NASA - 精东影业 Aviation news Fri, 28 Jun 2024 09:58:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /images/cropped-logo-sm-32x32.png NASA - 精东影业 32 32 ISS astronauts take cover in spaceships as Russian satellite breaks into pieces /articles/iss-astronauts-russia-satellite-nasa /articles/iss-astronauts-russia-satellite-nasa#respond Fri, 28 Jun 2024 09:58:36 +0000 /?p=98214 Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) were forced to take cover in their spaceships when a defunct…

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Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) were forced to take cover in their spaceships when a defunct Russian satellite broke up into more than a hundred pieces while in low Earth orbit 

On June 27, 2024, NASA confirmed that it had instructed crew members stationed on the ISS to 鈥渟helter in their respective spacecraft鈥 after debris from the Russian satellite, RESURS-P1, circulated at an altitude near the station.听听

According to the space agency the order was given around 21:00 Eastern Daylight Time, while mission control was monitoring the debris path. 

Of the nine astronauts on board the ISS, two took sanctuary in the Boeing CST-100 Starliner spacecraft and three inside SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule, while the remainder took cover in the Russian Soyuz capsule.聽

鈥淎fter about an hour the crew was cleared to exit their spacecraft and the station resumed normal operations,鈥 NASA said in a post on X (formally known as Twitter). 

US Space Command also monitored the break-up of the Russian-owned decommissioned satellite.聽

In a statement, Space Command said that it observed 鈥渘o immediate threats鈥 but was nevertheless continuing to conduct assessments to 鈥渟upport the safety and sustainability of the space domain鈥. 

鈥淯SSPACECOM has notified commercial, governmental, Allied and Partner organizations via, to include Russia as the satellite owner,鈥 Space Command said in a statement.  

The cause of the incident is currently under investigation, but there have been widespread concerns in recent years regarding satellite and debris congestion in low Earth orbit.听听聽

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SpaceX wins NASA contract to build deorbit vehicle for space station destruction /articles/spacex-nasa-iss-space-station /articles/spacex-nasa-iss-space-station#comments Thu, 27 Jun 2024 10:44:02 +0000 /?p=98180 Elon Musk精东影业 SpaceX has been awarded an $843 million contract by NASA to design and build the 鈥楿.S.…

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Elon Musk精东影业 SpaceX has been awarded an $843 million contract by NASA to design and build the 鈥楿.S. Deorbit Vehicle鈥 which will bring the International Space Station精东影业 reign in space to an end in 2030. 

The SpaceX spacecraft精东影业 mission will be to deorbit the space station from its location, ensuring that the procedure poses no risks to any populated areas on Earth.聽

It is expected that both the International Space Station and the deorbit vehicle will 鈥渄estructively breakup鈥 as part of the re-entry process into the Earth精东影业 atmosphere. 

鈥淪electing a U.S. Deorbit Vehicle for the International Space Station will help NASA and its international partners ensure a safe and responsible transition in low Earth orbit at the end of station operations. This decision also supports NASA精东影业 plans for future commercial destinations and allows for the continued use of space near Earth,鈥 said Ken Bowersox, Associate Administrator for Space Operations Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington.  

Bowersox added: 鈥淭he orbital laboratory remains a blueprint for science, exploration, and partnerships in space for the benefit of all.鈥 

In a statement on (formally known as Twitter) following the announcement on June 26, 2024, SpaceX said it was 鈥渉onored to be entrusted by @NASA to support this critical mission鈥.听听

While SpaceX will develop the deorbit spacecraft, NASA will take ownership after development and operate it throughout its mission.   

The International Space Station (ISS) will eventually be replaced by commercially owned space destinations closer to home. 

Since 1998, space agencies from Europe, Russia, Japan, Canada, and the United States (US) have all managed the ISS and all five are responsible for ensuring it is safely deorbited.  

ISS crew members conduct experiments across multiple disciplines of research, including Earth and space science, biology, human physiology, physical sciences, and technology demonstrations not possible on Earth.   

The launch service provider for the deorbit vehicle will be decided at a later date following a procurement process.听听

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Boeing reallocates engineering staff to accelerate aircraft deliveries /articles/boeing-reallocates-engineering-staff-to-accelerate-aircraft-deliveries /articles/boeing-reallocates-engineering-staff-to-accelerate-aircraft-deliveries#comments Fri, 21 Jun 2024 07:58:50 +0000 /?p=97879 Reports indicate that Boeing has reallocated its engineering staff to support ongoing commercial development programs and expedite aircraft…

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Reports indicate that Boeing has reallocated its engineering staff to support ongoing commercial development programs and expedite aircraft deliveries. 

According to a memo to program staff first seen by , engineers have been redirected to the 737-7, 737-10, 777-9, and 777-8 freighter programs, shifting away from the experimental X-66A project.聽

The X-66A, also known as the Transonic Truss-Braced Wing (TTBW) demonstrator aircraft, is part of NASA精东影业 Sustainable Flight Demonstrator (SFD) program. Based on a heavily modified McDonnell Douglas MD-90, it features extra-long, thin wings braced by diagonal struts, creating space to 鈥渆ventually accommodate advanced propulsion systems that are limited by a lack of underwing space in today精东影业 low-wing airplane configurations.鈥

The original timeline envisioned the demonstrator’s maiden flight as taking place in 2028, with a production aircraft ready during the following decade. However, this plan might be affected as Boeing works to meet customer commitments. 

“It is critically important that we meet our commitment to customers on 737-7, 737-10, 777-9 and 777-8F and on airplane deliveries,” Boeing said in an emailed statement to .听听

Boeing has reportedly discussed the reassignment plan with NASA, which has offered additional personnel to help maintain progress on the X-66A. 

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NASA denies ISS medical emergency after SpaceX training drill airs on livestream /articles/nasa-livestream-iss-spacex /articles/nasa-livestream-iss-spacex#respond Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:06:34 +0000 /?p=97448 NASA was forced to deny that a medical emergency broke out onboard the International Space Station (ISS) after…

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NASA was forced to deny that a medical emergency broke out onboard the International Space Station (ISS) after a training drill was accidentally aired on its YouTube livestream.  

Distressing audio was broadcast on the channel which appeared to confirm that an astronaut onboard the ISS was in trouble after suffering from decompression sickness (DCS).聽

A female voice could be heard telling people to 鈥済et the commander back in his suit鈥 and for crew members to check for a pulse 鈥渙ne more time鈥. 

鈥淪o, if we could get the commander back in his suit, get it sealed 鈥 for suited hyperbaric treatment 鈥 Prior to sealing, closing the visor, and pressurizing the suit, I would like you to check his pulse one more time,鈥 the female voice said. 

Later the female voice, who was identified as a flight surgeon working at the SpaceX mission control center in Hawthorne, California, said that she was concerned there are 鈥渟ome severe DCS hits鈥 and that the prognosis for the commander was 鈥渞elatively tenuous鈥. 

After concerns for crew members grew on social media, NASA clarified the situation on X (formally known as Twitter) and denied that any real-life emergency had transpired. 

鈥淭here is no emergency situation going on aboard the International Space Station. At approximately 5:28 p.m. CDT, audio was aired on the NASA livestream from a simulation audio channel on the ground indicating a crew member was experiencing effects related to decompression sickness,鈥 NASA confirmed through its ISS social media account.听听

NASA added: 鈥淭his audio was inadvertently misrouted from an ongoing simulation where crew members and ground teams train for various scenarios in space and is not related to a real emergency.鈥 

The agency confirmed that the ISS crew had all been asleep at the time the audio was streamed and unaware of the drama that had unfolded. 

SpaceX later confirmed on X that the simulation was only a test and confirmed that the 鈥渃rew training in Hawthorne is safe and healthy as is the Dragon spacecraft docked to the @space_station鈥.聽

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Boeing’s Starliner return to Earth delayed, new helium leaks discovered /articles/boeing-starliner-nasa-helium-leaks /articles/boeing-starliner-nasa-helium-leaks#respond Wed, 12 Jun 2024 10:44:07 +0000 /?p=97397 NASA astronauts Barry Wilmore and Sunita Williams will spend a few more days aboard the International Space Station…

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NASA astronauts Barry Wilmore and Sunita Williams will spend a few more days aboard the International Space Station (ISS) after it was announced that the earliest Boeing Starliner spacecraft will return to Earth has been rescheduled for June 18, 2024. 

It had been expected the Boeing CST-100 Starliner would return at the earliest from June 14, 2024, but will now be delayed so a spacewalk can be carried out and engineers have more time to 鈥渃omplete system checkouts鈥.聽

“@NASA and @BoeingSpace teams set a return date of no earlier than Tuesday, June 18, for the agency精东影业 Boeing Crew Flight Test. The additional time in orbit will allow the crew to perform a spacewalk on Thursday, June 13, while engineers complete #Starliner systems checkouts,” NASA said on June 9, 2024.  

NASA confirmed astronauts Tracy C. Dyson and Matt Dominick will exit the 鈥渟tation精东影业 Quest airlock to complete the removal of a faulty electronics box, called a radio frequency group, from a communications antenna on the starboard truss of the space station鈥.   

In a mission update from Boeing, it said that the return of CST-100 Starliner from June 18, 2024, was dependent on 鈥減ending weather and spacecraft readiness鈥.聽

Boeing teams are also assessing what impacts, if any, five small leaks in the service module helium manifolds would have on the remainder of the mission. 

NASA previously announced that around 12 hours into Starliner精东影业 mission to ISS on June 5, 2024, that three helium leaks had been detected on board.听听聽聽

The space agency said that one of the leaks had been discussed before launch and it was decided that the mission was safe to proceed with the crew free from danger.    

鈥淓ngineers evaluated the helium supply based on current leak rates and determined that Starliner has plenty of margin to support the return trip from station,鈥 Boeing explained on June 10, 2024.  

The company added: 鈥淥nly seven hours of free-flight time is needed to perform a normal end of mission, and Starliner currently has enough helium left in its tanks to support 70 hours of free flight activity following undocking.鈥 

Engineers are also evaluating an RCS oxidizer isolation valve in the service module that is not properly closed. 

All other oxidizer and fuel valves within the service module were cycled normally, Boeing said.  

鈥淭he suspect oxidizer isolation valve was not cycled in the recent checkout. It will remain commanded closed for the remainder of the mission while ground teams continue to evaluate its data signatures,鈥 Boeing explained in a statement.聽

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First-ever crewed Boeing Starliner launches, new helium leaks cause concerns聽 /articles/boeing-starliner-launch-nasa-helium-leaks /articles/boeing-starliner-launch-nasa-helium-leaks#respond Thu, 06 Jun 2024 09:10:55 +0000 /?p=97115 The first-ever crewed Boeing Starliner has successfully launched into space. However, celebrations have been dampened by the discovery…

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The first-ever crewed Boeing Starliner has successfully launched into space. However, celebrations have been dampened by the discovery of new helium leaks onboard the spacecraft as it travels to the International Space Station (ISS).  

The United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida, on June 5, 2024, at 10:52 local time, with NASA astronauts Barry Wilmore and Sunita Williams strapped inside Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner.听听

After a series of frustrating delays in recent weeks, there was understandably huge relief among all those involved in the mammoth project but around 12 hours into the mission NASA confirmed that three helium leaks had been detected on board Starliner.听听

The space agency said that one of the leaks had been discussed before launch and it was decided that the mission was safe to proceed with the crew free from danger.听听

鈥淭he other two are new since the spacecraft arrived on orbit. Two of the affected helium valves have been closed and the spacecraft remains stable,鈥 NASA said in a statement on social media.  

According to CNN, a conversation between mission control and the astronauts regarding the new leaks was recorded on NASA精东影业 live broadcast. NASA can be heard instructing the two astronauts to shut down two valves.  

鈥淲e have some issues to watch overnight when in regards to the helium leaks that was just brought up, and we have a lot of smart people down here on the ground that are going to take a look at this stuff and keep an eye on it, but the vehicle is in a configuration right now where they鈥檙e safe to fly,鈥 Boeing Aerospace Engineer Brandon Burroughs said on the NASA broadcast.

鈥淭oday’s #Starliner launch is scrubbed as teams evaluate an oxygen relief valve on the Centaur Stage on the Atlas V. Our astronauts have exited Starliner and will return to crew quarters,鈥 NASA wrote. 

ULA added in a separate post: 鈥淯LA Launch Director Tom Heter III has made the decision to the launch team that launch operations will not continue tonight for #AtlasV and #Starliner.鈥 

The Atlas V rocket had been due to launch Boeing精东影业 Crew Space Transportation (CST)-100 Starliner spacecraft with two NASA astronauts, Barry 鈥淏utch鈥 Wilmore and Sunita “Suni” Williams onboard. 

In what will be CFT精东影业 first human launch, the Starliner spacecraft is designed to separate from Atlas V and then use its own thrusters to reach ISS. 

Boeing精东影业 Starliner previously docked with the space station in May 2022, but was uncrewed. 

The mission has faced previous delays including a failed mission in December 2019 when a clock problem caused the spaceship to miss its intended orbit. 

ULA has launched more than 155 missions since its inception.听听

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