SSJ100 - 精东影业 Aviation news Mon, 08 May 2023 08:56:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /images/cropped-logo-sm-32x32.png SSJ100 - 精东影业 32 32 Russia精东影业 SSJ100 planes will be delivered with second-hand engines: report /articles/32746-uac-deliver-new-ssj-100-powered-by-used-engines Wed, 23 Nov 2022 16:05:07 +0000 Russian airline Azimuth will receive a new Sukhoi Superjet 100 passenger aircraft powered with two “second category鈥 engines,…

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Russian airline Azimuth will receive a new Sukhoi Superjet 100 passenger aircraft powered with two “second category鈥 engines, according to Russian media. 

It will be the first time in the history of the Russian aviation industry that an airline will receive a new SSJ100 regional aircraft, also known as Sukhoi Superjet, with used engines. The decision to equip the jet with used parts is due to the ongoing shortage of spare aircraft parts in Russia. 

Speaking to Kommersant on November 23, 2022, an undisclosed industry source that the single SSJ100 was supposed to be delivered to Azimuth earlier this year, but the plane is now likely to join the air carrier before the end of 2022. According to Kommersant, Rostec, the parent company of United Aircraft Corporation which owns Sukhoi, confirmed the report. 

The engines for the aircraft were taken from an aircraft component pool, a source from the Federal Air Transport Agency of Russia (Rosaviatsiya) confirmed to Kommersant. 

The Russian transport agency had to come up with a solution for drawing up the airworthiness documentation for the aircraft, resulting in a slight delay of the delivery, Kommersant reported. 

The SSJ100 is supposed to be Azimuth精东影业 only new jet with old engines. However, up to 10 more aircraft of the type featuring used engines could be delivered to other customer airlines in 2023.  

In response to Kommersant精东影业 enquiry, Rostec said that the engines installed on the Azimuth plane are 鈥渋n excellent condition鈥. The state corporation said the use of 鈥榮econd-hand鈥 engines will not have an impact on airline精东影业 operations or flight safety as they 鈥渁re reliable鈥. 

Replacement is not certified yet  

The SSJ100 is powered by the SaM146 turbofan engine produced by the PowerJet, a joint venture between France-based aerospace manufacturer Snecma and Russia-based engine developer NPO Saturn.  

However, following Russia精东影业 invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Western countries imposed international sanctions on PowerJet, leading to the production of engines used to power the SSJ100 to be suspended, forcing aircraft manufacturer UAC to find a locally produced replacement. 

The PD-8 high-bypass turbofan, which is based on the larger PD-14 variant developed by Rostec精东影业 subsidiary United Engine Corporation (UEC), seemed to be the best option to replace the SaM146 engine.  

However, Rostec expects to certify the PD-8 in 2023 and start deliveries in 2024. 


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Rostec moves closer to replacing French SSJ 100 engines with Russia-made PD-8 /articles/30973-rostec-moves-closer-to-replacing-ssj-100-engines-with-pd-8 Wed, 11 May 2022 11:42:15 +0000 Russian state conglomerate Rostec has completed the static testing program of the Aviadvigatel PD-8, the new domestic turbofan…

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Russian state conglomerate Rostec has completed the static testing program of the Aviadvigatel PD-8, the new domestic turbofan engine primarily intended to power the Sukhoi Superjet 100. 

The company said the technical characteristics of the engine were confirmed and the calibration of the control systems was completed.  

Due to sanctions placed on Russia following its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Russia精东影业 airlines are expected to run into trouble because they are no longer able to procure Western-made parts and properly maintain aircraft and engines made outside of Russia. 

鈥淔inishing the static tests of the first prototype of the PD-8 is a very important step in the development of the new Russian engine for the commercial aircraft, first of all, for the Superjet 100 with substituted foreign parts,鈥 the deputy CEO  Vladimir Artyakov is quoted as saying in a Rostec press . 

According to Artyakov, the next step is conducting separate tests on different parts of the engine, as well as doing flight tests on the Il-76LL flying laboratory. 

The engine, developed by the Rostec精东影业 subsidiary United Engine Corporation (UEC), is a high-bypass turbofan based on the larger PD-14, which is currently under development as well. 

Roughly comparable to the Pratt & Whitney PW6000, the engine is intended to replace the PowerJet SaM146 developed by a joint venture of France精东影业 Snecma and Russia精东影业 NPO Saturn. 

The PD-8 has been under development for several years now, as was the SSJ New 鈥 a variant of the SSJ 100 with many foreign-made parts set to be replaced by the Russian ones. The aircraft, initially intended to be sold to Iran, has been delayed numerous times. 

However, the new sanctions accelerated its development, with up to 97% of imported components of the SSJ 100 now slated for replacement. Initially, only around 45% of the components of the aircraft were due to be manufactured in Russia. 

Rostec expects to certify the PD-8 in 2023 and start deliveries in 2024. 

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UTair to bring back previously retired Yak-40 and Yak-42 aircraft – reports /articles/30879-utair-to-bring-back-yak-40and-yak-42-aircraft-reports Fri, 29 Apr 2022 11:16:38 +0000 Russian airline UTair will acquire and bring back into service previously retired Yakovlev Yak-40 and Yak-42 aircraft.  The…

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Russian airline UTair will acquire and bring back into service previously retired Yakovlev Yak-40 and Yak-42 aircraft. 

The aircraft will serve on regional flights instead of new Sukhoi Superjet 100, which were ordered by the company but have not yet been received.  

The news was first by Russian Telegram channel Baza, which regularly posts insider information from the country精东影业 governmental institutions.  

Multiple Russian news sources, including newspapers and , also reported the claim adding that they were unable to independently confirm the news and that UTair have not responded to a request for comment. 

According to Baza, UTair has already signed a leasing agreement for two Yak-42s. The airline allegedly plans to acquire 20 aircraft in total and is mostly interested in the long-range modification Yak-42D.  

The sources also said that the jets will be brought back from storage and refurbished.  

Established in 1991, UTair used a number of Yak-40s and Yak-42s since the early 1990s. The airline retired the last of these aircraft in 2019. It is unknown whether the airline will be reacquiring aircraft from its original fleet. 

In 2011, UTair ordered 24 SSJ100s, however, due to the company精东影业 financial problems, the order has been cancelled. The company began to rent several Superjets in 2018 but ceased operating the aircraft soon after. 

The airline currently operates Boeing 737 and 767s, as well as ATR 72 turboprops. Following Russia精东影业 invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, UTair, like the rest of Russian airlines, refused to return its aircraft to foreign lessors. However, due to Western sanctions forbidding the maintenance and sale of parts, it is unclear how long the aircraft will be able to remain operational. 

According to Baza, UTair tried to acquire a new batch of SSJ100s, but was unable to do so owing to the lack of aircraft and their spare parts on the market.  

Yak-40 is a three-engine regional jet with a passenger capacity of 42 seats produced in the Soviet Union between 1967-1981. Yak-42 is its stretched variant, with the capacity of up to 120 seats, and was produced between 1979-2003.  

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Russia精东影业 transport minister criticizes 鈥榠neffective鈥 domestic aircraft programs /articles/30574-russias-transport-minister-criticizes-domestic-aircraft Thu, 24 Mar 2022 11:34:17 +0000 Russian Transport Minister Vitaly Savelyev heavily criticized a number of Russian-made commercial aircraft, including the Sukhoi SSJ100, the…

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Russian Transport Minister Vitaly Savelyev heavily criticized a number of Russian-made commercial aircraft, including the Sukhoi SSJ100, the Ilyushin Il-96 and the Tupolev Tu-204, calling into question the future of some of these aircraft. 

In a , Savelyev said that the three jets are commercially ineffective, and that inability to procure Western-made parts may have a large impact on the operations of the SSJ100, currently Russia精东影业 main aircraft for international flights. 

The monologue came as an answer to criticism expressed by a senator of Russia精东影业 Federal Council Ivan Abramov, during a Committee on Economic Policy of the Russian Federation Council meeting. While the meeting was broadcasted live, Savelyev精东影业 critical remarks were not included in the recordings of the meeting distributed by Russian media.  

In the meeting, Abramov said that a lot of hope has been placed in, and a lot of money had been allocated to Russian domestic aircraft production programs. However, the programs had stalled. 

Savelyev responded that neither the Ministry of Transport nor Russian airlines are responsible for the problems with domestic aircraft manufacturing, and the question should be directed at the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade (Minpromtorg), which did not procure the aircraft in time and did not ensure against the presence of foreign-made components.  

鈥淵es, Sukhoi Superjet is not a very effective airplane from the point of view of commerce. But how many Sukhois does Aeroflot have? Seventy-six. And how many did Aeroflot order? One hundred and fifty. And when did we order them? One hundred of them 鈥 back in 2018, in Vladivostok, together with the President Putin. Tell me, where are the rest of the aircraft?鈥 Savelyev said. 

鈥淲hat is the main problem of the Sukhoi Superjet? We are flying 148 Sukhois, we took them and started flying everywhere. But the part of imported components in them is huge. And their engines are made by Snecma. What happens if they malfunction? How do we change them? Yes, we have the PD-8 [engine 鈥 精东影业], it was developed by Minpromtorg, great. But it is going to enter service only in 2023, and I can鈥檛 rush them, because of safety. That精东影业 why this question has to be directed to Minpromtorg,鈥 Savelyev added. 

The SSJ100, also known as Sukhoi Superjet 100, remains the only Russian commercial aircraft to be produced in large quantities. However, its deliveries have deviated from the original plans. In addition, a number of programs aiming to reduce the part of Western-made components in the aircraft failed to have the impact the Russian government had hoped for. For example, the SSJ New variant, which was intended to reduce the number of such parts, still has almost 50% of its components manufactured outside of Russia. 

Savelyev also criticized other domestic aircraft programs, particularly the wide-body Ilyushin Il-96 and the narrow-body Tu-204. 

鈥淭he Il-96. Yes, it is not competitive. Aeroflot had six of them, they had been flying for over 20 years, we said goodbye to them. They were not competitive, just like the Tupolev Tu-204. They were flying, they were being manufactured, but they consumed lots of fuel. The cost of fuel constitutes 33% of the ticked price, so the price of their tickets goes through the roof,鈥 Savelyev said. 

However, the manufacturing of these aircraft will continue, according to Savelyev. Previously, Russia精东影业 Deputy Prime Minister Yury Borisov said that the government was looking into ramping up the production of both the Il-96 and the Tu-204 (as a modernized Tu-214). 

鈥淣ow, under my protection, we are going to take five aircraft: two Il-96 freighters and three Il-86s. They will be finished, they have been staying unfinished at the plant in Voronezh. And we will fly them,鈥 Savelyev said. 

Production of both the Tu-214 and the Il-96 has been slow, with only several aircraft manufactured every few years. In 2015, a new version of the Il-96, the Il-96-400M, was announced. However, it was cancelled in 2021.  

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鈥楽lightly damaged鈥: Russian firm puts crashed SSJ100 on sale online /articles/29506-slightly-damaged-russian-firm-puts-crashed-ssj100-on-sale Fri, 19 Nov 2021 20:11:11 +0000 RAD, a Russian auction house, has put a damaged airliner on a classified advertisements website, hoping to sell…

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RAD, a Russian auction house, has put a damaged airliner on a classified advertisements website, hoping to sell a no-longer-airworthy plane. 

The aircraft 鈥 a Sukhoi SSJ100, registered as RA-89011 鈥 belonged to Yakutia Airlines. According to, it delivered in 2012, although the lists it as 鈥渕anufactured in 2008鈥.  

In October 2018, during a landing at Yakutsk Airport (YKS) the aircraft suffered a runway excursion which led to a landing gear collapse. Later investigation revealed that incorrect ATC data was to blame.

Several passengers were hospitalized with light injuries. Russian aviation news website that the aircraft sustained vertical acceleration of 4.39 G at the moment of impact with a concrete structure at the end of the runway. to Aviation Safety Network, an investigation revealed significant damage to the aircraft精东影业 fuselage and landing gear, as well as fuel leak. The aircraft was deemed damaged beyond repair, and had to be written off. 

It is unclear how the airframe found its way to the hands of the RAD auction house. The advertisement was created on November 15, 2021, on website. According to the RAD profile, the company also offers over 130 cars and trucks of various models, and has a rating of 1.7 stars out of 5.

The advertisement for the SSJ 100 says that the aircraft is in an emergency condition, and cannot be restored to flyable condition. Numerous low-quality photos reveal the extent of the damage, including bent landing gear struts and mangled sections of the skin.

The listed price is 77,248,334 Russian rubles, or slightly over $1 million. The location is marked as Yakutsk, and no information in regards to shipping is provided.

SSJ100 for sale
‘Sukhoi Superjet aircraft 
100RRJ95B. 77,248,334 rubles’. Advertisement on

The Sukhoi SSJ100, also known as Sukhoi Superjet and Superjet 100, is a regional airliner introduced in 2011. The aircraft can carry between 87 and 103 passengers and has a maximum range of 4,578 kilometers (2,472 nautical miles).

Yakutia Airlines currently has 5 SSJ100s in its inventory, although 鈥 according to Radarbox 鈥 only 2 aircraft are currently active. 

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SAA successor goes all-in on Russian SSJ100 /articles/27942-saa-successor-goes-all-in-on-russian-ssj100 Mon, 17 May 2021 12:46:58 +0000 Skylink Airways aims to fill a vacuum left by South African Airways (SAA) and become the first Sukhoi…

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Skylink Airways aims to fill a vacuum left by South African Airways (SAA) and become the first Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) operator in Africa.

The company was established by entrepreneur Clarence Andrea Steyn, who laid out the plan in an with Aero Telegraph.听

According to the founder, the airline already found potential investors from both Russia and South Africa and started hiring ex-SAA personnel.听

South African Airways (SAA) has been in deep financial trouble for years, and despite recent talks of restructuring and new investments, the company has stopped operations in 2020 and laid off a significant part of its workers.

Steyn said Skylink Airways (not to be confused with Canadian SkyLink Aviation and SkyLink Express) should fill the gaps left by the SAA and have bases in Cape Town and Johannesburg.听

The company also aims to cooperate closely with Russian aircraft manufacturer Sukhoi. Special headquarters in Moscow are going to be established for this reason and plans for long-haul flights between South Africa and Russia are on the table.

For the nearest future, Skylink aims to start operations in September 2022 and fly mostly to South African destinations, as well as several neighboring countries.

It will operate two Embraer E190s and ten SSJ100 regional airliners. Of the latter aircraft, five planes are going to be purchased and five leased.

Unwanted by foreign airlines

Superjet 100, also known as SSJ100, is a regional aircraft manufactured by Sukhoi, a subsidiary of Russian United Aircraft Corporation (UAC). Introduced in 2011 and marketed heavily towards the international market, it became known for its many controversies.听

All western airlines that operated it had reported troubles with the supply of spare parts, leading to CityJet and Brussels Airlines 鈥 the only western European carriers to operate the jet 鈥 dropping it from their lineup. Mexican Interjet, the remaining operator, had also experienced significant problems with maintenance of the Russian aircraft, before shutting down in late 2020 due to financial troubles.听

Since then, the SSJ100 has only been employed by Russian airlines and various governmental bodies, such as Royal Thai Air Force and Kazakh government.听


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Superjet 100 crash: accused pilot blames manufacturer /articles/24942-superjet-100-crash-accused-pilot-blames-manufacturer Thu, 07 May 2020 00:05:00 +0000 A year after the ill-fated Aeroflot Superjet-100 flight from Moscow to Murmansk, the accident is still surrounded by…

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A year after the ill-fated Aeroflot Superjet-100 flight from Moscow to Murmansk, the accident is still surrounded by the veil of speculation and controversy. What happened on May 5, 2019 鈥 was it the aircraft defect, the lack of training for the flight crew, or a series of pilots鈥 mistakes that had led to the crash?

While the investigation still awaits its final results, the preliminary report indicated it was the SSJ-100 captain精东影业 mistakes that led to the fatal crash-landing. Now, the captain, Denis Evdokimov, spoke up for the first time, sharing his account of events in an interview with Russian media Lenta.

Pilot accused of violations, first reports prove otherwise

Hit by lightning shortly after takeoff, the SSJ-100 aircraft was heading towards Murmansk Airport (MMK) from Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport (SVO), when it lost all radio communication. As pilots attempted an emergency landing, the back of the aircraft ignited, resulting in the deaths of 41 passengers out of 78 people on board. 

The publication on May 17, 2019, by Russian state news agency RIA, to the findings that proved a pilot mistake. By an array of examples, starting from the excess of an aircraft landing mass to not releasing brake flaps during the emergency landing, it showed that pilots had not followed standard landing procedures. 

The carrier Aeroflot, however, shed the light to a different narrative, all information about possible violations by the flight crew. That version was partially supported by the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAK) on June 5, 2019, when the organization had recommendations to the design of the aircraft as well as training for pilots.

In December 2019, the Investigative Committee accused the captain, Denis Evdokimov, of violating traffic safety and operation of transport vehicle laws. The captain is currently staying on his own recognizance, pleaded not guilty. 

Human mistake or manufacturer精东影业 fault?

In his with Lenta, the captain of the 1492 Aeroflot flight Denis Evdokimov said that the pet-project of Russian aircraft manufacturer Sukhoi had failed to comply with the standards in the first place. 

鈥淚f the manufacturer had finished the aircraft on time, aviation incidents of this kind would not have been repeated,鈥 Evdokimov claimed. The captain believes it was the faulty Superjet 100 design that had an impact on aircraft performance and safety. 

Emerging repeatedly, the Superjet defects had first shown up at the International Paris Air Show in 2012 and were followed by several more cases in 2018 (flight tests at Zhukovsky International Airport and during landing in Yakutsk), according to the pilot. All of those cases were similar, united by the same defect: the fuel tank was damaged by the undercarriage, resulting in a fuel leak. Only by pure luck, none of the incidents had led to casualties, reckons Evdokimov. 

In January 2020, deputy chairman of the Investigative Committee Igor Krasnov the 鈥渦nlawful actions鈥 of Evdokimov the direct cause of the Aeroflot plane crash. The chairman indicated that the rough landing had been performed with excessive speed. That and vertical overload made the plane bounce three times and hit the runway, breaking the main landing gear, which consequently led to the ignition of the fuel. 

Given the plane was bouncing three times, carrying out a go-around after the first time it happened could be an option, as suggested by the instruction. Why didn鈥檛 the captain go in for it? 

鈥淭he go-around was impossible due to the aircraft精东影业 reaction to the control actions. An increase in the engines鈥 operating mode to the level of take-off gives a very strong increment in the converting moment, which, if the reaction to the control action had been the opposite, would have led to a nose buried into the runway or a fall on the tail. In both cases, I鈥檓 sure everyone would have died鈥︹, Evdokimov answered.

Weather conditions: was the lightning strike a pivot moment? 

When asked about the importance of meteorologic conditions of the case, Evdokimov admits that lightning was not a direct cause of the accident. However, it did disable the remote control system of the Superjet. 

The remote control system on the Superjet is completely electric, that is, it does not have redundant mechanical communication between the steering controls鈥, explains Evdokimov. 鈥淣either the investigation authorities nor the was interested in the fact that atmospheric electricity had affected the aircraft, and there is simply not a word about this in the case file, except for the testimonies of passengers and crew members鈥. 

The captain expressed his deep condolences to people who lost their relatives and who suffered in the disaster. 

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