to be weighing up the possibility of…

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The United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) are understood to be weighing up the possibility of launching air strike against Houthi rebels in Yemen. 

The militant group, backed by Iran, has launched a number of attacks in the last few weeks against cargo ships in the Red Sea, significantly disrupting international container movement.  

The Houthi rebels have claimed that the attacks are in response to Israel精东影业 military action against Hamas in Palestine. 

According to , the US, UK and possibly another European country could deploy fighter jets to destroy pre-planned targets in rebel-held areas of Yemen.听听

鈥淚f the Houthis continue to threaten lives and trade, we will be forced to take the necessary and appropriate action,鈥 the British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps, said.  

The Times reported that the US and UK are preparing a statement to be released this week that will warn Houthi rebels of the military consequences if they do not cease attacks on cargo ships.  

A government source told the British newspaper that the statement was a 鈥渓ast warning鈥 to the rebels, which if ignored would result in a 鈥渓imited鈥 but 鈥渟ignificant鈥 response. 

Both the US and UK have sent battleships to the Red Sea in response to Houthi rebels attempting to highjack cargo vessels and firing rockets at Israel.  

On December 30, 2023, the US Navy confirmed it had shot down two anti-ship missiles and destroyed three small boats that came within 20 meters of a cargo vessel.  

Iran has also rejected calls to stop supporting the Houthi rebels and sent its own military ship to the Red Sea on January 1, 2023.  

Shapps added that the rebels 鈥渟hould be under no misunderstanding: we are committed to holding malign actors accountable for unlawful seizures and attacks鈥.听

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Top 10 most expensive fighter jets in 2024 /articles/27553-top-10-most-expensive-fighter-jets Fri, 24 Nov 2023 11:27:03 +0000 Fighter jets are the most advanced, the most powerful, and the most technologically complex of all aircraft, and…

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Fighter jets are the most advanced, the most powerful, and the most technologically complex of all aircraft, and perhaps even of all weapon platforms. Consequently, they’re also highly expensive.

This article’s price list includes only the cost of the aircraft itself, without accounting for expenses related to its development, maintenance, and other associated costs. The “ticket price” of a jet may also vary as it is open to negotiations.

With these caveats out of the way, let精东影业 check the Top 10 most expensive fighter jets in 2024!

10. Lockheed Martin F-16 Block 70/72: $63 million

F-16 Fighting Falcon
Sascha Hahn / Shutterstock

The F-16 was created as a light and maneuverable fighter jet that would offer an affordable alternative to the F-15. Its older variants cost roughly $30 million apiece 鈥 cheaper than the vast majority of contemporary fighters 鈥 but the most advanced ones are really quite pricey. 

The Block 70 and 72 configurations are the most up-to-date iteration of this venerable fighter, which was even renamed F-16V to mark the upgrade. The advancements are most likely very similar to the F-21, a jet Lockheed Martin has offered to India. While we may never know the price of the F-21, the cost of a single F-16 Block 70 gives an insight into how much a top-of-the-line jet, based on the venerable F-16 airframe, may cost.

9. Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet: up to $66.9 million

US Navy Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet fighter on display at Singapore Airshow
Jordan Tan / Shutterstock

The F/A-18 Super Hornet came in the late 90s, replacing older Hornets of A, B, C, and D variants. Although originally 鈥 and primarily 鈥 a carrier-based aircraft, it has found a fair share of interest from countries that intend to use it only as a ground-based one.

The latest upgrade of the F/A-18, the Block III configuration, features vast improvements to avionics and weapon systems. It brings the Super Hornet in line with the latest 4.5 generation fighter jets but drives the price up as well.

The most expensive variant of this jet is the EA-18G Growler though, a dedicated electronic warfare aircraft with a price tag of up to $125 million. While it can be equipped with both air-to-air and air-to-ground munitions, it is much too specialized to be considered in the same vein as regular fighter jets.

8. Shenyang FC-31: $70 million

Shenyang J-31 (F60) at the 2014 Zhuhai Air Show
wc / Shutterstock

The Shenyang FC-31, also known as J-35 or J-31 is a multi-role fighter aircraft developed by the People’s Republic of China. It is primarily designed for military purposes and intended to serve as a fifth-generation combat aircraft. The FC-31 is intended to be used for various missions, including air superiority, ground attack, and reconnaissance. The FC-31 incorporates stealth technology, advanced avionics, and other features commonly associated with fifth-generation jets. 

In 2019, the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) turned down the Shenyang FC-31 “Gyrfalcon” in favor of its rival, the Chengdu J-20 “Mighty Dragon.” Despite this setback, the FC-31’s development continued, and there are indications that it could potentially be converted into a carrier-based fighter for the Chinese Navy.

According to U.S. military and industry officials, it is believed that once the J-31 becomes operational, it will likely such as the F-15 Eagle, F-16 Fighting Falcon, and F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. However, its effectiveness against the latest fighters like the US-made F-22 and F-35 would depend on various factors including the quantity of J-31 aircraft deployed, the skill level of pilots, and the capabilities of its radar systems and other sensors. 

7. Saab JAS 39E/F Gripen: $85 million

Brazilian F-39E Gripen, the Brazilian Air Force fighter aircraft
Salty View / Shutterstock

The Swedish JAS 39 Gripen, of variants C and D, is notorious for being one of the cheapest new 4 or 4.5 generation fighter jets around. Its cost could go as low as $30 million per piece, a bargain for such an advanced machine. 

Its latest variants, the E and F, changed that. While they are still much cheaper to operate than 5th generation fighter jets, the cost of one such jet has more than doubled. An explanation of that lies in jets鈥 differences: almost everything, except for the airframe, got upgraded. New radar, engine, avionics, improved weapons systems 鈥 very little remained of the old Gripen.

In 2012, the new-generation JAS 39 was expected to cost over $100 million. It is only in the latest years that Saab managed to reduce the price, and with the reduction, the Gripen once again became a sought-after jet on the international market.

6. Chengdu J-20: $110 million

Chengdu J-20 - one of the world's most mysterious aircraft
Mike Mareen / Shutterstock

Very little is known about the Chinese 5th-generation jet. Its price tag is, too, mere speculation. Nevertheless, the J-20 is not for sale though, as China never intended to export its top weapon.  

A recently unveiled J-20 prototype bearing the serial number 2052 at the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation in China on June 29, 2023. Notably, it is now equipped with two WS-15 turbofan engines. Looking ahead, there is a high likelihood of continued advancements and refinements to the WS-15, with potential variations intended to propel the People’s Liberation Army’s sixth-generation fighter program.

5. Dassault Rafale: around $115 million

French Navy Dassault Rafale during the NATO Tiger Meet at Schleswig-Jagel airbase
VanderWolf Images / Shutterstock

There are varying reports about the price of the Rafale, ranging between $100 and $120 million per piece in the most basic configuration. The French Air Force definitely bought the fighter for much less. In comparison, the deal reached by the Indian Air Force 鈥 reportedly, full of minute, but pricey enhancements 鈥 was more expensive, and is often criticized for that.

Being one of the most advanced aircraft of its generation and manufactured in one of the most expensive regions of the world, the Rafale is not cheap. 

4. Boeing F-15EX: $117 million

An F-15EX Eagle II flies in formation during an aerial refueling operation above the skies
Ethan Wagner / Wikimedia

The F-15 itself was not supposed to be cheap, and its latest variant, the F-15EX, demonstrates that. It is supposed to replace older C and D models while being more affordable than the most advanced 5th-generation jets. That affordability comes mostly from operational costs. 

Its operating cost is 鈥渙nly鈥 $29,000 per hour. This cost represents one-third of the total operating cost of the F-35. That, as well as its similarity to previous models of the F-15, makes the F-15EX an attractive aircraft for many countries. 

3. Eurofighter Typhoon: around $124 million

Eurofighter Typhoon flying
SpaceKris / Shutterstock

Another European fighter jet, the Eurofighter Typhoon may cost as cheap as $50 million for countries within the European Union that participated in its development, but the export price is much higher. In 2018, Airbus reportedly offered Eurofighters to India for as much as 鈧138 million per piece, which is still cheaper than what was paid for Rafales. 

2. Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor: $143 million

Lockheed Martin F-22
Craig Wactor / Shutterstock 

Praised as one of the best fighter jets in the world, the F-22 Raptor holds a prominent position. Developed by Lockheed Martin for the United States Air Force, this fifth-generation, single-seat, twin-engine, all-weather stealth air superiority fighter boasts top-notch attributes.   

It incorporates highly dependable stealth technology, earning it recognition as one of the best in its class.

1. Lockheed Martin F-35: $177 million

F35 Fighter jet close up
Digital Storm / Shutterstock

The F-35 went down in history as the most expensive weapon system ever. Operational costs of the newest fifth-generation fighter jet are some of the highest in the world, making the aircraft relatively expensive to buy and maintain. From 2022, the unit cost of F-35 has further increased because of inflation, lower quantities, and improved capabilities. 

In a report published in late May 2023, the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) wrote that 鈥渢he program attributes the increased procurement cost to , along with support costs for equipment, technical data, and training. 

The A, B, and C variants of the F-35 are, for all intents and purposes, different aircraft. The most expensive is the F-35B, designed for short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL). 

With a price tag of approximately $177 million per unit, it also claims the title of the most expensive aircraft on this list.

A table: Top 10 most expensive fighter jets in 2024

RankAircraft TypeCurrent Unit Cost (in million)
1Lockheed Martin F-35$177
2Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor$143
3Eurofighter Typhoon$124
4Boeing F-15EX$117
5Dassault Rafale$115
6Chengdu J-20$110
7Saab JAS 39E/F Gripen$85
8Shenyang FC-31$70
9Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet$66.9
10Lockheed Martin F-16 Block 70/72$63
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Revealed: Top 10 best fighter jets in the world in 2024 /articles/best-fighter-jets Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:26:17 +0000 /?p=75847 鈥  Fighter jets are the most prominent part of any air force. They are also often the most…

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Fighter jets are the most prominent part of any air force. They are also often the most important. Fast, agile, and powerful, modern fighters can perform various roles and are truly universal aircraft. 

Many countries use older and cheaper models of fighter jets. However, the leading armies always try to have an edge over their adversaries and procure state-of-the-art equipment. 

The more advanced the jet is, the more effective it can be at performing its role. So, the latest technologies are often used on fighter aircraft. Powerful engines, complex weapons systems, and sophisticated radars allow these machines to be truly multi-role. 

Some of these aircraft employ thrust vectoring engine nozzles for additional maneuverability, while others make use of stealth designs to reduce their radar and heat signature. The latest and most advanced fighter jets feature complex computers and communication links to process and share data. 

But which fighter jets are the best? Let精东影业 try to analyze their features and find out. 

精东影业 has only included jets that have already flown. Aircraft such as 搁耻蝉蝉颈补精东影业 Sukhoi Checkmate, India精东影业 HAL AMCA, or 罢耻谤办别测精东影业 TAI TF-X now known as TF-X KAAN have yet to take flight, while sixth-generation jets like the NGAD, the FCAS, and the Tempest among others are still in the design phase. 

Without further ado, here are 精东影业精东影业 Top 10 best fighter jets in the world in 2024!聽

10. Sukhoi Su-35S 

The Russian Sukhoi Su-30, Su-35, and Su-37, along with the Chinese Shenyang J-16, are all based on the celebrated Su-27 platform, with various upgrades offering 4.5 generation capabilities. Each jet has a number of variants and modifications. 

But the Su-35S could be considered the ultimate version of them all. It features the latest electronics systems to be produced by Russia, as well as numerous improvements to the fuselage. Its signature characteristic is the thrust-vectoring engine nozzles, which can turn in any direction, making the aircraft extremely maneuverable, so much so that it does not even require canards, a feature that became a staple on earlier Su-30 and Su-35 variants. 

Sukhoi Su-35S jet fighter of Russian Knights aerobatics team
Karasev Viktor / Shutterstock

9. Eurofighter Typhoon 

As its name implies, the Eurofighter Typhoon was designed to be a joint European fighter jet. It boasts an impressive performance and advanced technology. However, it has received a lot of attention from outside Europe and is now used by some of the strongest air forces across the continent and in the Middle East, including the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia

And there are good reasons for that. The Typhoon is one of the most advanced and powerful 4th generation jets, and its latest variant, the Tranche 3, employs the newest technologies. An even more advanced Tranche 4 was introduced in 2020, improving the electronics and weapons systems featured in Tranche 3. 

Euro fighter jet flying
Jason Wells / Shutterstock

8. Dassault Rafale 

The Dassault Rafale and the Eurofighter Typhoon are quite similar, not least because they began development as one aircraft. However, in the mid-1980s France decided to divide the program and create a separate fighter for its own needs. 

Unlike the Typhoon, a variant of the Rafale exists that can land on an aircraft carrier. It is also certified to carry air-launched nuclear weapons.

France also upgrades its Rafale constantly. The F3 is the latest variant and includes the latest weapons systems and sensors. 

The Rafale 4 is currently under development and will include further improvements to its radar and avionics systems. France, the United Arab Emirates, India, and a host of other customers will begin to receive delivery of this variant in the near future, while many older variants will be upgraded. 

French Air Force Dassault Rafale fighter jet from Saint Dizier Airbase
VanderWolf Images / Shutterstock

7. Boeing F-15EX Eagle II 

The Boeing F-15 Eagle was one of the first 4th generation fighter jets. Sometimes it is hard to believe that this jet celebrated its 52nd birthday in 2024.听

However, it still remains a potent war machine. It is the only fighter jet in the world to score more than 100 air-to-air kills and experience no air-to-air losses. It has also been continuously upgraded, with its new variants featuring the most advanced technologies. 

The F-15EX Eagle II, developed by Boeing, is the latest variant of the jet. The aircraft features a new radar, updated avionics, and advanced weapons systems, as well as countless other improvements, ensuring its relevance in contemporary aerial warfare. 

US Air Force McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle
EvrenKalinbacak / Shutterstock

6. Shenyang FC-31 Gyrfalcon 

China’s Shenyang FC-31 Gyrfalcon project initially introduced over a decade ago, is now close to fruition. Although the FC-31 is yet to be unveiled, the jet, under different designations, is close to becoming China精东影业 new carrier-based jet.

Although exact capabilities remain largely classified, recent images show the FC-31 with redesigned engine housing, a new canopy, and many other intriguing upgrades. 

Shenyang J-31 (F60) at the Zhuhai Aerobatics-Show 2014
wc / Wikimedia

5. Sukhoi Su-57 

The Sukhoi Su-57 Felon is 搁耻蝉蝉颈补精东影业 first stealth aircraft. However, its development was slowed due to numerous problems and delays and, although initially planned to become operational years ago, it only exists in small quantities. 

In the coming years, the Su-57 is poised to to further enhance its performance and various other upgrades. It is a heavy fighter with low-speed maneuverability, as well as stealth characteristics and advanced radar systems. 

Demonstration flight of Sukhoi Su-57 (Felon)
Ilya Oslyakov / Shutterstock

4. KAI KF-21 Boramae 

The KAI KF-21 Boramae, produced by South Korea in partnership with Indonesia, represents a significant leap in the Korean aerospace industry. This jet incorporates stealth features, an advanced AESA radar system, and some technologies based on the F-35, putting it somewhere between a 4.5 and 5th-generation fighter.  

The first KF-21 conducted its maiden flight in July 2022, and several more prototypes are currently in production and undergoing testing at KAI. The company aims to start delivering these jets to the military in 2026. 

The Boramae is also set to receive additional improvements in the near future. Further variants, with internal weapons bays and improved sensors to enhance its stealth capability, along with an integrated electronic warfare system to boost its survivability in combat, and make it a true 5th-generation fighter jet. 

KF-21 Boramae displayed at Seoul airshow ADEX 2023
Ju Jae-young / Shutterstock

3. Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor 

The F-22 is the first-ever 5th generation fighter jet to enter service, and the first fighter to include stealth features. Its thrust-vectoring engines and advanced weapons systems give it an edge at close-range dogfighting, and it also has powerful sensors for beyond-visual range. 

The United States Air Force (USAF) is the only service to operate the F-22, as it was deemed too advanced to be handed over to another country. However, the F-22 was regularly deployed abroad where it has been used in multiple combat missions, proving its worth. 

The USAF is also continuously upgrading its Raptors, which means that, despite being first designed more than two decades ago, they remain some of the most advanced aircraft in the world. 

United States Air Force (USAF) Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor fifth-generation, single-seat, twin-engine, stealth tactical fighter aircraft
Ryan Fletcher / Shutterstock

2. Chengdu J-20 Mighty Dragon 

China精东影业 first 5th generation fighter jet , the J-20 Mighty Dragon, is a heavy, powerful fighter designed to rival the F-22 and the Su-57. It is a step forward in Chinese fighter jet development, bringing advanced avionics, and superior performance to the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). It might not be as maneuverable as its counterparts without the thrust-vectored engine exhausts, but the stealthy design of the Chengdu J-20 is still incredibly advanced. 

While the exact characteristics of this aircraft are classified, ongoing enhancements ensure that it continues to pose a threat in aerial warfare. are currently in development, including a . A new, is also currently being tested on this aircraft. China remains tight-lipped about the J-20’s exact capabilities.

Chengdu J-20 flight at the 2022 Changchun Air Show
N509FZ / Wikimedia Commons

1. Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II 

The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is the pinnacle of the United States’ fifth-generation fighter development. Ever since entering production in 2006, the F-35 has embodied the latest in combat aircraft development. It boasts unmatched stealth features, sensor fusion, the world精东影业 most powerful fighter engine, data networking capabilities, and the most advanced radar. Its pilots even use a special augmented reality helmet that offers them unprecedented levels of situational awareness. 

This jet is said to take its all-aspect stealth and sensor fusion to the max, making it almost unbeatable in beyond-visual-range combat. Furthermore, it can hold its own in good old dogfights too. In 2017, during the model精东影业 first Red Flag exercise, the , meaning that it won 20 engagements for each one it lost. Such an advantage is mostly the result of the F-35精东影业 unprecedented situational awareness. The aircraft can track and attack targets in all directions, so, getting on the F-35精东影业 tail does not mean you are safe from its missiles. 

The F-35 also has three distinct variants: the conventional takeoff and landing F-35A, which works as your regular fighter jet; the F-35B, which has vertical take-off and landing ability; and the carrier variant F-35C, designed to land on aircraft carriers. 

Initially, this jet experienced several developmental problems and, despite being intended as a cheap alternative to the F-22, quickly became the most expensive weapons system in the world. However, with the cost of the new F-35s dropping and the deficiencies being ironed out, more and more countries are ordering F-35s, making it an export success. 

These ten fighter jets represent the pinnacle of aerial warfare in 2024, each one a marvel of technology and engineering. Their advanced capabilities in speed, firepower, stealth, and maneuverability allow them to dominate in contemporary air-to-air and air-to-ground combat scenarios.

What are some other advanced fighter jets? 

This list features American, Chinese, Korean, and Russian aircraft. However, many other countries manufacture their own fighter jets. 

While they may have not made the cut to appear on our 2024 list, some of these jets are still incredibly advanced, so we would like to give them a special mention.听

  • TheSaab JAS 39 Gripen E, the newest Swedish fighter jet, very nearly made this list. It is a monumental upgrade to older variants of the Gripen, featuring a new engine, electronics, and weapons. 
  • 罢丑别鈥HAL Tejasis India精东影业 home-grown 4th generation light fighter and includes many advanced features. India is also close to testing the Mk2 variant, which boasts an even better performance. 
  • 罢丑别鈥PAC JF-17 Thunder鈥痠s a joint production between China and Pakistan, and a light and nimble successor to the legendary MiG-21
  • The鈥疞ockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon, in its latest Block 70/72 variant, features the newest electronics and weapons, and is a great improvement on this legendary light fighter. 
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Scoot flight escorted by Singapore’s F-15SG fighter aircraft due to bomb threat /articles/scoot-flight-escorted-by-singapores-f-15sg-fighter-aircraft-due-to-bomb-threat Fri, 13 Oct 2023 11:34:45 +0000 /?p=83597 A Scoot flight bound for Australia had to make a u-turn, escorted by Royal Singapore Air Force fighter…

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A Scoot flight bound for Australia had to make a u-turn, escorted by Royal Singapore Air Force fighter jets, due to a bomb threat. 

Flight TR16 took off at 16:11 local time from Singapore精东影业 Changi Airport (SIN) bound for Perth Airport (PER) on October 12, 2023.

Scoot told local media outlets that a 鈥減recautionary decision鈥 to head back to Singapore was made one hour into the flight 鈥渄ue to a bomb threat鈥. 

Two of Royal Singapore Air Force精东影业 F-15SG fighter jets were then activated to escort the Boeing B787 aircraft back to Changi Airport. The flight landed back in Singapore at 18:27 local time.

People on the ground were able to film video footage of the return flight, in which the two fighter jets can be seen.

Security checks were carried out when the plane landed, and though no explosives were found, an Australian male was arrested for 鈥渃riminal intimidation鈥. Further investigations are ongoing.

“Scoot is assisting the authorities with their investigations. As this is a security matter, we regret that we are unable to provide further details,” the airline told local media outlets.   

“Scoot sincerely apologizes for the disruption and inconvenience caused. The safety of our customers and crew is our top priority, and we will continue to provide assistance to our customers,” the airline said.

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Indonesia reaches agreement with Boeing for sale of up to 24 F-15EX fighter jets /articles/indonesia-boeing-fighter-jets-mou Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:20:51 +0000 /?p=80479 The Republic of Indonesia has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to purchase up to 24 Boeing F-15EX…

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The Republic of Indonesia has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to purchase up to 24 Boeing F-15EX advanced fighter jets.  

The agreement, which was announced by Boeing on August 21, 2023, now awaits approval from the United States (US) government.  

The MOU was signed at Boeing精东影业 St. Louis facility following a tour of the F-15EX production line, attended by Indonesia精东影业 Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto. 

Alongside the Minister, the MOU was co-signed by Air Vice Marshal Yusuf Jauhari, head of defense facilities agency and Mark Sears, Boeing Fighters vice president and program manager. 

鈥淲e are pleased to announce our commitment to procure the critical F-15EX fighter capability for Indonesia,鈥 said Minister Subianto. 鈥淭his state-of-the-art fighter will protect and secure our nation with its advanced capabilities.鈥 

says that the F-15EX is the most advanced version of the F-15 ever built, with digital fly-by-wire flight controls, a new electronic warfare system, an all-glass digital cockpit, and the latest mission systems and software capabilities, which will all be leveraged in delivering the new “F-15IDN.”聽

鈥淲e have invested years of expertise into developing the F-15EX capabilities. There is no other fighter like the F-15 in the world, and this platform will put Indonesia at the top of air dominance capabilities,鈥 said Sears. 鈥淏oeing is ready to support this effort and remains a committed partner to the US government in advancing international security objectives with allies and partners around the world.鈥 

Boeing and Indonesia, a key strategic US ally, have worked in partnership for nearly 75 years to support the development of aerospace and defense capabilities in the country through training, supply chain development and collaborations. 

Today, Boeing精东影业 presence in Indonesia covers commercial aviation, defense, space, supply chain, academia partnerships and talent development efforts across the local industry. 

Currently, the F-15 is operated by seven countries around the world. 

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Top 10: the world’s weirdest fighter jets ever designed /articles/top-10-the-worlds-weirdest-fighter-jets Sun, 13 Aug 2023 03:00:00 +0000 /?p=79851 The world of military aviation has seen its fair share of innovative and unconventional fighter jet designs. Over…

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The world of military aviation has seen its fair share of innovative and unconventional fighter jet designs. Over the years, various nations have embarked on ambitious projects to create fighter aircraft with unique features and capabilities. From strange-looking designs to experimental technologies, these fighter jets stand out as some of the weirdest and most intriguing in history.  

For our purposes here, the sole requirement is the sheer peculiarity of the plane精东影业 design 鈥 the more unconventional it is, the better. Fighter jets are specifically crafted as jet aircraft intended for aerial combat against other aircraft. 

The whole list consists of designs that never went into mass production and never were adopted (with one exception). 

Now join us as we explore the Top 10 oddest fighter jets ever produced, counting down from 10th place and working our way up to the top spot. 

Honorable mention: Saab J35 Draken 

It doesn鈥檛 make our Top 10, and the Saab J35 Draken was not as unconventional in appearance as some others on this list, but it did have a unique double-delta wing design. The forward-swept wing and the delta-shaped tail gave it an unmistakable silhouette. The Draken’s innovative design allowed for high agility and remarkable performance during its service with the Swedish Air Force. 

The first flight of the Saab J35 Draken took place on October 25, 1955, and it was retired from military service in 2005. However, at least two aircraft continue to operate in the Swedish Air Force Historic Flight association. 

10. Nord 1500 Griffon 

The Nord 1500 Griffon, also known as the 鈥楴ord 1500-01 Griffon鈥, is an aircraft that stands out for its unusual and distinct design. Its first flight took place on September 20th, 1955, and it was designed by Nord Aviation, a French aerospace company, with the intention of exploring various unconventional aerodynamic concepts. 

One of the key features that made the Nord 1500 Griffon so unusual was its unique configuration. It had a canard layout, which meant that it featured small wings at the front of the aircraft, positioned ahead of the main wing. This design was relatively uncommon at the time, and it gave the Griffon a distinct appearance compared to traditional aircraft configurations. 

Moreover, the Nord 1500 Griffon was equipped with a forward-swept wing, which was another unusual characteristic. Forward-swept wings are known to have some advantages, such as improved maneuverability and stall resistance, but they also present challenges in terms of structural integrity and stability.  

The Griffon II used mixed turbojet and ramjet propulsion. The turbojet would allow the fighter to take off while the ramjet would take it to its top speed. On October 5, 1959, the plane set a speed record of 2,320 kilometres per hour (1,440 miles per hour). 

Despite its intriguing design, the Nord 1500 Griffon faced a series of developmental issues and it never progressed beyond the prototype stage. It underwent several modifications in an attempt to address the challenges posed by its ramjet propulsion and the heat it generated. However, the project was eventually abandoned, and no production versions of the Griffon were ever built. 

9. Northrop XP-79 Flying Ram 

The Northrop XP-79 was an experimental jet developed during World War II in 1945 with a highly unconventional and audacious purpose. It was designed as a 鈥檉lying ram鈥, essentially serving as a manned missile with the main objective of physically colliding with enemy aircraft in mid-air. 

The XP-79’s development was motivated by the belief that enemy bomber fleets posed a significant threat and conventional interceptors might not be able to effectively counter them. The idea was that a fast and agile manned aircraft like the XP-79 could be flown into enemy formations, engaging in direct and destructive collisions to take down enemy bombers. That concept was eventually abandoned, but the XP-79 program continued to develop a more conventional interceptor. 

Before the XP-79 could prove its worth or the validity of its concept, it faced a disastrous incident during its initial test flight on September 12, 1945. The aircraft experienced stability issues, leading to a crash that tragically claimed the life of its test pilot, Harry Crosby. 

The fatal accident, along with the changing military strategy and advancements in conventional interceptors, led to the discontinuation of the XP-79 program. 

8. Vought V-173 Flying Pancake 

The Vought V-173 was an extraordinary experimental fighter aircraft. Its unique and distinct design featured a disc-shaped airframe, earning it the nickname 鈥楩lying Pancake鈥. The unconventional shape was intended to explore the potential benefits of improved lift and maneuverability. 

The aircraft’s disc-shaped wing and fuselage design were the most striking aspects of the V-173. The circular wing, with a diameter of 23 feet (7 meters), incorporated a series of flat panels that formed the pancake-like structure. The circular wing had a greater chord (width from front to back) than conventional wings, which allowed for a larger lifting surface without significantly increasing the aircraft’s overall size. 

The V-173 first took to the skies on November 23, 1942, in a series of test flights piloted by Boone T. Guyton. During the test program, the aircraft demonstrated impressive low-speed performance and excellent maneuverability. However, the V-173’s top speed was relatively modest, limiting its potential as a high-speed fighter. 

Though the V-173 showed promise and it had several successful flights, it did not progress to full-scale production or widespread adoption. Its design principles were integrated into a more advanced version known as the Vought XF5U-1, featuring a larger twin-disc airframe. But by the time a prototype was ready for testing, the need for such unconventional aircraft had diminished, as more conventional fighter designs had advanced significantly during the war.  

USN / Wikimedia 

7. Convair XFY Pogo 

The Convair XFY Pogo, a product of the innovative 1950s era, captured the imagination with its distinctive 鈥渢ailsitter鈥 design and promising vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) capabilities. It took its first tethered flight on April 19, 1954.  

The aircraft’s appearance was undeniably unconventional, boasting a single-seat cockpit perched vertically atop a slender fuselage. Another notable feature was the unique arrangement of contra-rotating propellers, which enabled it to achieve vertical flight. 

Developed specifically for the United States Navy, the XFY Pogo was intended to address the need for fighter aircraft capable of operating from smaller decks of aircraft carriers or even helipads. The VTOL concept had the potential to revolutionize naval aviation, offering greater flexibility and adaptability in a variety of scenarios. 

However, despite its futuristic concept, the XFY Pogo faced significant challenges that hindered its practical viability. One of the most notable hurdles was related to stability and control during vertical flight operations. The aircraft struggled to maintain a steady hover, and this instability proved to be a critical issue during the testing phase. 

Therefore, despite numerous efforts to refine and enhance its design, the XFY Pogo project faced increasing setbacks. Eventually, it became apparent that the technical challenges were too overwhelming to resolve within a reasonable timeframe, and the U.S. Navy decided to cancel the program. 

USN / Wikimedia 

6. Yakovlev Yak-38U  

The Yakovlev Yak-38U, the twin-seat version of the VTOL fighter jet Yak-38 has an intriguing history that reflects the tumultuous era of Soviet aviation experimentation. Its design and appearance were indeed distinctive and often likened to a curious amalgamation of various elements from different aircraft. It is the only aircraft in this list that actually entered service. 

The Yak-38 was developed during the 1970s as part of the Soviet Union’s ambitious efforts to create viable VTOL aircraft for their naval aviation. Inspired by the success of the British Harrier jump jet, Soviet engineers sought to create a similar aircraft that could operate from the decks of aircraft carriers and small naval vessels, providing greater flexibility in combat scenarios. On January 15, 1971, it took flight for the first time.  

While the Yak-38U shared some design similarities with the Yak-38, it was equipped with a larger cockpit to accommodate a second seat for a co-pilot or instructor, offering training capabilities. 

The VTOL technology used in the Yak-38 was novel, involving the deployment of swiveling nozzles that directed the exhaust gases downward for vertical takeoffs and landings. Unlike the Harrier, which was entirely powered by a single engine, the Yak-38 made use of two smaller engines for vertical lift. However, the aircraft’s complex mechanical systems and design compromises resulted in numerous challenges. 

Like its single-seat counterpart, the Yak-38U faced issues with performance, limited payload capacity and a relatively short operational range, which hindered its combat effectiveness. The Soviet Navy experienced operational difficulties with it and was not satisfied with the aircraft’s capabilities, leading to an infamous reputation. 

With advancements in fixed-wing naval aviation and the development of more capable fighter aircraft, the Yak-38’s role slowly diminished, and the aircraft gradually retired from service in 1991. 

5. Rockwell HiMAT 

The Rockwell HiMAT (Highly Maneuverable Aircraft Technology) was an experimental remotely piloted aircraft developed by Rockwell International in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Taking its first flight on July 27, 1979, it was designed to explore and demonstrate advanced aerodynamic concepts and flight control technologies. 

The HiMAT was an agile and futuristic-looking aircraft with a delta wing configuration. Its purpose was to investigate various cutting-edge technologies and material that could potentially be used in future fighter aircraft, with the aim of enhancing their maneuverability, survivability and overall performance. 

During its flight-testing phase, the HiMAT showcased remarkable agility and maneuvering capabilities, sustaining 8G turns at near supersonic speed. The aircraft’s performance, and the data collected during its flights, contributed significantly to the advancement of several follow-on programs. 

However, despite its early promise, the HiMAT program was brought to an end.  The use of a remote-controlled aircraft was deemed too complex, with up to five pilots needed during each flight test for various roles. The aircraft was used for a series of flight tests and research missions, but it was not intended for production or operational deployment and was retired in January 1989. 

4. Horten Ho 229  

The Horten Ho 229, also known as the Gotha Go 229, was a groundbreaking prototype fighter jet designed during World War II. The aircraft’s flying wing configuration was ahead of its time, and its innovative design elements made it a fascinating subject of study for aviation engineers and historians. 

The Ho 229 was the brainchild of brothers Walter and Reimar Horten, who were German aircraft designers with a vision for a radical new approach to aviation. Their concept of the flying wing involved eliminating the traditional fuselage and tail section and integrating all essential components, including the cockpit and engines, into the wing structure itself. This approach resulted in a streamlined, tailless aircraft, offering reduced drag and increased efficiency when compared to conventional designs. 

On February 2, 1945, the Horten Ho 229 made its first flight, piloted by test pilot Erwin Ziller. The aircraft’s maiden voyage was conducted at Oranienburg, Germany. The flight was reportedly successful, demonstrating the potential of the flying wing design. The Ho 229 showcased impressive performance, and its unique shape provided it with a reduced radar cross-section, unintentionally foreshadowing the principles of modern stealth technology. 

However, despite its promising performance, Ho 229’s development faced numerous challenges and obstacles due to the chaotic conditions of the final stages of the Second World War and the German war effort’s increasing difficulties. The project suffered from material shortages, limited resources, and the constant threat of Allied bombing raids, which ultimately derailed the development process. 

The Horten Ho 229 program was never able to fulfill its intended role as an operational fighter jet during the war. The aircraft’s development was halted due to the collapse of Nazi Germany, and only a few prototypes were built. Following the war’s end, the Allies captured the remaining Ho 229 prototypes, and the technology was studied and analyzed to gain insights into the innovative design. 

US Gov / Shutterstock 

3. Ryan X-13 Vertijet 

The Ryan X-13 Vertijet was an ambitious VTOL aircraft developed by Ryan Aeronautical Corporation in the 1950s, as part of the United States’ efforts to explore advanced aviation technologies. The aircraft’s primary goal was to demonstrate the feasibility of vertical flight and the viability of transitioning from vertical to horizontal flight seamlessly, with the hopes to eventually develop a submarine-borne aircraft. 

On December 10, 1955, the X-13 Vertijet achieved its first successful flight at Edwards Air Force Base in California, marking a significant milestone in the history of VTOL aviation. The aircraft’s maiden flight was a moment of anticipation and excitement, as it aimed to prove that it could overcome the challenges associated with vertical takeoffs and landings. 

The X-13 Vertijet featured a unique design, including a ball-mounted nozzle that could redirect exhaust gasses in the direction needed, allowing the aircraft to transition between the two flight modes. This transition was a critical and demanding phase of the flight, as it required precise control and stability. 

During the testing phase, the X-13 Vertijet demonstrated the envisioned smooth transition between vertical and horizontal flight, validating the effectiveness of its innovative propulsion design. However, the vertical landings proved more difficult, making the recovery of the aircraft a complex operation, and the development was becoming costly. 

Due to these challenges and the availability of more practical alternatives, the interest in tailsitter aircraft diminished over time, and other VTOL aircraft designs became more prevalent. Therefore, Vertijet retired on September 30, 1957.

2. Curtiss-Wright XP-55 Ascender 

The Curtiss-Wright XP-55 Ascender was a unique and experimental fighter aircraft that entered development during the Second World War. The aircraft’s design departed significantly from conventional fighter planes of its era, featuring a distinctive canard configuration and a pusher-propeller layout. 

The XP-55 Ascender’s first flight took place on July 19, 1943, with test pilot J. Harvey Gray at the controls. During its testing phase, the XP-55 Ascender demonstrated satisfactory stability, however when testing for stall performance at altitude in November 1943, the XP-55 was lost due to uncontrolled descent.  

Also, the XP-55 Ascender struggled to surpass the performance of other contemporary fighter planes, and its top speed and rate of climb were underwhelming when compared to standard front-line fighters like the P-51 Mustang or the P-47 Thunderbolt. Additionally, the pusher-propeller configuration led to some issues with engine cooling, affecting its overall performance. 

As the war continued, advancements in jet engines rendered some of the XP-55’s limited benefits obsolete.As a result, only three prototypes of the XP-55 Ascender were built, and no production units were ordered. The project was canceled in 1944, and the two existing prototypes were relegated to test and evaluation purposes. 

US Government / Wikimedia 

Top 1- Convair F2Y Sea Dart 

The Convair F2Y Sea Dart claims the top spot on our list as the world精东影业 weirdest fighter jet ever built. 

It was a fascinating and ambitious experimental aircraft developed during the 1950s by Convair, a prominent American aerospace company, in an attempt to create a high-speed, supersonic seaplane fighter jet, a concept that had not been explored extensively until that time. 

The F2Y Sea Dart’s first flight took place on January 14, 1953, piloted by test pilot Charles E. Richbourg. The aircraft featured a unique design with twin hydro-skis, enabling it to take off from and land on water. This ability made it an interesting candidate for naval operations, as it could potentially operate from bodies of water, including oceans, rivers, and lakes, forgoing the need for a runway. 

The F2Y Sea Dart program faced challenges that ultimately limited its operational potential. The aircraft encountered difficulties with its hydro-skis during takeoff and landing, which impacted its overall effectiveness as a seaplane fighter. Additionally, the complexity of operating a high-speed aircraft from water posed significant operational and maintenance challenges. 

In a tragic accident on November 4, 1954, test pilot Charles E. Richbourg lost his life during the midair disintegration of the Sea Dart he was piloting. Ultimately this, coupled with a whole series of disappointing outcomes, caused the program to be terminated. The remaining four planes were retired in 1957, although a few were kept in reserve until 1962. 

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From Armstrong to Whittle: 9 of the most influential figures in aviation history /articles/most-important-influential-aviation-history Sat, 05 Aug 2023 06:00:00 +0000 /?p=79409 Air travel has had the effect of liberating human beings. Distance and time no longer confine us as…

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Air travel has had the effect of liberating human beings. Distance and time no longer confine us as they did, and we are now capable of traveling pretty much wherever we want on the planet.  

However, this freedom we enjoy today did not come about overnight.  

Blood, sweat and tears have been shed across decades, lives even lost, so that we could travel the globe by plane. 

Without planes travelling to faraway countries for a well-earned holiday, our options would be vastly limited.   

If you wanted to visit relatives around the other side of the world, you鈥檇 have to prepare yourself for at least four days stuck on a boat.    

So, who are the most influential figures from history that left an indelible mark on aviation and broadened our horizons?聽

精东影业 looks at nine aviation figures that we think certainly played their part.听听

Sir George Cayley聽

(Dec 27, 1773 鈥 Dec 15, 1857)聽

British-born Sir George Cayley is often referred to as the 鈥榝ather of aviation鈥, a title that speaks volumes as to how highly regarded the 18th Century born aviator is.   

According to the United States (US) , Sir George was the first person to identify the four forces of flight 鈥 namely weight, lift, drag, and thrust.听

In 1853, at a village in North Yorkshire, Sir George recorded the first flight of a fixed-wing aircraft that carried an adult.  

According to an account by Sir George精东影业 granddaughter, the glider traveled 900 feet before coming to a stop with a bump. 

And who was the fearless pilot? A young coachman called John Appleby, who had been persuaded by the nearly 80-year-old Cayley to jump on board.  

“About 100 years ago, an Englishman, Sir George Cayley, carried the science of flight to a point which it had never reached before and which it scarcely reached again during the last century.” Wilbur Wright said of Sir George in 1909.听

Otto Lilienthal聽

(May 23, 1848 鈥 August 10, 1896)聽

Otto Lilienthal monoplane 1921
Creative Commons

Dubbed the 鈥楩lying Man鈥, Otto Lilienthal精东影业 achievements in aviation would go on to influence pioneers such as the Wright brothers.听听聽

Lilienthal精东影业 success came from flying gliders, which gradually built confidence among early aviators that 鈥榟eavier than air鈥 aircraft flight was indeed possible. 

The German innovator’s most famous flying machine was the Normal-Segelapparat, which had a wingspan of 6.7 meters.听

Such was its success that the Normal-Segelapparat was sold to a number of buyers and subsequently became the first serial-produced aircraft in the world.  

However, the aircraft was difficult to control as the pilot was forced to clasp the frame. This in turn limited the pilot精东影业 ability to change direction, as it had to be achieved using only the bottom half of the body.  

Sadly, after years of dedication to flying, a glider flight on August 9, 1896, caused Lilienthal精东影业 death when the glider crashed.  

鈥淥f all the men who attacked the flying problem in the 19th century, Otto Lilienthal was easily the most important,鈥 Wilbur Wright wrote in 1912.听

Wright brothers Orville and Wilbur聽

(August 19, 1871 – January 30, 1948) (April 16, 1867 鈥 May 30, 1912)聽

 The Wright Flyer demonstrations at Fort Myer
NASA Photo Collection / Flickr

Surely no other figures in the history of flight are as synonymous with aviation as the Wright brothers. 

Both born in Dayton, Ohio in the US, Orville and Wilbur attended high school but left without qualifications.  

Unperturbed, the Wright brothers moved into the printing business and even built their own printing press from scratch.  

By 1892, the brothers had expanded by opening a bicycle repair and sales shop, with their own branded bikes available to buy.  

However, as news began to spread through the US about European gliders and incredible aeronautical feats, the brothers decided to put their mechanical skills to use by building a plane.  

As Orville and Wilbur started to explore the mathematics around flight, they made a key breakthrough by realizing that control of the aircraft was just as important as the wings and engines. 

At first, the brothers started developing gliders and kites, a process which led to incredibly important discoveries and deepened their knowledge of aeronautics. 

However, the holy grail was always a motor-operated plane. 

On December 17, 1903, close to Kitty Hawk in North Carolina, a heavier-than-air powered and controlled aircraft called the Wright Flyer, manned by Orville, flew a distance of 20 feet in 12 seconds.  

The short journey was the first time an engine-powered plane had achieved sustained flight and the reverberations from this moment would have a huge, wide-ranging impact.   

In 1904 the Wrights鈥 second plane, Flyer II, went even further when both men flew for over five minutes in a circular pattern around a field.  

In the years that followed, unfair doubts would spread about the brother精东影业 achievement, with many people unable to fathom that flight was even possible.  

Thankfully, though, as time passed Wilbur and Orville got the recognition that they deserved, and some of their aviation discoveries are still being used on aircraft today.听听

Alberto Santos-Dumont聽

(July 20, 1873 鈥 July 23, 1932)聽

Alberto Santos-Dumont聽
San Diego Air & Space Museum Archives / Creative Commons

Alberto Santos-Dumont is regarded as a hero in his native Brazil and heralded as a pioneer of aviation around the world, even though he was ultimately beaten by the Wright brothers in achieving the first powered flight.  

Santos-Dumont’s aviation journey started with airships. He was famed for his Santos-Dumont No. 6 airship, which he flew from Parc Saint Cloud to the Eiffel Tower in a celebrated Parisian race. 

According to the (APS), after his airship escapades, Santos-Dumont turned his attention to heavier-than-air aircraft.听听

On October 23, 1906, at Bagatelle field in Paris, Santos-Dumont achieved Europe精东影业 first officially observed powered flight by traveling around 80 feet.  

A few weeks later, on November 12, 1906, he went even further and flew his aircraft a distance of 772 feet. 

Following his flying marvels, in 1907 Santos-Dumont went on to design and build the Demoiselle, nicknamed 鈥榯he grasshopper鈥.  

The monoplane aircraft精东影业 design was sold around the world and it is often viewed as the frontrunner for the modern light plane.听

Bessie Coleman聽

January 26, 1892 鈥 April 30, 1926聽

Bessie Coleman was the first woman of African American descent to earn her pilot精东影业 license, an incredible achievement given the circumstances of the times in which she lived.  

Born in Atlanta, Texas, on January 26, 1892, she spent much of her youth working in the cotton fields and studying at school.  

But Coleman dreamt big and developed an interest in aviation. She applied to train as a pilot at American flight schools, only to be turned down because of her ethnicity and gender. 

Her luck changed when her brothers returned from the First World War, and she was told that, in France, female pilots were not uncommon.  

Buoyed by this revelation, Coleman saved her earnings and eventually travelled to France, where she was accepted at the Caudron Brothers’ School of Aviation in Le Crotoy.   

On June 15, 1921, she finally achieved her life goal and was certified as a pilot by the .听听

She returned to the US with a spring in her step and secured a job as a stunt pilot. She was nicknamed 鈥楤rave Bessie鈥 and crowds flocked to watch her perform dazzling plane acrobatics.  

On April 30, 1926, she was a passenger on a test flight when the pilot lost control. At just 34 years of age, Coleman fell from the plane and died.  

Today, though, Coleman is heralded as an inspiration and a symbol of what people can achieve when the odds are stacked against them.听听聽

Frank Whittle聽聽

(June 1, 1907 – August 8, 1996)聽

Frank Whittle精东影业 mathematical genius was spotted while he was working as an aircraft apprentice for the British Royal Air Force (RAF).  

He was quickly elevated for officer training, and it was during this time he began to develop ideas for the world精东影业 first turbojet engine.  

Once he graduated, Whittle presented his idea to the UK精东影业 Air Ministry, but he was met with knockbacks and a lack of enthusiasm.  

In January 1930, though, encouraged by a flying officer named Pat Johnson who was formerly a patent examiner, Whittle had his vision of a turbojet engine officially patented.  

On May 15, 1941, the first British jet-powered plane based on Whittle精东影业 design took off from RAF Cranwell and flew for 17 minutes. 

Only weeks before, the German精东影业 own turbojet engine aircraft, Messerschmitt Me 262, had made its maiden flight. 

Consequently, some have argued that German engineer Hans von Ohain was the true founder of the turbojet. However, Whittle精东影业 decision to patent the idea in 1930 ensured that history has recognized him as the first. 

“My interest in jet propulsion began in the fall of 1933 when I was in my seventh semester at Gottingen University,鈥 Ohain said. 鈥淚 didn’t know that many people before me had the same thought.鈥澛

Paul Tibbets聽

(February 23, 1915 鈥 November 1, 2007)聽

Hiroshima atomic bomb crew Paul Tibbets
National Park Service / Creative Commons (Left to right: Major Thomas W. Ferebee, Bombardier; Col. Paul W. Tibbets, Jr. Pilot; Capt. Theodore J. Van Kirk, Navigator; and Captain Robert Lewis)

On August 6, 1945, during the Second World War, US Brigadier General Paul Tibbets was the aircraft captain of the B-29 Superfortress that dropped the atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.听

The atomic weapon, dubbed 鈥楲ittle Boy鈥, dropped from the plane nicknamed Enola Gay after Tibbets鈥 mother, killed between 70,000 and 140,000 people.  

Arguably the mission led by Tibbets was an exercise in cruelty on a colossal scale. Nevertheless, the bombing proved to be a monumental event that triggered the end of a devastating war.  

In a 1989 interview, Tibbets said: 鈥淚 made up my mind then that the morality of dropping that bomb was not my business. I was instructed to perform a military mission to drop the bomb. That was the thing that I was going to do the best of my ability,鈥  

Tibbets added: 鈥淢orality, there is no such thing in warfare. I don’t care whether you are dropping atom bombs, or 100-pound bombs, or shooting a rifle. You have got to leave the moral issue out of it.鈥澛

Charles Yeager聽

(February 13, 1923 鈥 December 7, 2020)聽

American Charles Elwood Yeager, known as Chuck, was a US Air Force officer who became the first pilot to break the speed of sound barrier. 

At the time of achieving the feat, the aviation industry was unsure how an aircraft and the human body would respond to breaking the sound barrier. 

So, when Yeager piloted the Bell X-1 rocket engine-powered aircraft on October 14, 1947, at Mach 1 speed, the Americans were entering unchartered territory.  

Thankfully, Yeager did not vaporize when he broke the sound barrier. Instead, his achievement opened a doorway into a whole new era of flight.听听聽

Neil Armstrong聽

(August 5, 1930 鈥 August 25, 2012)聽

Neil Armstrong

Neil Armstrong was a pilot who rose to become the first man to walk on the moon, thereby inspiring generations to learn how to fly.  

Armstrong grew up in Ohio, where he developed a passion for flying. He gained his pilot精东影业 license in 1947 when he was only 15 years old.  

He subsequently began studying aeronautical engineering at Purdue University in Indiana. Then, during the Korean War, he flew fighter planes from the aircraft carrier USS Essex. 

He joined the in 1962 and made his first spaceflight in March 1966 as command pilot of Gemini 8, the first mission to link two spacecraft together in Earth orbit.听

Three years later, on July 20, 1969, Armstrong reached the pinnacle of his career and made history when the Apollo 11 Lunar Module landed on the moon. 

Armstrong was seen on television by millions around the world as he slowly lowered himself down a ladder onto the dusty surface.  

Famously, he remarked: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.鈥  

Who have we missed? Which other figures from the history of aviation deserve to make the 精东影业 list?聽

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US State Department approves sale of 24 F-35 fighter jets in $5.62 billion deal /articles/state-department-united-states-fighter-jets-czech-republic Fri, 30 Jun 2023 08:39:00 +0000 /?p=77220 The US State Department has approved the potential sale of 24 Lockheed Martin F-35 conventional take-off and landing fighter…

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The US State Department has approved the potential sale of 24 Lockheed Martin F-35 conventional take-off and landing fighter jets.  

The proposed sale of the F-35A, worth up to $5.62 billion, was announced on Thursday, June 29, 2023, and includes a vast array of additional military equipment, ammunition and weapons.听听

Amongst this assortment is 25 Pratt & Whitney F135-PW-100 and 70 AIM-120C-8 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles. 

鈥淭he proposed sale will improve the Czech Republic精东影业 defense capabilities as well as support NATO operations by guarding against modern threats and maintaining a constant presence in the region. The Czech Republic will have no difficulty absorbing these articles and services into its armed forces,鈥 said a spokesperson for the .听

The State Department was keen to stress that the 鈥減roposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region鈥. 

The principal contractors involved will be Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, Raytheon Missiles and Defense and The Boeing Company. 

News began to surface in 2022 that the Czech Republic were considering the replacement of the 14 JAS-39 Gripen C/D fighters with F-35A fighters. 

At the time, the other candidates being considered were the newer Gripen E/F, the Eurofighter Typhoon and the Lockheed Martin F-16V.听听

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