
Ryanair CEO issues ultimatum after sixth drone-related airport closure

Michael O'Leary CEO Ryanair issues ultimatum over drones
Alexandros Michailidis / Shutterstock

Dublin Airport (DUB) has suffered its sixth closure within five weeks due to drone activity in the area, according to Ryanair CEO Michael O鈥橪eary.

In a video posted on the Ryanair Twitter account, a visibly frustrated O鈥橪eary called Ireland精东影业 transport minister Eamon Ryan 鈥渋ncompetent鈥.

鈥淪top talking, stop sitting on your hands and do something useful for Irish transport for a change. Instead of holding meetings, fix the drone problem at Dublin Airport,鈥 O鈥橪eary challenged the minister.

The Twitter post read: 鈥淩yanair Group CEO Michael O鈥橪eary calls on Minister @EamonRyan to fix drone closures of Dublin airport or resign鈥︹

A potential drone sighting just before 6.30pm on Thursday, March 2, 2023, forced Dublin Airport to suspend flights.

As a result of the incident, three Ryanair flights were diverted to Shannon Airport (SNN) and Belfast International Airport (BFS).

In a statement said: 鈥淔light operations resumed at 18.59 after a confirmed drone sighting suspended operations at 18.27. @GardaTraffic was immediately advised. 3 flights were diverted discommoding passengers as a result of this reckless & illegal activity of flying a drone within 5km of @DublinAirport.鈥

Flights were last suspended at Dublin Airport on February 21, 2003, after 鈥渋llegal drone activity鈥 was detected in the area.

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