ISS - 精东影业 Aviation news Thu, 27 Jun 2024 10:44:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /images/cropped-logo-sm-32x32.png ISS - 精东影业 32 32 SpaceX wins NASA contract to build deorbit vehicle for space station destruction /articles/spacex-nasa-iss-space-station /articles/spacex-nasa-iss-space-station#comments Thu, 27 Jun 2024 10:44:02 +0000 /?p=98180 Elon Musk精东影业 SpaceX has been awarded an $843 million contract by NASA to design and build the 鈥楿.S.…

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Elon Musk精东影业 SpaceX has been awarded an $843 million contract by NASA to design and build the 鈥楿.S. Deorbit Vehicle鈥 which will bring the International Space Station精东影业 reign in space to an end in 2030. 

The SpaceX spacecraft精东影业 mission will be to deorbit the space station from its location, ensuring that the procedure poses no risks to any populated areas on Earth.听

It is expected that both the International Space Station and the deorbit vehicle will 鈥渄estructively breakup鈥 as part of the re-entry process into the Earth精东影业 atmosphere. 

鈥淪electing a U.S. Deorbit Vehicle for the International Space Station will help NASA and its international partners ensure a safe and responsible transition in low Earth orbit at the end of station operations. This decision also supports NASA精东影业 plans for future commercial destinations and allows for the continued use of space near Earth,鈥 said Ken Bowersox, Associate Administrator for Space Operations Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington.  

Bowersox added: 鈥淭he orbital laboratory remains a blueprint for science, exploration, and partnerships in space for the benefit of all.鈥 

In a statement on (formally known as Twitter) following the announcement on June 26, 2024, SpaceX said it was 鈥渉onored to be entrusted by @NASA to support this critical mission鈥.听听

While SpaceX will develop the deorbit spacecraft, NASA will take ownership after development and operate it throughout its mission.   

The International Space Station (ISS) will eventually be replaced by commercially owned space destinations closer to home. 

Since 1998, space agencies from Europe, Russia, Japan, Canada, and the United States (US) have all managed the ISS and all five are responsible for ensuring it is safely deorbited.  

ISS crew members conduct experiments across multiple disciplines of research, including Earth and space science, biology, human physiology, physical sciences, and technology demonstrations not possible on Earth.   

The launch service provider for the deorbit vehicle will be decided at a later date following a procurement process.听听

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NASA denies ISS medical emergency after SpaceX training drill airs on livestream /articles/nasa-livestream-iss-spacex /articles/nasa-livestream-iss-spacex#respond Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:06:34 +0000 /?p=97448 NASA was forced to deny that a medical emergency broke out onboard the International Space Station (ISS) after…

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NASA was forced to deny that a medical emergency broke out onboard the International Space Station (ISS) after a training drill was accidentally aired on its YouTube livestream.  

Distressing audio was broadcast on the channel which appeared to confirm that an astronaut onboard the ISS was in trouble after suffering from decompression sickness (DCS).听

A female voice could be heard telling people to 鈥済et the commander back in his suit鈥 and for crew members to check for a pulse 鈥渙ne more time鈥. 

鈥淪o, if we could get the commander back in his suit, get it sealed 鈥 for suited hyperbaric treatment 鈥 Prior to sealing, closing the visor, and pressurizing the suit, I would like you to check his pulse one more time,鈥 the female voice said. 

Later the female voice, who was identified as a flight surgeon working at the SpaceX mission control center in Hawthorne, California, said that she was concerned there are 鈥渟ome severe DCS hits鈥 and that the prognosis for the commander was 鈥渞elatively tenuous鈥. 

After concerns for crew members grew on social media, NASA clarified the situation on X (formally known as Twitter) and denied that any real-life emergency had transpired. 

鈥淭here is no emergency situation going on aboard the International Space Station. At approximately 5:28 p.m. CDT, audio was aired on the NASA livestream from a simulation audio channel on the ground indicating a crew member was experiencing effects related to decompression sickness,鈥 NASA confirmed through its ISS social media account.听听

NASA added: 鈥淭his audio was inadvertently misrouted from an ongoing simulation where crew members and ground teams train for various scenarios in space and is not related to a real emergency.鈥 

The agency confirmed that the ISS crew had all been asleep at the time the audio was streamed and unaware of the drama that had unfolded. 

SpaceX later confirmed on X that the simulation was only a test and confirmed that the 鈥渃rew training in Hawthorne is safe and healthy as is the Dragon spacecraft docked to the @space_station鈥.听

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NASA astronauts drop tool bag during spacewalk – and it is now orbiting Earth /articles/nasa-astronauts-drop-tool-bag-during-spacewalk Wed, 22 Nov 2023 14:39:15 +0000 /?p=85692 Two NASA astronauts accidentally dropped their tool bag during a spacewalk, sending the equipment into Earth精东影业 orbit.   The…

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Two NASA astronauts accidentally dropped their tool bag during a spacewalk, sending the equipment into Earth精东影业 orbit.  

The incident occurred on November 1, 2023, when astronauts Jasmin Moghbeli and Loral O’Hara were conducting a spacewalk to perform maintenance on the International Space Station (ISS), specifically repairing a solar panel.听

The tool bag, valued at approximately $100,000, slipped away from the astronauts while they were more than 2,550 miles above Earth, completing a task that involved replacing one of the 12 trundle-bearing assemblies on the ISS Solar Alpha Rotary Joint (SARJ), a critical component for tracking the Sun and generating power for the station.  

Despite the loss of the tool bag, the mission was a success, with Mission Control confirming that the solar array was operational after the bearing replacement. 

The tool bag, now orbiting Earth about 200 miles above the surface, has been classified as space debris with the ID number 58229/1998-067WC. It can be visible to observers on Earth with the aid of telescopes or binoculars.  

This incident, while it does not pose an immediate danger to the ISS or other satellites, has brought attention to the ongoing issue of space debris and its potential impact.  

(FAS), there may currently be more than 170 million pieces of debris in Low Earth orbit (LEO). 

Space debris can refer to any part of a space system no longer in use, from retired satellites to discarded rocket parts or like in this instance, tool bags. As the space industry grows, space debris incidents are expected to become more common, and potentially dangerous. 

The European Space Agency (ESA) had planned to deploy the ClearSpace-1 satellite in 2026 as a 鈥渨orld-first mission鈥 to tackle space debris. However, on August 10, 2023, the payload adapter chosen for this mission was struck and damaged by a piece of space debris.听

NASA has confirmed that the tool bag is expected to remain in orbit for a few months before it descends and disintegrates in Earth’s atmosphere, likely around March 2024. 

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Out of this world: Japanese restaurateur sends ramen into space on SpaceX rocket /articles/japan-sends-ramen-into-space Thu, 16 Nov 2023 09:41:45 +0000 /?p=85097 A restaurant group has partnered with leading Japanese space startup Space BD to launch an unusual payload into…

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A restaurant group has partnered with leading Japanese space startup Space BD to launch an unusual payload into space 鈥 ramen ingredients.  

But the purpose of the launch has nothing to do with delivering food. Instead, the mission精东影业 primary goal is to expose ingredients such as noodles and pork, alongside ramen bowls and other payloads, to cosmic rays for six months at the International Space Station (ISS).听 听

Once the mission is completed, the cosmic-radiated ingredients will be returned to Earth in the fall of 2024 and used to create a special Meteorite Ramen Bowl at a grand event in time for the 2025 Osaka-Kansai International Expo, Japanese ramen chain UNCHI said in a statement released on November 15, 2023.  

Ramen that精东影业 out of this world

The project saw UNCHI精东影业 signature ramen ingredients blast off from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on board SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket, on November 10, 2023, as part of a space delivery project called 鈥楻ETURN to EARTH鈥. 听

In a press release issued by Space BD on October 26, 2023, the Japanese space startup said once the items arrive at the ISS astronauts will attach the payload 鈥渢o an extravehicular platform and expose it to outer space鈥.  

Promotion of UNCHI was also cited as one of the project objectives.   

鈥淭he mission of UNCHI is to change the world with the power of ramen,鈥 UNCHI CEO Takahiro Matsumura was quoted in the Space BD press release.  

鈥淭hrough this project, we will take the lead in bringing more energy to Osaka and the world!鈥 Matsumura added. 听

The payload includes other items from research centers, educational institutions, and private sector companies. Among these are a Masa Hayami art piece and research materials, such as a small simple exposure experiment device (ExBAS).  

According to Space BD精东影业 October press release, the items will also be subjected to space conditions, highlighting the project’s diverse applications ranging from research and development to promotion.   

This is the third time Space BD has transported a variety of items to space under the 鈥淩ETURN to EARTH鈥 project. Previously, the project, which began at the end of 2021, launched payloads, including diamonds, wood, and glue, from a variety of Japanese and international companies into space. 

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NASA postpones two spacewalks due to coolant leak on Russian Nauka module /articles/nasa-postpones-spacewalks-due-to-leak-on-russian-nauka-module Thu, 12 Oct 2023 14:23:16 +0000 /?p=83502 NASA has postponed two International Space Station (ISS) spacewalks scheduled for October 12 and October 20, 2023, after…

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NASA has postponed two International Space Station (ISS) spacewalks scheduled for October 12 and October 20, 2023, after a coolant leak was detected in a radiator on the Russian Nauka multipurpose laboratory module (MLM).听

The leak was noticed during routine checks on October 9, 2023 when the Russian space station laboratory module, Nauka (Science in English) appeared to be leaking coolant from an external radiator. While the leak has since stopped, the cause is currently being investigated.听听

鈥淭eams on the ground continue to investigate the cause of the leak, and additional updates will be made as soon as available,鈥 NASA said in a statement released on October 11, 2023. 

NASA officials also stressed that the backup radiator leak has “no impact on the crew or space station operations” for the time being and said the 鈥減rimary radiator on Nauka continues to work normally鈥. 

The primary coolant used in the ISS is ammonia because of its excellent heat transfer properties and ability to remain in a liquid state over a broad range of temperatures. 

Spacewalking, or extravehicular activity (EVA), on the ISS鈥痠n the presence of a coolant leak, such as ammonia, could pose significant risks. Ammonia is highly toxic to humans, and any contact during a spacewalk could endanger the health of astronauts, necessitating extra precautions.听听

Furthermore, leaked ammonia can still freeze in space, potentially adhering to astronauts’ suits or equipment and posing a risk upon re-entry into the ISS.  

At atmospheric pressure, it has a freezing point of -77.7掳C (-107.8掳F). However, temperatures in the cold recesses of space, particularly in shadowed areas, can fall below this.  

Additionally, the leak can obstruct vision, interfere with equipment, and complicate emergency safety protocols. Given these risks, postponing spacewalks during a coolant leak is a necessary precaution to ensure astronaut safety. 

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Coolant leak from radiator detected on Russia精东影业 Nauka science module at the ISS 听 /articles/coolant-leak-on-russias-nauka-module Tue, 10 Oct 2023 11:18:00 +0000 /?p=83357 The Russian space station laboratory module, Nauka (Science in English) appears to be leaking coolant from an external…

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The Russian space station laboratory module, Nauka (Science in English) appears to be leaking coolant from an external radiator. 

The leak was noticed by both Russian and United States crew members on board the International Space Station (ISS) during routine checks on October 9, 2023.  

The incident was confirmed by NASA space station crew member Jasmin Moghbeli, who reported seeing “flakes outside” and traced the source to an external radiator on the Nauka module, also known as the Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM).  

The external radiator was launched with the Rassvet module in 2010. It was attached to the current Nauka module more than a decade later when it arrived at the ISS in 2021.  

While the exact cause is currently unknown, immediate measures were taken to isolate the leak, ensuring the safety of the crew and the station. 

This is the third coolant leak on the Russian side of the ISS in less than a year. Similar leaks were reported on Russia’s Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft in December 2022 and the Progress MS-21 cargo spacecraft in February 2023.听

Roscosmos acknowledged the leak but stressed that the module itself is operational and there is no urgent cause for alarm. 

鈥淭he main thermal control circuit of the module operates normally and provides comfortable conditions in the living area of the module,鈥 Roscosmos wrote in a statement shared on Telegram on October 9, 2023. 鈥淭he crew and the station are not in danger.鈥 

Launched on July 21, 2021, from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, the Nauka module docked with the ISS on July 29, 2021. 

It was designed to replace the Pirs docking compartment that had been in service since 2001 and was detached from ISS on July 26, 2021, to make way for the Nauka module.  

However, two hours after the Nauka module arrived it mistakenly activated its thrusters forcing the entire ISS to move 45 degrees from position. A SpaceX Dragon freighter was placed on standby in the event that the crew needed to evacuate. Fortunately, astronauts were able to restore the station’s attitude by activating the engines on the Russian part of the ISS.听听

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First cosmonaut rides European Robotic Arm on International Space Station: video /articles/first-cosmonaut-rides-european-robotic-arm Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:55:35 +0000 /?p=79811 Cosmonaut Sergey Prokopyev made history by riding the European Robotic Arm (ERA) during a spacewalk outside the International…

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Cosmonaut Sergey Prokopyev made history by riding the European Robotic Arm (ERA) during a spacewalk outside the International Space Station (ISS) on August 9, 2023.  

Alongside Dmitri Petelin, the duo also successfully installed debris shields to the Rassvet mini-research module. 

The ERA is an 11.3-meter-long engineering marvel, reminiscent of a human arm, with features such as elbows and wrists. The robotic arm assists with tasks outside the ISS, from maintenance to hardware installation, reducing the need for risky spacewalks. 

While there are two other robotic arms used on the ISS, ERA differs with its unique ability to ‘walk’ around the space station, moving hand-over-hand, allowing it to reach areas that are difficult to access. 

The ERA was integrated with the ISS as part of the Nauka (Russian for ‘science’) multi-purpose science module in July 2021. It provides Roscosmos cosmonauts with much-needed robotic assistance as no other robotic arm used in ISS can reach the Russian segment. Before its integration, cosmonauts relied on manual spacewalks for many tasks. 

In July 2022, former chief of Roscosmos banned cosmonauts from using the arm following the European Space Agency () withdrawal from the ExoMars mission due to the Russo-Ukrainian war. 

However, the ban was temporary, and ERA was returned to active service in April 2022. It is commonly used for tasks such as relocating equipment, but for the first time it carried a human aboard.

Roscosmos spacewalker Sergey Prokopyev. Credit: NASA

Prokopyev ventured to the edge of the ERA as the space station orbited about 260 miles above Africa. His mission was to assess the durability and sturdiness of a portable workstation attached to the robotic arm. 

Cosmonaut Andrey Fedyaev operated the ERA from inside the Nauka module, while Petelin accompanied Prokopyev on the spacewalk, monitoring and recording the historic event. 

The successful 40-minute operation showcased the ERA’s potential in transporting astronauts during future spacewalks. 

Riding the robotic arm provides precise positioning, especially in areas difficult to access manually and reach specific locations safely, eliminating the need for lengthy spacewalks. 

Prior to this advancement, Roscosmos cosmonauts on extravehicular activities (EVAs) had to rely on the manually operated ‘Strela’ booms to reach further distances around the ISS.  

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Goodbye, ISS: NASA requests funds for deorbiting module /articles/goodbye-iss-nasa-requests-funds-for-deorbiting-module Tue, 14 Mar 2023 14:43:57 +0000 /?p=70579 NASA plans to spend around $1 billion on a deorbiting tug to bring down the International Space Station…

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NASA plans to spend around $1 billion on a deorbiting tug to bring down the International Space Station (ISS) when it reaches its service life. 

The proposal sees the custom-built spacecraft being used instead of the previous plan to use an existing Russian-made module.  

NASA has issued a request for $180 million to carry out the task in its 2024 , seeking to initiate the development of the tug.听

鈥淭he International Space Station will need to be safely deorbited at the end of its operational life as the United States transitions to lower-cost commercial space stations. Rather than relying on Russian systems that may not be able to accomplish this task, the Budget provides $180 million to initiate development of a new space tug that may also be useful for other space transportation missions,鈥 the proposal read. 

Total development costs for the tug would come in at around $1 billion, Kathy Lueders, NASA associate administrator for space operations, said during a media call following the publication of the proposal, Space News .听

In August 2022 United States President Joe Biden signed an act extending the country精东影业 participation in the ISS program until 2030. 

However, Russia, which owns approximately one quarter of the station, said it plans to exit the project in 2024. 

Recently, a number of issues occurred on the ISS, particularly on its Russian segment, which were said to have been caused by the station精东影业 ageing.  

The ISS, which opened in 2000, was originally intended to have a 15-year lifespan and has undergone a number of life extension programs. 

However, the life of the most expensive project in human history appears to be nearing its end. Several smaller space stations, built by governments and commercial corporations, are slated to take its place.听

Although proposals were put forward to boost the ISS into a higher 鈥減arking orbit鈥 where it could stay almost indefinitely, the most likely scenario is that the station would be deorbited, causing it to fall down and burn up in the atmosphere.听听

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Another coolant leak on a Russian spacecraft docked to ISS /articles/another-coolant-leak-on-a-russian-spacecraft-docked-to-iss Sun, 12 Feb 2023 11:06:28 +0000 /?p=69010 NASA confirmed that coolant leak occurred at a Russian spacecraft, currently docked to International Space Station (ISS).  The…

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NASA confirmed that coolant leak occurred at a Russian spacecraft, currently docked to International Space Station (ISS). 

The spacecraft was identified as Progress 82, a cargo ship which arrived to the ISS in October 2022. 

鈥淭he reason for the loss of coolant in the Progress 82 spacecraft is being investigated. The hatches between the Progress 82 and the station are open, and temperatures and pressures aboard the station are all normal,鈥 NASA精东影业 press explains.听听

鈥淭he crew, which was informed of the cooling loop leak, is in no danger and continuing with normal space station operations,鈥 the release continued. 

The ISS crew, consisting of NASA astronauts and Russian cosmonauts, is investigating the incident. 

This is the second coolant leak at a Russian spacecraft in two months. The previous leak, detected on a Soyuz spacecraft, occurred in mid-December 2022. 

The leak led to the cancelation of a scheduled spacewalk and prompted Russian space agency Roscosmos and NASA to develop plans to evacuate the ISS. 

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Cygnus spacecraft reaches ISS despite issue with solar array /articles/32621-cygnus-spacecraft-reaches-iss-despite-issue-with-solar-array Thu, 10 Nov 2022 14:26:48 +0000 Northrop Grumman精东影业 Cygnus spacecraft has successfully arrived at the International Space Station (ISS) three days after it was…

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Northrop Grumman精东影业 Cygnus spacecraft has successfully arrived at the International Space Station (ISS) three days after it was launched, the manufacturer and NASA have both reported.  

Despite the spacecraft精东影业 solar array malfunctioning after the launch, Cygnus was grabbed by the ISS精东影业 robotic hand and pulled in, delivering 3,748 kilograms (8,265 pounds) of equipment and supplies.  

The spacecraft was launched on November 7, 2022, on an Antares rocket from Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport, Virginia, US.  

The spacecraft精东影业 array of solar batteries should have been deployed around three hours after the launch, providing the vehicle with electricity on its way to rendezvous with the ISS.  

However, just one of its two circular arrays deployed.  

鈥淒uring a rocket stage separation event, debris from an Antares acoustic blanket became lodged in one of the Cygnus solar array mechanisms, preventing it from opening,鈥 vice president and general manager of Tactical Space Systems at Northrop Grumman Cyrus Dhalla is as saying in the company精东影业 press release.  

Despite the difficulties, NASA and Northrop Grumman精东影业 teams managed to successfully rendezvous with the space station and berth the aircraft. It was the 19th launch of the Cygnus and its 18th successful one.  

Developed in the early 2000s, Cygnus is a cargo spacecraft designed to resupply the ISS and replace the Space Shuttle and the Russian Soyuz capsule in this role.  

What differentiates the latest launches of Cygnus is the shift in the spacecraft精东影业 role: with Russia精东影业 space agency Roscosmos announcing plans to pull out of ISS program and threatening to cut off Soyuz missions, Sygnus became the primary option for periodically boosting the station.  

The first successful test of such a mission was performed in June 2022, when the Cygnus conducted a 301-second-long burn of its engines while attached to the ISS, giving the station an altitude boost and ensuring that it remains in orbit.  

According to Northrop Grumman, the latest Cygnus mission can provide the ISS with a boost if such a measure is deemed necessary. The spacecraft will remain with the station for three months, before detaching and burning out in the atmosphere.  

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